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Everything posted by Tale

  1. As far as I can tell, Darkness over Daggerfall was cancelled as a premium module because the entire premium module program for Neverwinter Nights 1 was canned. There may be other reasons.
  2. You can get a belt of storm giant strength in an evil game.
  3. Screw that! I found some elementals and chowed! Also, evil path spoiler: Oh, and side note for badger fans:
  4. It's not very effective . I read your suggestion of going back and forth 2-3 roundtrips for a 2 day trip and it doesn't work. 2-3 roundtrips I was at 45 spirit energy and 90% craving still. What's really funny is with full craving there's a supposed "2 day trip" that will kill me if I have less than 96 energy. It leaves me with 4 when I arrive if I'm full when I leave. It's actually immensely aggravating. I feel like my character is trapped. 4 energy when you lose 6 every few minutes is not workable.
  5. Or rather, it's not metal. I don't know if they're a metal band or not, but that song isn't metal.
  6. If you've ever met a young American who doesn't, they're either lying about their Americanosity or their age. Or they're mormons, who don't count. Less than a year ago I was 24, American, never done any drugs, and sure as hell dislike metal.
  7. So, apparently people who are under 25 in America all like to get high and love Heavy Metal. They term "slippery slope fallacy" should be instead called "avalanche fallacy" for situations like this.
  8. See, I lose 6 spirit every hour or two (not sure how often) and only can gain 7 from that once every day. Renewing the suppress with rest or travel is right out of the question. The craving goes down barely from full. Maybe it goes down a lot more with less craving, but once you have full craving, you're pretty much stuck there unless there's some event later that'll get rid of it. It's not so bad when you're in an area with spirits, elementals, or shadows. But travelling? GAH! Travelling can take 30-40 for just 4 days travel. Heck, I went from 98 to 0 with one place that claims it's only 4 days travel.
  9. But Suppress reduces so little craving and can only be used once per day that it's [st]practically[/st] literally useless to me. So, those respawning spirit Wolverines are being put on the endangered species list.
  10. Here's to hoping this premium mod isn't 30 minutes of gameplay followed by a "to be continued" that is never continued. That was the silly thing about Shadowguard. Witch's Wake was longer, but still had the "to be continued" problem. How long have we been waiting for Witch's Wake 2, now?
  11. Anyone else have the game crash on quit? Wasn't having this problem playing the OC, but now that I'm playing the expansion campaign everytime I quit, it quits, but then windows tells me it crashed.
  12. Kind of dissapointing to find that Utterdark Blast can't be used to heal One of Many. Even with PvP on difficulties. He's undead, it's negative energy. What's the problem? :'(
  13. What kind of self-respecting goth buys an iPod?
  14. They look like crackwhores. Shandra also looks like a serious case of insomnia. Apparently "evil" is giving guys goatees and giving girls tons of black eyeshadow.
  15. For the life of me I can't understand how anyone could not like Episode 2 but like Episode 1. If anything, Episode 2 came up with what Episode 1 failed to deliver, the very least of which was anything resembling suspense and a kick-ass strider battle. At least the addition of the Hunter was more interesting than the addition of the Zombines. I really really really hate using physics props to cross areas. Sandtrap? Worst area ever. That one tunnel that was filled with hazardous waste and zombies? Second worst area ever.
  16. Time to start Mask! Just beat Neverwinter Night 2 with my evil ending. DANG that last fight is tough. And by tough I mean even with dm_god on it took forever. Didn't take so long without dm_god. Y'know, because I died immediately.
  17. Hey, if someone wants to play a game with only one hand, it's their right!
  18. You didn't spoil it. The second season 3 ended, I searched around for the info.
  19. That wasn't what you said originally. Lies and slander.
  20. Still sounds like a waste of a gun.
  21. This is the new design, by Alex Ross. I like some of it, but hate other parts. I can live with it. The gun indicates a more morally neutral Cap, which indicates either Winter Soldier, or someone new donning the mask. It won't last long. People don't read Marvel comics to see people shoot the villains unless they're reading Punisher. So many hero/supervillain conflicts in Marvel wouldn't last two pages if one guy just shot the enemy.
  22. This was a triumph!

    I'm making a note here: huge success.

  23. Pfft. Most girls don't need a guy to turn them against their boyfriend. You're just an excuse to justify their already existing resentment of their boyfriend.
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