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Everything posted by Tale

  1. If this is the same preview I just saw, I like what I see.
  2. Wut? Why would reinstalling game + DLC + patched take 6 hours? Because that's what Steam claimed would be the download speed for Origins + Awakening. But apparently it was wrong.
  3. Mass Effect doesn't show a single hint of self-recognition for how cheesy and cliche driven it is. If it's not serious business, it at least thinks it is. It's not even that cheesy. If you want to look at something that really is supposed to be that way, look at Duke Nukem or large parts of Fallout. There's no sense of it laughing at itself. If it really wanted to drive the B movie Space Opera point home, it'd have a gangster planet or guys wearing capes. It seems more like it's trying to be Wrath of Khan, just without any of the depth.
  4. I wub Dragon Age. Just sitting at the title screen makes me giddy like a school girl.
  5. Started up Dragon Age Origins to play all the DLC I've missed out on and refresh my memory for the final DLC. Decided I would start with the DLCs that give bonus items in the main game, first up is Leliana's Song. And I encountered a bug that makes it impossible to finish. Instead of troubleshooting specifics, I'm reinstalling everything just so I won't have to deal with possible conflicts later on. This will take over 6 hours.
  6. The Reapers weren't idiots to begin with? Supposedly the only reason Sovereign was defeated was because he decided to joyride in whatshisbrainwashedname. Smart move, idiot. You've an invincible superweapon, but you're going to hop around in the guy who's already dead's body.
  7. Well, NMA did kill my hamster.
  8. How can you not fathom it? Hypothetically speaking, if a tradition is established of bad and boring and a new installment comes out that is good and exciting, would it not be breaking with the tradition? I'm not making any judgements on dungeon siege here, just hypothetical.
  9. Oh crap, doesn't Shattered Dimensions come out this month?
  10. I disagree with pretty much everything you said. ME 2 improved on everything of value from ME1. ME1 didn't have anything intelligent to dumb down to begin with. ME2 was no smarter, but at least the characters were likeable and the game itself was fun. Half the people I know wish they could have nuked both Kaidan and Ashley. I don't really see how ME2's plotholes are any worse than the first's. The entire concept of Spectres itself is a plothole. No oversight, no pay, no supplies. What kind of operation are they running there?
  11. From the quick perusing of the site I did, I'll miss having 70 billion minions out at a time. That was awesome.
  12. Necromancer was terrible fun in Guild Wars 1. I just hit cap so quickly I never bothered playing anymore. You could zerg rush the instances with minions (whatever they called them) if your group was willing to keep up.
  13. I've been playing solo. I still think it's the 2 bullets and complete lack of zoom. I find some with even 1.0 zoom listed and 6 bullets is generally the minimum. Nothing has ever beaten it (blue level 25) for damage and only few beat it for accuracy. Except my purple shotgun revolver which is like level 34. With great zoom on the shotgun revolver. I can practically snipe with it.
  14. Wait, so there's a graphic novel and MCA wrote the script for it? I may have to get it.
  15. That would have been hilarious.
  16. Did he kill any strippers, though?
  17. Unless the universe loves a good practical joke. In which case, since I live in the same county as them, I'm keeping an eye out for meteors.
  18. It better have strippers or it's DINO!
  19. Maybe I'm just awesome.
  20. Dude. Always bet on Duke. Yeah, that's worked out wonderfully so far.
  21. ack, bullpups
  22. Ooooooh. I'll have to check that out, then.
  23. Is that your opinion?
  24. I really enjoyed it. I was overlevelled for almost the entire time, though, so it was a breeze.
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