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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Don't think that your 4 shiny new nuclear reactors means we won't bomb you back to the ice age, bucko!
  2. Two shots from my pistol to the head is all it took to take down most soldiers. If you put enough skills in pistol, it ends up only taking one shot to the head. The one shot headshots are the same one shot kills that IW has. Let's not forget the Dragoon's Tooth. One hit kill against ANYBODY. I killed that guy from FEMA in one swing of that puppy my first playthrough of the game. He was supposed to be a boss like character. Anna Navara was easy too. Gunther? Didn't even need to fire one shot.
  3. "Particularly well", compared to FEAR, Half Life 2 or Bioshock, right? I mean tiny levels, stupid AI and 1 shot kills are what makes a FPS "particularly well" in your opinion? I don't consider FEAR, Half-Life 2, or Bioshock to be the standard. Those are EXCEPTIONALLY well. Nothing is "particularly well" if those are to be the point of comparison. Hell, FEAR is my all time favorite for shooting action and it is oft criticized for its level design. I'll call Half-Life 2 and Bioshock only "pretty good" by comparing it to that. I never found the levels to be tiny, the AI to be stupid, and the only one shot kills I was aware of were headshots, which are often considered appropriate. But the shooting was absolutely atrocious. Nearly 1 shot kills, stupid AI, and to top it off it had a not particularly fun aim system.
  4. Dear forum mods and admins, please ban every Euro that spoils part of Mask. Thanks. Your best buddy in the world, Tale
  5. I thought it did particularly well as a shootah. The original Deus Ex on the other hand...
  6. Sylar never flew off. He just kind of jumped. Perhaps telekentically lifted.
  7. I'm saying you shouldn't judge a game based on your expectations.
  8. I'm defending IW because IW was a good game. The only thing Aergeri did was compare it to Deus Ex. All what he says amounts to it not being as good as Deus Ex, but that doesn't mean it's bad. He sounds like Sand. There are countless games that aren't quite like their predecessors. That become more simplified. Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Elder Scrolls 3 and 4, Fallout 3 looks like it'll be quite different from Fallout 2. His entire presented reasoning against IW is retarded because a game need not have multiple paths, choice/consequence, and inventory management in order to be good games. And just because a predecessor had them does not mean the sequel has to in order to be good. These things made Deus Ex exceptional, their absence does not automatically make a game crap.
  9. It makes sense just the same as it makes sense to judge a game on its own merits. Deus Ex: Invisible War is judged on the merits of its predecessor. And that does not make sense. I could make comparisons between Deus Ex and Half-Life 2 since they're the same genre and come across as saying many of the same things poorly about Half-Life 2 that people say about Invisible War. That's why the comparison as judgement concept is asinine. A game does not have to be the repeat of its predecessor, nor does it have to be as good as its predecessor to be a good game any more than a completely different game has to be those things. If you consider that genre Action RPG, no. If you consider that genre FPS, yes. Deus Ex already stradled genre definitions, and helps show that using genres as justification for comparison judgements is silly. The games have gigantic differences in mechanics that make considering them the same genre difficult already. If you want to use broad genre classification as justification for these comparisons, then I lay claim to judging Vampire: The Masquerades by the standard of Half-Life 2. Heck, they even use the same engine, so I can use that for more justification. The notion that being a sequel means the game is held to different standards than an unrelated game would be, that it has to be better to be considered even good, is ridiculous. That is one of the essences of fanboyism.
  10. It's a sequel to Deux Ex, but to claim it's a bad game for being a different game is unfair and even a bit asinine. Comparisons are one thing, but comparisons as the meat of judgement is another.
  11. Shenanigans. That's it, I've decided that since it's being released to Europe early that Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer is ****ting on everything that made Neverwinter Nights 2 good. It's Neverwinter Nights 2 IN NAME ONLY. ib4quittinggamingforever
  12. They were after Sylar.
  13. This... this doesn't make sense at all!
  14. Ya'll are getting it on the 28th? I thought it wasn't being released until Oct 9th.
  15. *casts fireball at the carrier pigeon* *eats roast pigeon*
  16. PSP is about to get a Final Fantasy Tactics remake come October 9th. I'm buying a slim just for that. And eventually Crisis Core.
  17. I don't think it's that complex. Sex isn't so necessary that it's worth going to jail for just to have it with someone under the age of 18 (17 in some states). But then again, some people get so obsessed with relationships and the people in them that the concept of not being involved with someone (particular someones or general someones) and consumating it is beyond comprehension to them. Hence why I just shake my head at people in general.
  18. Heck, I'm weirded out by girls under 21 to be honest. Unless they're psych students in college. I make all kinds of exceptions for psych students.
  19. Rubbish. Firstly, it took everything that made Deus Ex great and either shat all over it or dumbed it down into oblivion. For example, the horrible unified ammunition system, the lack of any consequences for anything you did (You can massacre *every single* NPC in the game without consequence), the tiny cramped level design (Compare the multiple paths, secrets and such of Liberty Island in Deus Ex to Seattle in IW) and so much more that went wrong with that game. It was sequel in name only and an inferior game to the first in every respect. This is rabid fanboyism. It was a good game unless you insist on making comparisons to the first. Taken on its own and without expectations of it being like the first, it's a good game.
  20. I've seen Black Lagoon season two. What made you think otherwise?
  21. Oh, I saw him, but there's no cause to infer anything from that.
  22. I find that doubtful.
  23. Stick to Persona 3, much better game.
  24. No. That would completely ignore how the episode ended.
  25. As opposed to keeping your finger on the A button while you're looking at something else? Sometimes it's like that, but not always. In XII it becomes always.
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