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Everything posted by Tale

  1. There is also Grand Theft Auto Vice City and San Andreas that allow you to do that. Those two being CRPGs.
  2. Yeah, Chrome is called Chrome still in the US.
  3. You end up getting contacted by a little girl sometime after She'll lead you to another area with a very short quest that'll give it to you.
  4. Choosing Malk is never a mistake. If you want to replay with a different character, just choose a malk of a different gender! I also had progression problems due to my path. So, I just said "fudge it" and cheated. My guy became good at everything.
  5. There's no reason for a save to be dependent upon texture resolution. It's not saving your textures.
  6. How would you actually tear down the wall? I'm not sure they have wrecking balls.
  7. You can. If you go evil.
  8. Or that there is a god and he hates hippies. You are aware that San Diego is, like, 99.99999999999% Republican, right? Personally, I blame Utah. That's where the weather map showed the big ol' high-pressure "H". Blame Utah! Hey, lots of hippies got rich off the .com era.
  9. Unreal Tournament with a story? This is madness! This is blasphemy! THIS IS SHOEHORN!
  10. When have I ever said anything bad about Mass Effect? As for whether it is sci-fi or Fantasy, I've seen hints in both directions. The claim of what the theme is leans heavily towards Sci-Fi, however the main character develops magic powers. No telling for me, at this point, how much a role those powers play into the themes and story of the game. It's definitely a co-mingling, but towards which area of speculative fiction it leans most is not something I can point out as of yet.
  11. Is that a challenge?
  12. Tale

    Holy crap, a second post!

  13. Do not worry Omelette. I'm here to protect you from these heathens!

  14. Those water snakes, or whatever, do indeed look amazing. The story sounds uninspired, but the setting sounds neat. I'll have to see how much they're charging for it.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantasy If wikipedia is not to your liking. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fantasy Star Wars does not elaborate or explore science or technology enough to truly be considered Sci-Fi. KOTOR goes all out and does little else but explore the supernatural aspects of the setting. An MMO of it would be only cosmetically different from the fantasy MMOs. We'd still have everyone running around with swords, wizards casting spells, and all that nonsense. Only the castles would look grey and shiny and instead of flying the griffin to a mountain named Blackrock to fight an old god, we'll fly a ship named Griffin to an asteroid named Blex'ock to fight an ancient creature of the Dark Side. We do indeed require a Sci-Fi or otherwise non-fantasy MMO, however KotOR won't fit the bill. EVE does, but it has its share of problems. Perhaps because of it's non-traditional design.
  16. Or that there is a god and he hates hippies. I like to consider alternative explanations.
  17. Your handle is a euphamism for a fat butt.

  18. I don't believe so, but evil playthrough is where you get the Belt of Storm Giant Strength.
  19. Tale

    I bet you're happy 4chan is back.

  20. If I remember, I'll dig in the toolset tonight for that reference and see what I can find out.
  21. I swear, Obsidian included that helmet just to screw with us. "Everyone's going to want to wear it for the stats, but it's going to be ugly as sin! It'll be awesome."
  22. Youtube doesn't have porn.
  23. I finished Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer last night. Then I started up a new NWN2 game with a level 18 Wizard with the sole purpose of getting Elanee in the sack (I've never gotten the druids as allies, not even sure I can, but want to try). Then I'll go into Mask with the purpose of getting the companion I didn't in my first run as well as flirting with the other chicka.
  24. Steam doesn't register games to a computer, it registers them to an account. So, just log on to the account on the other computer.
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