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Everything posted by Tale

  1. What about Captain America's getting shot with a bullet in the brainpan sending him to another dimension? Or was that just back in time, too? I can never remember. Omega beams I can understand. They're like magic beams. But Cap got a bullet to the noggin.
  2. What about the berserker hypothesis?
  3. Let's put it this way. You better hope they either don't exist or can't visit us. If they can travel faster than light, nuclear weapons become redundant. An FTL lump of iron is a doomsday weapon. If their ship so much as crash landed then you could say goodbye to cities.
  4. A person who impersonates an officer can suffer legal consequences. An actual police officer faking official duties should get the same. I do not believe in double standards.
  5. Now that you mention it, what are they working on? I have heard bupkiss.
  6. So, how's the late game? Does it have wacky future technologies?
  7. I just watched all of his videos. It's like Yahtzee without the insults. Highly recommended. Wouldn't Yahtzee without insults be terrible?
  8. I don't think I can play Halo: Reach any more. The multiplayer is just too terrible. I was playing for vanity rewards, but there's just too much grind to get them. You wouldn't design a single player FPS campaign where only one weapon was viable, why do they think it's okay for multiplayer? They've got entire modes dedicated to this fact of the game. Imagine an RTS with only one unit. It's absurd. It's repetitive...
  9. When the controls said mine I thought "oh cool, we can lay landmines. But that seems useless unless I'm being chased by other vehicles or something."
  10. You didn't need that, did you?
  11. Legion with Widow. Enemies just fall down around you.
  12. I don't think you are, but you did.
  13. Most sorceresses are sluts in TW universe. Powerful, long-lived, extremely hot sluts. Why single out Sorceresses? Geralt's the biggest **** of them all and he's not one.
  14. They have my vote.
  15. So, CDR isn't pursuing the goal of "make money through selling videogames?"
  16. What you're saying is that the problem with games is they don't have enough sex?
  17. Obviously games need to focus more on racial stereotypes and beating up hookers.
  18. Playing more Halo Reach. I think it's the promise of making my Spartan prettier that keeps me. The campaign is fun. Online is nothing special. Except Gruntpocalypse. Imagine you've got a game where you're been attacked by swarms of tiny ninjas with grenades and the occasional rocket launcher. It's kind of like that.
  19. Tale


    50% off, lol. If you pre-ordered Secret 2, it came with Secret 1. Heck, I've still got a gift copy of 1. Edit: Oh, hey, the bundle has a natural discount. So that is cheaper than what I paid back in the day.
  20. Activision makes lots of those.
  21. Space Siege. I'm more interested in good games. But it really had that?
  22. I suddenly want an RPG with customizable armored cyborgs. Maybe like Deus Ex, but colorful and better vanity customization.
  23. Words that came to Oner's mind upon seeing the debut trailer: Constantine, punk, annoying git, emo, smoking is cool, grim 'n' gritty, RRRRAAAGE (not mine, his), girlboy. "Western touch" can suck my yin-yang. The two thoughts to cross my mind. "Bad Tarantino imitation." "Why is this DmC and not a new property?"
  24. Lady, you want I should rough him up a little? I've got my e-thuggery right here.
  25. I enjoyed RDR but thought it got boring before I beat it. I played on to the end, but the romance was gone shortly after arriving in Mexico.
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