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Everything posted by gloomseeker

  1. I've been playing a Barbarian merc in PoE (loosely based on Boeroer's Golden Dragon) so it's only logical to take him over to Deadfire. I will probably turn him into a Brute (Barbarian/Fighter) with a sword and shield style. Should be fun.
  2. Unfortunately I can't comment on the 920M but considering the mileage I'm getting out of my 960M I really doubt that Deadfire is going to be a problem. EDIT: I did a quick search online and I'm afraid the 920M looks a bit underpowered even for a laptop so you may have to use lower settings... In any case fingers crossed!
  3. If it means that pathfinding won't be such an issue then I'm all for it. Reducing the party size did work in Tyranny although it did lower the scale of battles a bit too much IMHO. But yeah, six is the sweet number. Too bad we have to lose a spot.
  4. Pleasantly surprised that preload is live. Looks like downloading the game to play on the 8th won't be too much of a problem. Yeah. I'm starting to realise my mistake. :D Indeed, you can't win.
  5. This may sound a bit obvious but you only play a game for the first time once. I've been replaying Infinity Engine games for years and truth is by now I know all there is to know about them (well, almost, my memory isn't what it used to be so sometimes I forget a few details) and it's just not the same considering the sense of discovery that comes from playing a game for the very first time. I will even go further and say that it may be best to play on Expert mode the first time so you don't know what triggers dialogue checks and can actually choose a line for RPing reasons.
  6. The way I work on the watercolor ones, which is by all means not perfect, is: 1. Adding the two layers, one the character and one the watercolor background. I crop the character model out by using an eraser. 2. Choosing the multiply option for the layer merge tool on paint.net 3. Tuning the brightness and contrast 4. Then poster filter (Photoshop) or ink drawing in paint.net (not as good as photoshop's filter, but I refuse to buy photoshop ). How it comes out depends on the style of the drawing, sometimes the sharpen tool from paint.net helps add definition to at least give enough material for the poster filter to do its magic. 5. Then cleaning up with the stamp tool. Extra unwanted lines or over exaggeration of dark circles. (1-3 I do cause it's the easiest for me in terms of matching the color of the character to the background) There are some really talented ppl on this forum and I think previous pages in the potrait forum give some tips :} I learned a lot from trying to emulate their style and approach for my character potraits. Thanks for the pointers, this is really helpful especially as I've been stumbling my way through pain.net (I'm no artist so I'm not investing in photoshop either). I've been trying to apply these guidelines to the picture I've been using for my last guy in PoE: I've actually found the original online: https://img00.deviantart.net/e235/i/2013/228/6/6/geena_by_omupied-d6iek8y.jpg (I didn't know it was from devianart as I must have nabbed it from a portrait collection for Baldur's Gate) In any case here is what I've managed to accomplish with paint.net (it's far from perfect and it's certainly a bit rough but it looks serviceable enough and will have to do):
  7. This is a pretty cool portrait aeonc, hopefully someone will be able to help you out. I'm still struggling with the intricacy of turning a perfectly fine custom portrait into a somewhat passable watercolour thingy with very little success if I dare say so.
  8. I tend to move around quite a bit and I doubt I'm the only one so having the possibility to preload does make a difference when stuck without access to high speed internet.
  9. Just wanted to drop by and thank you for sharing the build with the community. I was looking for some inspiration to build a character who would be both durable and fun to play (especially when it comes to covering dialogue checks) and this one fits the bill very nicely. I'm playing through the game to prepare for Deadfire and enjoying my tank of a Barbarian quite a lot (and I usually don't like tanks). Cheers Boeroer!
  10. Considering the 8th is the celebration of the end of WW2 in Europe and the 10th is a Christian Holiday, I thought I'll take the 9th off as well just to be safe!
  11. I'm late to the party but I wish to thank you guys for posting these. It would be impossible for a straggler such as myself to be able to catch up in anticipation of the release of Deadfire in less than a week!
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