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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Play co-op with me and I'll give you your raving drunk.
  2. I'm trying to decide if that's Hale or not. Maybe I'm going crazy.
  3. A seemingly common problem is lax enforcement. Even if finding the manufacturers could have an effect, the lax enforcement would limit it. So, until enforcement is up, trying to find more things to enforce would be seemingly pointless.
  4. This is the US. Gun manufacturers don't ship guns out of the country for the guns to get shipped back in. The Black Market for guns in the US comes from guns sold to licensed dealers that are then improperly sold, sold at gun shows, or from guns that are stolen. Issues with licensed dealers improperly selling guns is a problem of licensing and enforcement. Not the sale from manufacturers.
  5. This has to be one of the most nonsensical things I've heard. How in the world does a gun manufacturer have any control or even influence with regards to that? Edit: That was a bit of exaggeration. This was not one of the most nonsensical things I've heard. Recently I read "Right to bear arms is really the right to murder and kill. Sometimes even ourselves." Now THAT is one of the most nonsensical things I've heard.
  6. Don't mind him, he's a little slow.

  7. Raspberry? NOBODY GIVES ME A RASPBERRY! This means war.

  8. OOH OOH! X3: Terran Conflict was announced back in February for Q3 of this year!
  9. I'm frightened by this profile, again.

  10. I know Honduras, Colombia, Bolivia, Venezuela, and El Salvador are in America, but that's not the America we're talking about. And Jamaica is technically the Carribean.
  11. I don't recall ever hearing such a complaint. A player who levels up stealth, light armor, and longsword isn't going to level up the same as heavy armor, athletics, and axes. There's enough skills that you're not going to be levelling them all up the same.
  12. They'll balance themselves if they're created with any serious consideration. Morrowind really didn't have much of a problem with it, aside from like what Wals is mentioning with Oblivion, but that's a fault of lackluster design. Oblivion's main problem around it is the hybridization with a normal level-up system and the creatures levelling around you.
  13. If they put the effort and talent they put into Warcraft 3 into it, I'd probably be turned into a fan. Grom: I have freed myself. Thrall: No, old friend. You have freed us all. RAWR
  14. If they have a knockoff the D&D 2e Wild Mage, I'll be there. But I say that about every game.
  15. I respect the differing opinion. And hopefully have been respectful of the game itself. But, seriously, if that was a standalone job, I would...want...that. No doubt. You would, too! But it's apparently not. I hardly consider it much of a criticism to acknowledge the plot is a cheap vehicle for travelling between a few locations and bashing things over the head with sharp and/or blunt objects. It's like pointing out MGS4 cutscenes can be too long and the story has some weaknesses in coherency. It does. But that's okay, because we love it.
  16. I came in here hoping for word on a Nintendo DS port.
  17. They did the first two. (Scary Movie 1 and 2) Then two of the writers on their staff decided to do their own.
  18. Alternatively, it's because of overexposure because they play through it every single time they want to try a character out even a little. It's a problem I'm expriencing with the first area of MGS4.
  19. They had story people? I mean, people actually got paid for that? I'm in the wrong business.
  20. The 2nd amendment is an amendment to the Constitution. Which, by definition, is a change to it. Which is a demonstration that it can be changed. This is not simply a document that is held onto for 200 years and not criticized, revised, or changed. That is to say, the reason the right to bear arms has been a part of the Constitution for 200 years is not simply because it was part of the Constitution 200 years ago. But because there has not been significant cause for that right to be revoked.
  21. Who are the people watching these things?!
  22. I'm playing... nothing. I feel like I'm admitting to a crime. Though my copy of the PS3 version of Overlord should ship out in the next week.
  23. Just because you're exceptional doesn't mean you're a superhero. A background of a couple of years of thievery doesn't turn you invisible. Not so... or at least not any more. In AD&D 2E, what you wrote was true, but in 3.5 edition, commoners are at least level 1 too - see the NPC classes (these classes are weaker than PC classes though) section of the rules. If we're going to say "any more," then perhaps we should speak of 4E? Where it's even more true.
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