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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I'm loving my PSP more and more. But, at the same time it's getting more and more expensive. I purchased some $30 earbuds with the only justification for them being so expensive is that they have an in-line remote (pause/play/volume adjustment). A 4 gig Memory Stick Duo cost me $90 (I can find them around $60, so they're not always that expensive). BUT! I now have a very good portable media device. I don't have to deal with crappy formats or DRM with it, either. As well as getting games and demos I can play on my lunch period. TL;DR: I've never owned an iPod or other MP3 player, but I'm using my PSP in that role just fine at work. It's kind of nice. Of course, there's also the downside of not being able to set up playlists. Actually, that's kind of a big downside. I also need to buy a travel case and screen protectors. Things you don't have to worry about with a DS or GBA SP because of the design.
  2. This is pretty much confirmation that Bioware wasn't working on KotOR. Not as an MMO, nor as KotOR III. http://kotaku.com/gaming/top/lucasarts-and...m-up-316698.php Basically, the act of announcing the team up is confirmation that they weren't teamed up already. NOW, they might start working on KotOR III.
  3. MMO has been a magic word since before WoW. Blizzard was practically bandwagon jumping when they did it. But they did reaffirm for some that THAR BE GOLD IN THEM THAR HILLS!
  4. I've been meaning to check to see if you can succeed that check. I'll do so now. Edit: It's listed as an automatic failure. You can not succeed. Edit2: You want to know an easy way to kill him? Vampiric Feast
  5. We can't be certain that the spirits are destroyed. Though it seems highly likely that is what Obsidian intended for us to believe. And for that I can credit your position. However, the choices in Mask of the Betrayer with regards to the soul eater mechanic need an understanding of the character's situation in order to appreciate. It is not truly a choice for the character to devour a soul. He has to. The devouring of souls becomes, to him, a highly natural state. The sole exception to this is with, as you can see in reading the description for supress, a remarkable excercise of willpower. It is simple for us, as players, to see it as a choice and devouring the spirit as malicious. But, judging by what is presented in narratives and descriptions as the game, it's not so easy for the character. It's not as easy as choosing between two abilities. He's supposed to devour as an almost natural state. We only ever hear of one other Soul Eater who just lays down and dies. We never hear of one other who suppresses it. And despite how "malicious" the act supposedly is, there is not a single character in the game who condemns the PC for it outside of the few times he expresses it as a concious choice (in dialogues). This all fits in with the description for suppress that seems to regard to act of suppressing as almost supernaturally difficult (and how useless it is for non-Okku companion PCs who have significant craving), despite how easy it is for a player to just press the button. Maybe Obsidian could have presented this more clearly.
  6. The curse is not unnatural. It was created by a former Greater Deity. I would think disruption of natural order to be more chaotic, either way. Suppression, on the other hand is lawful and good because, while it may not seem this way to us as players, it is supposedly a great force of willpower. It's not the choice to suppress that is lawful, but what it inherits from the RP of the act as something that is hard to accomplish and using it represents discipline.
  7. NPC Girlfriend [influence Gain: +6]
  8. My copy of Trials and Tribulations arrived at my house this morning according to the USPS tracker! I'm on the last case of Justice for All, so I should be getting around to playing it soon. Of course, if the 2-5 day estimate from HMV.co.uk is to be believed, then The Witcher should arrive at my house tomorrow or the following day.
  9. is the new .
  10. Tale

    You know what you need, Xard?


  11. nevermind
  12. The high craving abilities are better than I initially gave them credit for. One of them is Ethereal (or incorporeal or something, forget the name), I believe. Which is effectively giving you permanent 50% concealment against attacks. It was nice. Since it's a curse that threatens to kill you and lead you to eternal torment, wouldn't giving in and devouring be closer to a neutral act than an evil act? You're not exactly doing it for gain. Though, I agree on the part about suppression being lawful. The devouring of animal and elementals doesn't seem too evil, especially given circumstances.
  13. Does this chainmail make me look fat?
  14. And conversing over the best way to kill Orcs? Y'know... this idea has merit.
  15. You get crafting essences for devouring your companions, even.
  16. I played through MotB as a Warlock. The trick is to not bother suppressing. You're either chaotic or you're evil, so stop being a pansy and start devouring some souls.
  17. You... dont have any idea what a relatioship is, do you? I know what it's not. And it's not killing orcs! Seriously though, laying down and having a nice conversation has no place in anything but ultra niche games.
  18. I will cut you. They're manly tears, damnit!
  19. Okay, finally got through with the Persona 3 ending. :cry: It's damned sad. Time to throw another game onto the list of games that have made me cry.
  20. An hour long boss fight who right near his death unleashes an attack that finally kills me.
  21. Persona 3, save file right before the final boss. I'm honestly surprised the game has been this long.
  22. Leave me out of this!
  23. Ouch. How are import shipping and taxes? Might be a better way to go. I'm contemplating a 360 for ME (in fact, that's the sole reason I would ever have for buying one). But, I think I'll wait.
  24. All I know is that as an evil character who romanced Safiya, . Bastage!
  25. First off. Controls. Can you walk around doing wsad? or are you pretty much cornered into using the mouse. And second what are these small issues you speak of. A behind the back game that uses point to move? How much brain damage would a dev team have to have to even consider forcing that as the sole option? I haven't even played it and I would bet my first born you can use WASD for movement. I have a question about the game, though. Is it a text adventure?
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