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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I find myself curious about contract law, now! Just in general. Later todayWhen I get a chance, I'll try to put something together regarding ADHD. I know it's a controversial subject in some circles and I even have personally known people who contest its existence.
  2. Just a friendly warning about that guy behind you and to the left in the personal picture. Selkath is a delicacy on many Zabrak colonies.

  3. He does not say that it was initially intended as a follow up of KotOR. That's a claim you're making from reading too much into a completely different group of statements. Being frustrated, writing in the dark, and wasting time do not equal him stating the original plan.
  4. Zombie Jesus, some people are detached.
  5. Well, I think it's reasonable to assume that K2 was meant to be a follow up of K1 from the very beginning, since Avellone says in the interview: "...so we really knew nothing about the first game and were writing in the dark (Revan who?). It was a frustrating situation that we wasted 2-3 months on that (there was nothing to be done about it), and then had to do another revision once we were able to play the first game. If you feel a disconnect in the storylines, that would be one of the reasons (again, my fault). " Sounds an awfully lot to me like the first draft was supposed to be a K1 follow up. In fact, no, it clearly was. All of that is said after the fact and should be taken with that consideration. So, it's not "clearly" as you claim. Considering the final product is a followup, then obviously the time was wasted towards that production.
  6. Microsoft will never make an emulator. If anything, they'd sue anyone who did. And with the DMCA, they might have a case. Seriously, if you have troubles with space to such a degree that you can't find a spot for a box the size of a VCR, then you need to move out of the closet and buy a single shelf.
  7. Sick with what and what medication? I'm always fascinated when you weak humans get ill.

  8. Welcome to the thread, Hurl. Euros get it early. Commies.
  9. It requires no writing skills to play a game that way. It's not hard and doesn't require extensive creativity to just say "hey, this whole situation is getting weird, stop fluffing my ego you stupid NPCs. What's going on is just silly!" The Mary Sue is not some incredibly difficult to navigate trap of the imagination. It's actually very easy to avoid.
  10. Mr. Ahmadinejad is not an idiot. He's a professor at a university and teaches regularly. So what if he's a theist? It doesn't change the fact that he's a very intelligent man. He questions the holocaust because of his firm believe that there just might be 'inaccuracies' in popular history. What is so wrong about that? Is it not the mark of an intellectual to question things? So death of 11 000 000 000 people could be just an "inaccuracy" and didn
  11. This is true only if they had planned on these things originally. I think it's very reasonable to say that they were not planning on doing that intially.
  12. Vaccuum of power! It's my obligation, nay DUTY, to exploit this for my own ends.

  13. Monk is always survivable. Some would say it is a bit too much so.
  14. Yeah! Well, except for the parts with Hiro in the past. Or the parts with Hiro when he was talking to his friend. Or his father. Heck, half the scenes with Hiro, at least.
  15. Tale


    Go on. I can do that! And by "do that," I mean be brutal on such a scale. Not be revolted. It would be silly to be revolted when you're trying to run a brutal dictatorship.
  16. I'm quite interested. Go on.
  17. This one looks to be up to no good.

  18. Pretty sure it's a variable, not a script.
  19. You know what helps? Crying.
  20. I have ton wonder if it's intentional or just our pessimistic perceptions. Do CRPGs revolve around our characters because that's a mechanically sound design to have events unfold at the player's desired pace or is it because the developers want to fluff our egos? Of course, it's not hard to avoid playing your character as a Mary Sue.
  21. All-new? The first part of it is two years old and the second (most recent) part is a year and a half. Pre-edit: What...the...heck?! PART THREE IS OUT?! ASGDJAPSDGAPSDG I need to go home to play it!
  22. That would be cool if I could do it. Or maybe shape them like trees and nuts to go with the chipmunk theme.
  23. Dark Avatar is great. I have it. Super Abilities are the main thing I like about it. I can't even remember what the rest of the differences against vanilla are (aside from new races, that is).
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