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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Someone please tell me why Royal Mail fails so bad.
  2. So, I did buy Protoculture Collection a while back. There's just something so annoying about what they did to these series. They're not fooling anyone into thinking these three are related. The shoehorned cross series references grate. They introduce blatant plotholes big enough to fly the SDF-1 through. I think why I'm enjoying it is really in spite of it. They're actually good series on their own. I actually am hopeful for the Shadow Chronicles continuation, though. Since they'll be doing it on their own, they might be able to make a good series. There's no lack of effort in what was done to create Robotech. They obviously had passion for what they were doing, I just think it was an idiotic decision.
  3. But no extra cost on the account of one being good while casting an evil spell, which is the point we was trying to make. HA! Good Fun!
  4. But, there is no cost. So who cares? HA! Good Fun!
  5. Seriously, Vampiric Feast. Kills not just one target, but all of the ones around you. Isn't Death Magic.
  6. Dear English, Your post (mail) sucks.
  8. I submitted my character to see if they'd accept it. I can only pity the DM who reads that trainwreck of an application. Tiefling/Warlock/Rogue/Assassin worshipper of both Bhaal and Bane?! What the hell is this guy smoking? He wants to start a cult in our game?
  9. How big is the population? How many players are usually on? It overall sounds good. The Shadowmasters sound ideal for my Rogue/Warlock/Assassin follower of Bane.
  10. Here's to hoping it's good!
  11. Funny thing is, Bioware is indeed working on a singleplayer game that's someone else's IP. That is, as one could say, a FACT. So, the whole notion that singleplayer is exclusively the area where that statement stood is right out the window. The statement has little ground to stand on at all. It seems that the OP is constantly making up things to support his conclusion. First he claimed that a new forum was created on the day of the announcement. Well, there's no new forum, but there is a MMO listing under games which is not all that new. It goes back to 2006 when Bioware announced they were opening an MMO studio. Then he starts attributing Bioware's "original IP" statement to single player only, which is not only a bad interpretation because of baseless assumption, but it is a bad interpretation because they're working on a Sonic RPG already, it's an interpretation completely voided by fact.
  12. http://kotaku.com/gaming/homeworld/thq-pic...ghts-318681.php Is this awesome? y/n
  13. Perseus Mandate is coming out this week, too. I thought Timegate did fairly well with Extraction Point. It's standalone, too, so no need to reinstall FEAR or EP.
  14. I'd be hard pressed to believe even half. He cites the US's WHO healthcare ranking to say how bad it is in the US, but a country he notably praises is actually listed lower on the list.
  15. Silent Hill: Origins coming out Tuesday. I may just wait a week for it to hit Circuit City, though. Still am engrossed in Trials and Tribulations and hopefully Witcher will show up. Lego: Star Wars The Complete Saga is coming out, too. BUT WHY ISN'T A PC VERSION COMING?! We're only getting next-gen and DS versions. So, maybe I could get it for the DS? I'd prefer a PC or PS2 one though.
  16. Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations Only on case 2, but it really does seem as if it could be the best of the series.
  17. Ask Jeeves was on their recently. It's kind of weird that they're getting names now.
  18. I've played a good amount of Puzzle Quest and it almost feels like you can't complete it. GOOD JORB!
  19. Marvel owns Howard the Duck. He made an appearance in the recent Army of Darkness vs. Marvel Zombies.
  20. This is not the internet I remember at all!
  21. Are you saying talking with complete idiots is better than ****ING AWESOME STRATEGY RPGS!
  22. Pfft, my parents have no basement. The trick to being able to afford games is: 1) Don't have a girlfriend. Seriously, they'll take all your ****ing money. 2) Don't go out. Even if you don't have a girlfriend, this is the exact behavior they force you into that causes you to waste all your ****ing money. 3) **** "next-gen." Get handhelds. Games are $20-30 each. Systems are cheaper, too. Games are every bit as good. Better in some respects because they're not all shooters. For the cost of a 360 or PS3 and a hi-def TV, I can get both handhelds and 10+ games. For the cost of a going to the movies with the girlfriend, I can buy another game.
  23. Still playing the occasional bouts of Team Fortress 2. Finished Phoenix Wright: Justice for All yesterday. Have started Trials and Tribulations, as well as Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions, and Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. Of these, I forsee none of them dominating me past when Witcher arrives. After that, who knows. I've also recently purchased Jeanne D'Arc, Sega Genesis Collection, and The Castlevania X Chronicles. My PSP collection (6) is closing in on my DS collection (. Both are closing in on my GBA collection (9)
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