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Everything posted by Tale

  1. That had better be sarcasm. Those guys are terrible.
  2. I'm glad that Tieflings have +2 Charisma, now. I'm dissapointed that they lost the +2 dexterity. I'm undecided whether to be more glad or more dissapointed. I definitely like their art, though.
  3. I played 14 hours straight last night. I see your Chapter 3 and raise you completion of Chapter 4! 11:00 am to 1:00 am That is all.
  4. Wild Mage A quest revolving around the massacre of Halflings.
  5. *wishes his gamestop had a midnight launch* 12 hours 14 minutes to go.
  6. http://www.obsidianent.com/nx2_announced.html "Opus?"
  7. No... I played the 360 version. In between bouts of Halo and keggers.
  8. I'm hungry. Is there any food in this profile?

  9. I don't believe I've ever been referred to thusly.
  10. I played a couple single player games of that Star Wars mod for Homeworld 2. Can I join in on this conversation?
  11. I find it odd that someone can say it's not dumbed-down. At least in comparison to Civ 4. It seemed to be completely lacking religion as a conquest mechanic. Every single city improvement I saw had no tradeoff. I'm not even sure pollution is particularly relevant anymore as a result. No managing of workers, though that does seem a valid reduction of micromanagement. I couldn't find any real drain on gold, except wonders. In Civ 4 I started off building everything I could just for the heck of it. This used to lead to very unhappy, polluted, and poor civilizations. In Revolution it seems pretty much a-okay. But I did play the demo only once and may have overlooked quite a bit. Of course, I wouldn't say "dumbed-down" as that's a perjorative. But the meaning would be the same. I don't think it's dumber. But it's less complex, with fewer options, and has less consequences for bad decisions. It still strategic, is faster paced, less confusing, and easier to manage.
  12. Hmm bought the first day it was released, the only problem I had was about 3 weeks ago when it would crash in Port Llast and I lost all my saves and had to start over again. I am am not referring to getting the rules right, which I could care less about. The first patch didn't come day one and you may have skipped it. Further, you may have simply not met the conditions that applied to causing the problem to appear. As an example, when trying to get the Lizards as allies, the NPC lizard who would rush in and initiate a dialogue after the fight with Batha would die during the fight (meaning he couldn't initiate dialogue afterwards and thus, the game would not progress, and you'd be stuck in that little area) if you had a difficulty setting where PvP rules came into play. Because Batha might accidentally kill him. Then again, if you're lucky, he might not. Another of the time occurs only if you took the thieves line earlier in the game and it's to clean up Moire during the same act as getting allies. To get access to her hideout you had to deal with some henchman. For some reason, I can't recall the specifics, the guy who was supposed to activate the script enabling you to access the hideout would not activate as he should. I don't remember if he died too early or if combat somehow prevented him initiating dialogue or what. I don't remember what the specific deal was there. There were other things like this, I don't remember what they all were. They largely depend on you meeting some conditions and only seemed to occur if you installed the first patch with the Druid stuff that came out several days after launch. And likely were fixed with the patch following it.
  13. NWN2 OC was riddled with gamestopping bugs. But the vast majority of them were introduced with the first patch, amazingly enough. People who played through in the first few days did fine. But everyone of us who played through on week two were screwed. I used to help people out with scripting solutions to a lot of the recurring ones during that first patch over on the Bio boards. A number of scripts broke or unexpected behaviors popped up (critical NPCs dying due to friendly fire settings). Those problems should be fine now. Nowadays, most bugs complained about are relegated to the common problems in dealing with PC games. Caused by various incompatabilities or cracked executeables. I only found one problem with Mask of the Betrayer that wasn't due to those things and it was related to a very specific dialogue choice that called a character I didn't have in my party. Hopefully that one is fixed now, too.
  14. He'll get over it, soon enough. I delete his comments all the time.

  15. http://www.geocities.com/zhentar2003/toril_2.jpg Its a little better when viewed as a whole. That only looks better because you've removed the majority of geographic detail and the borders. The parts of it that made the least sense. Actually, it'd stlil make more sense. However, if the borders of European countries became random wavy lines with deserts and mountains randomly placed then it wouldn't make much sense.
  16. I didn't know you were a fan of Team Fortress 2.
  17. The primary forum I visit is talking about getting an online game of it going. Wonder how that's going to turn out. Maybe I'll actually get some (virtual) PnP.
  18. I'll buy it if I remember when next month rolls along. Metal Gear Solid 4 and even Overlord: Raising Hell have priority.
  19. I don't have anything in for you. It's Accept who will be killed by my mind!

  20. I've had the opening and closing themes of Snake Eater on repeat in my head for the entirety of the day.
  21. This is an expansion from Obsidian. Westgate is an adventure pack from Ossian.
  22. Holy crud. http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Portal:Geography Is this what Faerun really looks like? Quite possibly the ugliest geography in existence. It's like a bunch of nations were independently created, then tossed on the ground and stitched together as they lay.
  23. Have faith, Omelette. The day isn't over, yet.

  24. Well, I hear they got into a crappy filler arc. So, don't hold that against me. I completely skipped over the Bount, too.

  25. In order to get Thursday off, I decided to stop slacking as much and catch up all my work. Well, it's now 1:30 and I'm not going to have anything left to do today or tomorrow.
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