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Everything posted by Tale

  1. > implying that you don't need to go back to /b/ Why does 'Agent' sound familiar to me? I must look this up.
  2. http://notalwaysright.com This is why I studied psych in college.
  3. I do not necessarilly disagree.
  4. I noticed.
  5. It's not? You, sir, have just shattered my worldview.
  6. Finished the Secret Armory of General Knoxx (I think that's what it's called). I'm still using a level 25 revolve at level 43. Because it does 355 damage a shot and has 98 accuracy. Everything else I come across has 250-270 damage and 95 accuracy. I think the reason it's only level 25 is because it has only 2 shots. It's still not quite as good as my 7x74 shotgun revolver, though. Good snipers are hard to come by. And I keep selling my Eridian weapons by accident.
  7. No, but I'm sure that any particular admin does have a single username/password and can manage the both of us.
  8. Only in the sense that you and I are tied together, since we're both tied to this forum.
  9. No. It's tied to the EA/Bioware Social account.
  10. But fish is so goooood. If I couldn't have fish, I think I'd have to kill everyone.
  11. I consider it quite likely.
  12. Ooh, I may hold off on Mass Effect 2 DLC since they might repeat that.
  13. I think I may hate Bioware's point system. Why does it even exist? Decided to finally catch up on the Dragon Age DLC. I total up the amount for the DLC I want, including some left over points so I can be ready to purchase Witch Hunt. $29. There is no way of getting that equivalent of points without going over and without making four seperate purchases (10, 7x2, 5). How stupid does one have to be to think that's a good system? You can't even add multiple to a single purchase, you get one choice and checkout. I thought maybe I could go ahead and prepare for the ME2 DLC I'll eventually get, maybe it'll end up rounded that way. That totals it up to $53. That is not any easier. I hope they overhaul that nonsense by Dragon Age 2's release. Dear Obsidian, if one of your publishers ever thinks about using a point system for one of your games' DLC without being forced to by microsoft (or other third party holding the keys to the distribution system), somebody say something.
  14. I have little doubt that I'd be able to meet it. Maybe I should just find an old guy about my height.
  15. I wonder if they're going to package the Dragon's Age DLC. I have nothing beyond the day 1 stuff.
  16. I find myself wishing I had an identical twin. So that we could stage fake time travel pranks. Like if there was a cute server at Starbucks. I'd have my twin show up "Stop!" "Wh...who...who are you?!" "I am you from the future! I have come to tell you that this woman is the love of your life. She is perfect for you, but you must act now before all is lost and you both live in misery for the rest of your lives!" Then my twin would run off. I'd turn to the cute server "So... uh.... would you like to go out sometime?" Yeah, that'd pretty much be the best pickup EVER.
  17. I suddenly have the urge to make such a game. Not because I want you dead. More for the bragging rights that I killed a person. So long as nobody asks me how. How would you feel if Pac-Man was a hardboiled detective in this game?
  18. The shallow racism between the fire and water Genasi really made the world seem alive.
  19. I'm more worried about my precious shrimp. My local Red Lobster already took oysters off the menu. My life is over.
  20. I'm particularly wary to try out any persistant world servers. I tried one for NWN2 and the game tended to be people hanging out in the town square chatting in character. Yes, roleplaying. Where the characters stop adventuring and turn into the town knitting circle. *experiences may not be typical. Consult your doctor before engaging in online roleplaying games.
  21. As the (or one of) resident Dragon Age: Origins fanboys who hates everything else Bioware has done lately while being silently furious about the technical changes for Dragon Age 2... I see no problem with the graphics.
  22. We didn't want that gulf anyway.
  23. I am of the opinion that you are more of a scumbag that me. Pro-humans might even agree with me! Not surprisingly, is it? I'm only more pro animal than pro human when its cute animals and ugly humans. There's a lot of ugly humans, though.
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