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Everything posted by gloomseeker

  1. It's not, Fallout was better even back when BG came out. #FalloutForLife THIS. BG was a fine adaptation of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition but it was never in the same league as Fallout 1 as a computer RPG. The redeeming feature when it came to BG was summed up in the Nietzsche quote i.e. that it was the Evil within and not the evil(s) without that really mattered. Other than that it was a rather by the numbers AD&D2 experience (which isn't a bad thing mind you) but certainly nothing to be raving about twenty years later if you had any experience playing pen and paper RPGs back in the 90s. With that being said I've been replaying BG while waiting for Deadfire to reach its full potential and it does bring back memories but it's certainly not flawless (if anything I'm enjoying it because of some of its quirks). What I really don't get is people who are putting The Witcher 3 on the same level though because that game is a glorified adventure game and doesn't provide much in the way of actual roleplaying. It's certainly not a bad game but despite some great atmosphere it has some pretty mediocre combat and some terrible level gating that (unfortunately) seems to become the norm in open world games. They could have gone without any levelling at all and the game would have been much better for it if you ask me but I guess they really wanted that RPG tag on their game. Comparing a third person consolised game like the Witcher 3 to some isometric CRPGs like BG and PoE seems a bit off to me but I don't expect most people to agree.
  2. Fallout 2 had some pretty good voice acting in French (I remember because I had the misfortune of being stuck with a localised version before getting my hands on a UK version of the game). Sure the narrator wasn't Ron Perlman but he did a fine job and the French Myron was actually pretty good as well.
  3. Yeah, for me too, the old IE way is still the best possible ^^. I never enjoyed combat in any RPG as much as i did in BG1 and BG2. Probably because i never abused mechanics when possible. If i had the courage to find a way to try to install anew BG Trilogy with some other mods without destroying the install, i would rather play BGT once more, rather than Pillars. And when it came to resources management, priests were the best. I miss the old health system and priests healing outside combat so much, it hurts . Give Big World Setup a go. I'm replaying BG myself and compared to regular Trilogy or Tutu (which I used to play BG with) the Big World thingy is incredibly easy to use. Oh? Is it possible to install mods like Secret of Bonehill or 1Pixel Productions on top of it? I have quite the list of mods i would like to install. But i always ended up with a broken install. Et ce, malgré l'aide que j'ai trouvée sur les forums de la "Couronne de Cuivre" ^^ You can always try, Big World will list incompatibilities so it's probably your best bet to get a working modded game. Plus it's a pretty convenient tool. Tu devrais essayer!
  4. Yeah, for me too, the old IE way is still the best possible ^^. I never enjoyed combat in any RPG as much as i did in BG1 and BG2. Probably because i never abused mechanics when possible. If i had the courage to find a way to try to install anew BG Trilogy with some other mods without destroying the install, i would rather play BGT once more, rather than Pillars. And when it came to resources management, priests were the best. I miss the old health system and priests healing outside combat so much, it hurts . Give Big World Setup a go. I'm replaying BG myself and compared to regular Trilogy or Tutu (which I used to play BG with) the Big World thingy is incredibly easy to use.
  5. I personally use Paint.net to resize the picture but Gimp is another option. Both are free.
  6. The movement stuttering you mention seems a bit odd to me. In my experience the pathfinding has been tremendously improved in Deadfire. With that being said ship battles are not fun and the whole minigame is more of a chore that can be bypassed easily when it could have been a nice addition.
  7. The "Clé saturnée" is actually a pretty good idea. Nice find. I heard in France you try to avoid the english language as much as possible. I wonder how you did it in the Pirates of the Carribean movies. In Germany most of the terms (Like "Black Pearl" for example) were kept in english language, with a few exceptions. How's it in France? Dungeons & Dragons used to be Donjons & Dragons when I was a kid but these days it's just Dungeons & Dragons. It costs less not to translate these terms as they are trademarks. It's my understanding things are not exactly the same in Canada.
  8. Nice find. I don't have the time to take a crack at it myself (and I'd probably botch it) so let's hope someone feels inspired by this pic.
  9. This is not true. Although I agree that it is generally best to translate into your first language, this is by no means a rule. I, for instance, have translated quite a lot of stuff into English, which is not my first language. This may not be true abroad, but in France, in translator studies, it's what you learn. Whether something is true or not does not depend on the country where you are. If this is what is taught in France, it doesn't make it true. It may also be the first rule in professional translation in France, which is fine with me, but even this does not make it true. (I would go so far as to argue that any proper discipline should also encourage its students to question the discipline itself, just to keep themselves from becoming too dogmatic.) It's perfectly sensible to start with the idea that translations should be done into one's native language. But translating into other languages, too, is not only a possibility, it is also something that people do incredibly well. But, I agree, this is slightly off-topic. For the record I'm French and what my compatriot says is true. In order to gain employment in France you have to translate in your native tongue. I personally think it is stupid because in order to translate accurately you first need to fully understand the original (and yes context is key). Charles Baudelaire did such a magnificent job translating Edgar Allan Poe's stories that they are probably even more enjoyable in French than in the original English (but a genius translating the work of another genius is a truly unique situation). Back on topic in all likelihood the translators who did the job here probably didn't get any context and most of them were probably freelance translators. It's all a matter of managing costs and frankly there is nothing remotely glorious about a gig like that.
  10. I very seriously doubt the translator gets paid well. Of course we will have to define what "well" means here. Is it well for Tokyo, Reykjavik, Helsinki and London, or is it well for Delhi, Mogadishu, Lima and Hampton Roads, Virginia? In all likelihood they probably get less than 10 cents a word (perhaps even as little as 4 cents) which is not that great if you take into account taxes and all that (France being what it is).
  11. When it comes to videogames translations are usually made by people who are paid very little money and never get enough time to do a decent job. In France anyone can work as a translator which only makes matter worse. Even AAA games get terrible French translations so if you're proficient in English you're better off playing in the original (to a lesser degree this also applies to English speaking movies). Last but not least the most irritating thing is that most French games are actually made in English first and that even applies to a game like Assassin's Creed Unity. The only French speaking games I know that are actually made in French first are Shiness the Lightning Kingdom and Aurion Legacy of the Kori Odan (a very nice game from Cameroon). On an unrelated note the only nice thing I have to post about French localisations is that Michael Mando did the voice acting for Vaas in Far Cry 3 in both English and French.
  12. Reaching the level cap happens rather quickly if you don't focus on the main quest and look around a bit. It wouldn't make sense not to have a level cap increase with the DLC which doesn't mean to say that you can't have a challenge (which is basically what White March did for POE1, i.e. more levels but also more high level foes).
  13. The whole balancing act is the reason why it took me years to fully play PoE1. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against fine tuning a game but if my build gets turned on his head halfway through it tends to put me off from playing this particular game quite a bit.
  14. QFT. Also PoE is not D&D. If the people like the OP prefer D&D that's perfectly fine but there is no reason to bad mouth people who don't feel obligated to narrow their gaming universe to only one interpretation (and in all fairness there is room in D&D for a lot more magic depending on the particular setting).
  15. If you can't see the difference between a Mage and a Fighter in Deadfire then I'm afraid it's not the game that is at fault. You take a very narrow view of what magic is supposed to be and for that reason alone you can't expect everyone to agree with you. There is no reason why there can't be different types of magic or that the nerdy latin magic that you love can't exist in the same universe with shamanic powers, runic warriors or any other type of magic. When it comes to roleplaying games the only limiting factor is imagination. That's true of pen and paper games and to a lesser extent that's also true of computer games. Also you must be new to these games if you really believe that powergaming is something that the "new generation" came up with. Last but not least, as a guy in his 40s I can tell you that it's not a question of age but a question of open mindedness. If you don't like what the game has to offer it's fine, but bad mouthing people who do or the game developers is way out of line. Just because people don't abide by your own restrictions and self imposed limitations doesn't mean that they're not roleplaying or using the powers of their imagination (it's quite the opposite actually).
  16. Agreed. Builds that only achieve their potential by the time the game is over are probably pointless. In BG2 some powergaming builds only worked because there were ways to get around some limitations. There is a reason why to these days so many people keep raving about Kensai dualled to Mage or Thief but do not have anything to say about the lower level Kensai single class in BG1. Now when it comes to Deadfire as far as I know the main reason to take a single class is to unlock the bottom of the skill tree a bit sooner. I've only played the game once and I had doubts about some of my choices as I first believed I had made a mistake going for a multiclass main but with hindsight my understanding is that you lose some high level abilities but you have a lot to gain by going for a multiclass character. Sure, they take a little bit longer to get into their own but they provide many more options if you accept the trade off. In my case that was giving up on Heart of Fury with my Barbarian in exchange for all these Fighter abilities that helped me throughout the game.
  17. After my first run through Deadfire I've been replaying BG and NWN2 (among other things) and there are some instances of American accents but they're not too obvious; with the exception of the High-strung Evangelist soundset which was probably meant as a joke and of course Imoen who sounds like a California girl. With that being said it's probably a question of context, when I played Mass Effect Andromeda I was slightly taken aback by some of the aliens having an Australian accent. There was an explanation for that but it was indeed a bit odd and for the record it's not the accent as I'm totally fine with characters having such an accent in Mad Max.
  18. The Devil of Caroc couldn't change armours and it worked pretty well, no reason they couldn't implement something similar for a non standard sidekick.
  19. Just go for it if that's your thing. Bear in mind that it will lock you out of certain quests so the advantage of doing that may be short term. In all fairness there are more evil things to do than just slaughtering people IMHO but I won't blame you as I did complete my first run with a Watcher who took what he wanted when he wanted and didn't ask for permission from anyone. Sometimes it feels good to just let go. Putting points in Intimidation helps with roleplaying a murderous bastard.
  20. It's the actual fighting that matters. You can't unlock the achievement without attacking the crew.
  21. thats kinda my point. that having multiplayer in those old games did not kept single players like u from playing it, but will bring a lot more ppl in. and the game not be revolve around multiplayer to be multiplayer. Fair enough. Call me a pessimist but I don't believe people who have no interest in playing a single player isometric RPG would be dying to play the same game if it featured multiplayer. The way I see things (and I may be wrong) people who enjoy these games and like playing with friends would enjoy a mutliplayer experience but people who just like playing with friends would probably find a game that is less story driven more appealing (after all there is no denying that multiplayer is a big part of the appeal of action RPGs like Diablo and such).
  22. For the record I've been playing these games since BG came out so I'm what you may call an old school fan and I've never played multi or coop nor do I have any interest in doing so. The story in BG revolved around the Bhaalspawn and in Pillars it revolves around the Watcher which means that if you're going to play with friends they're going to be stuck playing sidekicks. Having a multiplayer element in IWD and NWN made more sense. Don't get me wrong I don't really care if coop is in as long as it doesn't impact the single player experience. I just wanted to point out that many original fans probably never played these games for the multiplayer (it certainly didn't help that nineteen years ago the internet wasn't what it is today).
  23. It would have been better than what we have now that's for sure because once you figure out that it all boils down to closing the gap in order to be able to board the enemy ship then shooting and fancy sailing become nothing more than a waste of time.
  24. Plus if you only take in consideration Steam sales you leave every other outlets out of the picture. Places like Green Man Gaming, the Humble Store, Win Game Store, Fanatical or Gamers Gate. And there is also GOG as well.
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