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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Nah, you just win a regular Civ game, then you start up a game of Gal Civ.
  2. She can get pregnant without the dark ritual. But she doesn't necessarilly. Just because she doesn't end up advisor to Orlais doesn't mean there's only one ending option. There's nothing "clearly supposed to" about it. Witch Hunt had only token connections to origins. It and Awakenings are fully playable with the Orlais warden replacement.
  3. I love me a GDR. That's the kind of unit that Civ needs. More futurism! I want space station colonization and orbital strikes!
  4. Because it's impossible to know everything there is to do without buying a guide or reading a walkthrough. "Oh, so there's a quest with a talking tree? I never found that, I guess I'll... oh my save is stuck in a room, bugger."
  5. For complex observational sciences like astronomy or the like, they work on robust theoretical and predictive frameworks that include numerous observations and experiments where possible. Well better than "I saw these two things" which is simply ludicrous to draw conclusions from. Trying to conclude that Steamworks causes increased prices because it happened to two games released around the same time is not Astronomy.
  6. I gained 1 level the entire DLC. hah
  7. I love it when people make stuff up. With Hunt definitely does not assume you agree to the Dark Ritual. There was even a bug where it assumed the exact opposite for excess cases. A bug I know of from personal experience, being rebuffed for a refusal it thought I made but had not.
  8. Do not F with Japan. Note: I am Japan. With Bushido and Samurai plus Honor civics, you've got it made up until muskets. For someone to kill your unit, they have to coordinate something like 5 other guys on it. If those 5 aren't ranged, they're going to lose 4.5. I declared early war on Babylon, he didn't appreciate it, but capitulated early. I destroyed a city-state to gain the favor of a nearby city-state and get a city on an easily defensible peninsula. I teamed up with Russia and America to fight England, kicked Englands butt for a few rounds (did I mention I now own London? lol), and had England capitulate tons to me. A few turns later, America, Russia, and Germany all declare on me, the first two not even having finished their war with England. I get a new American city, destroy Germany's army (his war declaration even acknowledged that he was making a suicidal assault), take a Russian, and am about to take another Russian before it's capitulation city over here. Babylon and Arabia are encroaching on my turf. America thankfully ends up in war with Arabia, taking it's major cities, so I'm not going to bother with that guy. But Babylon... Babylon. I regret not wiping you out at the beginning. I've made a defense pact with Egypt, the second strongest nation at half my score. He's on another continent with only one other major civ, so I'm not worried there. But Babylon. I've save scummed a little, so I know you're 5 turns from being a total bleep. And I will wipe you out. I've allied with 5 city states just for the heck of it. And I might see about another defense pact. You'll have more war coming you way than cities.
  9. I'm not so convinced it's entirely the fault of eeeevvviilll publishers, personally- I suspect Steam makes a good deal of extra cash from the arrangement. As I posted previously: Fallout 3 (Bethesda) purchaseable for 50USD. FONV (Bethesda, Steamworks) purchaseable for 90USD Bioshock 2 (2k) purchaseable for 50USD. CiV (2k, Steamworks) purchaseable for 80USD. I'm pretty sure the same transition happened with THQ (certainly there is from Stalker: SoC to now but I don't know what their first Steamworked game- SR2, iirc- was sold for initially as it didn't interest me) as well but don't have a direct way to check It certainly could be coincidence that the Steamworks -> Ludicrous Localised Pricing transition happened at the same time but it certainly seems that Steam is at the least happy to and complicit in putting the prices that high. Kind of like a drug dealer blaming the Taleban for the price of heroin, if a somewhat extreme parallel is permitted.
  10. Finished the Claptrap DLC. It was fun, but not the best DLC. I actually liked zombie island more for the humor in it. And it lacked the production value of Knoxx. But worth it, nontheless.
  11. In general, prices on Steam have to be in-line (if not more expensive) than brick and mortar. It kind of depends on how much influence the brick and mortar can exert. Gamestop, for example, is still responsible for over half the TV ads for video games in the US. If you piss them off, ouch. Did you ever see a Mass Effect 2 TV ad that wasn't about the Gamestop pre-order bonus? The Halo Reach Gamestop ad showed more often than the Microsoft ones. New Call of Duty Black Ops commercials, I've seen the Gamestop pre-order advertisement at least 5 times. "This is Tier 1" non-affiliated ad I've seen once. The Fable 3 Gamestop ads are making their rounds, now. I know more about that blasted sword than I do the rest of the game.
  12. Ehhhhhh I'm really tempted to resub for a month just to see what their expansion intro event is like.
  13. See, I could never get Siam to capitulate. I refused him like four times the first war. Or was it the second? Bugger attacked me at least three times, I know that. I do remember one time I asked him for 30 gold per turn. He countered by letting me keep 30 gold per turn, but only if I paid him 11 gold per turn. Are you stupid, Siam? Though every other time his counteroffer was to demand dyes, silk, and horses, plus 1000 gold from me. But I felt that taking his port cities was a better deal. I think my next game will be a militaristic or fascist Japanese. That should be fun.
  14. I want my feelies, dag nabbit!
  15. Anyone have any success extorting people you're beating into the ground? My old game, whenever Siam declared war on me, I'd destroy his army and start taking his cities. He'd ask for peace shortly after I destroy his army, but I couldn't get him to give anything for it without him turning around and demanding more from me than I asked from him. I remember using that tactic in IV. I wanted to punish that douche for his warmongering. I simply couldn't let him get away with it. But instead everyone else hated me as a warmonger.
  16. God forbid publishers have region limited publishing deals and that they ask Valve to recognize those deals before they even consider releasing on Steam. Obviously, it's just oppression.
  17. Amazon PC CE seems to be sold out. BLAST YOU
  18. I'm not sure I gather the point of garrisoning a unit in a city. It didn't ever seem to really effect the outcome of combat. All it did was protect that unit from taking damage, while not allowing it to attack. And heck, if you lost the city it was garrisoned in, the unit just poofs.
  19. Think about what you said. Conservative and progressive are virtually diametric opposite philosophies. So the most conservative would be opposed to progressive.
  20. I really miss satellites. The one you research that reveals the world map. I could build giant death robots and space ships to other solar systems, but I still had no bloody clue where Persia was. And he was somehow winning.
  21. Played my first game. Spent way too many hours on it. I won by scientific victory, as is my tradition. But I was generally so rich and ahead of everyone else in technology I could have raized the planet. They come at me with pikemen, I field longswords. They field longswords, I field riflemen. They field riflemen, I field infantry. They field infantry, I field stealth bombers and giant death robots. They were not catching up.
  22. I bought Civ 5, but haven't been able to give it any time because of the TF2 update. I now have 4 of the new weapons, dagger, revolver, sniper, and flamethrower. I was going to craft the revolver with my next drop when it ended up dropping. So I'll be crafting something else soon enough.
  23. Wait, The Social Network is a Fincher film? I have to see it now.
  24. And people from the Citadel miraculously popped up on Omega. Illium has at least three characters from the first game who appeared in completely different locations. Stuff becomes relevant when writers want it to. In addition to Flemeth recurring. I don't think anyone's thinking it'll be more significant than ME2. But being as significant isn't a stretch.
  25. Is it not against the rules to talk about huffing paint here?
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