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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Whats that symbol for your 4th party member supposed to represent? That's a bat. Like a familiar or a summon.
  2. Tale


    It's been getting CNN.com coverage lately. I'll be honest and say I'd never heard of the problems until this week.
  3. I'm looking up wiki information on antihistamines when I become curious. Just how does one read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Chlorphenamine.png I don't know how to read a molecular structure diagram. Does anyone around here know? I'll spend some time today researching how and if nobody beats me to it I'll post later today. And let's keep the thread alive with new questions and explanations. Not just explanations in response to questions, but any non-personal information you feel like teaching people about.
  4. My allergies never showed up until I got an apartment of my own. They're off and on, they first started only showing up when I didn't sleep enough. Today they're just ridiculous. I've taken to holding a paper towel folded into fourths over my mouth and nose and am feeling fine. My lunch is going to consist of a Claritin. Never tried the stuff before but I feel I should give it a chance.
  5. I should create a human named Gordon Freeman to fight them.
  6. At the very least you have the corralation that there are no more United Kingdom entries on that list past 1996.
  7. One of my professors once observed that if you want to know what it is like to be crazy imagine everyone else is crazy instead. Because mostly you don't realise you are the one who is mad. I reckon it would be bloody awful. It all depends upon what you mean by crazy. A disjunction in thought processes that prohibits the ability to cognitively identify with others can also remove the need to even try. Though the ones like you mention are certainly the most tragic.
  8. Looks interesting, how populated is it?
  9. When I get my next paycheck I'll be preordering Mask alongside Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions and a PSP Slim, probably that Daxter pack that comes with Family Guy. Tactics comes out the same day and it's why I'm getting a PSP, so I'll have Amazon just ship all that as one purchase.
  10. Never one to pass up an opportunity for a plug, are you? hahaha Better link.
  11. The 9th.
  12. Wing has an interesting part, where the heroic and ultimately noble person who is on the "villains" side ends up deciding to leave his fake identity behind and become who he truly is. Next time we see him, he basically says it didn't work out and he's back to being the fake identity. Later, he turns completely villanous for reasons I can't remember and tries killing lots of people. Oh, but he's back to being heroic for Endless Waltz. The guy was just screwed in the head.
  13. Really, I believe I made this point three times before you noticed it. I'll bear this in mind that frequent repetition will be required. Nope, you didn't. Simply saying that it lacks non-FPS features of a **** FPS is not saying that it retains those **** FPS features.
  14. Only comparison here. I've seen Pop make this claim but never seen what's supposedly so horrible about it. This has to be a comparison because it's something many FPS games share. Another comparison? Are you Sand's alt?
  15. This is where your argument has failed up to this point. You've only ever pointed out what Invisible War lacks that Deus Ex had. You've never once addressed it as a shooter of its own. Until this sentence. Constantly reiterating the lack of large levels and lack of meaningful choices is all you've ever done until this sentence. Invisible War does indeed have much better shooting mechanics than Deus Ex did, in my opinion. Tons better. No more of that waiting for your aim to steady between pistol shots or else you miss at 5 feet nonsense. Some very interesting biomods, too. Even while focusing on stealth I found there to be some good action to come out of it that I never found in Deus Ex sr.
  16. By your reasoning any game that is not as good as Deus Ex is a bad game. You said it yourself "If you have a good game and you completely remove or actually make those aspects worse in the sequel, what are you left with?" Deus Ex was not "a good game." It was a fantastic game. You take away what makes it fantastic, that doesn't leave "crap." That's black and white. What about games that never had these features in the first place, as I mentioned much earlier? Oh yeah, they must be crap too. Simply saying that since it's a sequel means this is a valid means of judgement is asinine. You're just being upset that it's a game that it's not instead of because of the game that it is. You're still only saying it's not as good as the first game. That doesn't make it crap, that just makes it not as good as the first game.
  17. If you want a Gundam series with lots of holes, try any of the long running series. The ones with more than 13 episodes where every character ends up jumping back and forth between sides in the war sometimes for ridiculous reasons. 0083 is awesome with not nearly the holes of Seed, Seed Destiny, or Wing.
  18. High octane low plot power? Are you Japanese now? All you're missing is a "super."
  19. I'm watching 0083 for the second time. First time was when I bought the tapes, now I have the DVD. I give it 5 out of 5 Zeons just from memory, but I'll update it when I finish.
  20. Is this the 1.07 release version? Where's the beta to release?
  21. EULAs have no legal standing. They can't cause you to forfeit any rights. The question in regards to virtual goods is whether you have any rights at all, though. I know China has precedents for such, but I don't believe the US does.
  22. It's possible that it's simply the same threat that all goldselling and related industry poses to online gaming. As in-game status transfers for money become more common, then it becomes more necessary to make those transfers to obtain status. This may not be true with all interactions of the sort, but its within their pervue to ban them all and not worry about it.
  23. Even the original Atari wasn't Japanese.
  24. They could import them. Fresh whirling blades from the wine country of France! Yes, but then the fans would be in the US. I rest my case.
  25. They do, but what use are the European ones to Obsidian, silly Sand.
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