Turn 0: Change leader name to God Emperor Feargus
Send a Settler to Enoch's green dot (two grids down).
Set worker near Irvine to pasture the nearby cows.
1: Irvine's location seems prime for production with the hills and mines. And by production, I mean WAR PRODUCTION. Build a barracks!
Worker at Peragus starts to build road between Peragus and Irvine.
2: Pasture near Irvine starts building.
3: Mysticism completed. Since we access Copper, Archery is started.
Peragus starts another worker to make up for all road building and incoming new city.
City of DOOM is founded. Starts with a barracks.
Locals of DOOM seem to dislike all the jungle, so nearest worker, the one building roads between Peragus and Irvine redirected to deal with the issue.
6: Pasture worker near Irvine is done. Connects it via road.
8: Peragus Worker is done building. Begins granary since Corn will soon be accessible.
Road from Peragus to DOOM started.
Elizabeth makes her haughty self known. She's incredibly ugly and has her nose up in the air. Despite my better judgement I don't cut it off right there and jump on her face. I hope I don't regret it.
Road from Irvine to DOOM started.
9: Archery complete
Sailing started so we can get some trade in DOOM.
10: Archer started in Irvine because the local populace are a bunch of frickin' cowards when they don't have any protection. I swear to ****ing god.
12: A group of warriors engage Barbarian forces. Due to my great leadership, the warriors are victorious.
Mine is started on one of the gems tiles.
14: Archer complete in Peragus. Granary started.
16: Sailing complete.
Horseback started since we have horses near Irvine.
17: New Settler started in Peragus
20: Gem mine complete.