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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Can the horse cast fire and summon demons?
  2. Only 14 days? That's the more reasonable for establishing precedent.
  3. Yes, but can I be a Warlock in Mongolia? I have no interest in being a swordsman or archer.
  4. I'm in for anything that's not mobster related.
  5. Yuuzhan Vong were cooler when they were called Sith. Unprecedented insofar that the Emperor's clones got offed before they left the cloning chamber, or something like that. The EU was practically built on the corpses of two clone Jedi. Clone Jedi for everyone!
  6. Bloody genetically superior Swedes. I hate you.
  7. Utter bs. Yes, you can have a million heroes running around. It's your personal context. It's called instances and phasing. They've been around for a while now. You can single handedly save the world/galaxy/whatever. Then they go into their instance and they do it, too. This isn't new. Even WoW had countless instances and quests that aren't raids. All important events were not exclusively in raids. You can handle a narrative outside of raids in an MMO. In fact, it's been done. The conflict you think exists is an imagined one. Maybe this revolves around your idea that MMOs are about being a part of a large universe of other players. Increasingly, many of them treat the universe as just the meeting ground. The other players influence on your narrative is unnecessary.
  8. That'd be pretty awesome, wouldn't it? I know one of the Blur trailers has Starkiller force pushing Darth Vader through walls, which is pretty sweet.
  9. I'm not even considering the PC version after how it was treated last time.
  10. Too bad Fable III is coming out the same day as Force Unleashed II. I had to make a decision and Fable must wait!
  11. I have to say his anaylsis is nonse. Single player games regularly excell at aspects more associated with MMOs such as sandboxing and character development. And the more traditional singleplayer aspects are what made WoW successful, such as casual play. The narrative inclusions and structures have only made WoW stronger, such as the phasing system, which is a system ToR sounds like it wants to abuse massively. The melding of a strong narrative to an MMO is far from incompatible. The question is more whether the scope they are aiming for and the needs of MMOs are within their skills. It's an immensely ambitious project. Which alone makes it risky without having to make up conflicts about the actual style of the game.
  12. Inventory space, shenvetory space. I never really found it a concern.
  13. Even if everything he says is the truth, it doesn't mean it's necessarilly correct. He could just be spouting out rumors. I find the possibility of them having spent $300 million to be ludicrous. Even as a Mythic employee, it doesn't mean he has access to all the facts. So I guess I'm in grain of salt territory. While I'm not particularly optimistic for TOR (I still feel too little is known about the game for where they should be in development), the man's claims deserve to be questioned.
  14. So, no more shards as we know them. I actually liked having a unique gimmick. But I won't mourn it.
  15. Ahh, so did they get the trademarking issue settled?
  16. Grey Warden needs food badly.
  17. Well, it's fine now. Two days of pain, everything's cool. My muscle fatigue from Monday's exercise is lasting longer.
  18. Bad Company 1 was console only. Bad Company 2 is on the PC and even has dedicated servers.
  19. Battlefield 2142 is the greatest online FPS that's not Team Fortress 2.
  20. I'm probably more miffed by the lack of soft precedent setting. There's not a lot of precedent for banning over single player cheating, even if for achievements. Though the 360 probably has some precedent on that, it's nonexistant for PC players. They could have gone with a softer handed general penalty to establish it. Then gone with banning afterwards. That, I think, would have been preferrable. Similar to Valve's response to the idler program. But I'm not saying I'm comftorable with the idea of punishment over single player cheating.
  21. Fast travelling back and forth a few times might not be ideal in some modes, like hardcore.
  22. I'm looking forward to Fable III. I rather enjoyed II after hating the first.
  23. I need to start more arguments over the internet... Just keep in mind that by 'catgirls' he meant 'furries'. Now, if that's your thing, great for you. Most of us avoid internet arguments for exactly that reason. The old bait and switch!
  24. I did Energy Guns, Stealth, and maybe Science. I'm kind of sick of stealth though.
  25. Oooh, or a "complete nutter" trait. Everytime you go to sleep, a different set of skills is set up for you. At random, but intelligently so it's not a useless set. I might have to see if I can mod that in. Every day you're a different character!
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