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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Another idea! This one is genius and anyone who naysays it is a soulless monster. Darkwing Duck RPG Actually, would probably be a better adventure game.
  2. If they did that, it would be a shooter set in the desert. Just because it's not schoolgirls and guys with long purple hair doesn't mean it's aimed at the west.
  3. Ooh, a Paranoia MMO.
  4. I want a Necron party member.
  5. Is this McGee's? I have a copy sitting on my desk I haven't installed.
  6. It looked fine as 1080p for me. He watched it in interlaced. If you want really bad effects, watch Mortal Kombat Annihilation.
  7. Halo: Reach on Heroic. It's brutal sometimes. I'm at one point where there seems to be two SuperBrutes (whatever they're called, the kind that have shields). One has a gravity hammer, one has a plasma canon. The plasma canon guy will one shot you. While your back is turned. Without paying attention to anyone else. I've died at least 6 times to green explosions out of nowhere. Their AI isn't bad. They'll prioritize you (you are the biggest threat, after all), they'll retreat if you drop their shields, and keep moving and find cover if you're sniping. That's about as complicated as it gets though. Note that friendlies are still dumb as rocks, though. Apparently some of the unlockables are tied to Halo Waypoint. Which tracks and ranks you based on your Halo achievements. Maybe I should get around to completing the Halo Wars campaign. Odd phenomenon, not playing games you helped make.
  8. I agree. The movie was fun. I thought the ending was bad (the very end), but everything up to that was my childhood with less colored lasers.
  9. Cool kids = overweight 13 years old that shout on TeamSpeak? I didn't see Dante crouch over anyone's face after he killed them in that trailer.
  10. Tale


    You implying that I'm not an RPG fan, good sir?
  11. Lockpicking being a choice is not something I exactly buy. The rewards in most games for lockpicking are grossly disproportionate to the costs. Not only do you get more money and equipment, you also get more XP, making up for the initial investment. Deus Ex I can give a pass because it tended, more often than not, to include a key somewhere. That's why I think they tend to go to the minigame route. With the tendency for it to always be worth it, it stops being a choice. If games are designed so that the cost/reward of the choice is a little more inline with the other choices, I can see myself changing my opinion. It's a little different for party based games. It's stll not a choice to have it for the group, but group resource allocation makes it a choice of who to have it for.
  12. Tale


    I tried to replay KOTOR a few weeks ago. Once you get to Taris and realize that's there's so much walking and long-winded conversations just to reveal simple or unimportant information. And then when you get to combat again it's a bunch of autoattacking... I just couldn't do it.
  13. I do my best to be superlative.
  14. I have a hard time reconciling political parties that take the position of "small government" while also taking the position that marriage needs to be regulated and people shouldn't be allowed to build Mosques in their neighborhood.
  15. Chrono Trigger was only visiting various settings and gathering party members from them, not interacting their various facets. Such as medieval knights fighting space aliens and a main character having the choice of laser guns AND magic. For Chrono Trigger, you go to dinosaurland, you fight dinosaurs.
  16. I thought the way Deus Ex handled it was boring. But you make a good point about reload. Not sure which I consider the greater evil.
  17. I'd like a Science Fiction RPG. Not a Space Opera one. I think I've gone over that before. I also would like a multiverse RPG. One where you jump around between various settings (cowboy world, fantasy world, space opera world). Just a giant melting pot of concepts. The fantasy world might teach your character magic, then you go to the space opera world where they're fighting a robot war and you get laser guns. Maybe you can enchant your laser guns at this point or lasers + magic have weird/contradicting effects. The cowboys are fighting Cthulhu.
  18. Keep up that optimism, Louis!
  19. Halo Reach has got to be waiting on my porch by now.
  20. Scantily clad Mithra? I guess I have to watch it! What... don't judge me.
  21. Heard about that recently. It's the main thing in my mind when I made my statement.
  22. You don't engage enemies at a long enough range in F3 or F:NV for the suppression of a supersonic round to be of particularly high value. The "realistic" supersonic crack of a suppressed .308 round is still pretty loud. That said, a quality suppressor firing subsonic ammunition will often only generate sound from the cycling of the action. Since the engine only classifies weapons as "loud", "normal", and "silent", it doesn't leave much room for gradation. I think I was being slightly obnoxious, but thanks for the response. Hollywood silencers are a minor pet peeve of mine. One I can ignore, especially since the general audience probably come to expect the silent silencer. The range point is a good one I never even thought about. I don't expect most games operate at the kind of ranges for that.
  23. Area Throw's got to be great. I remember doing it on Veteran with just Heavy Throw. Never had to fire a shot at husks.
  24. I would more assume the problem is the severe market competition and shallow nature of the general audience. Lower budget games don't seem to have proportional return. Unless you're at Popcap, that is.
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