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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Yeah, I can be excited about those, but there's nothing to discuss. It's all "is there new news?" "What's the news?" "Oh, that's the news." RPGs, class based ones anyway, open up discussion on class selection, group composition, and tactics. Locations. What kind of choices you hope to have. I mean, I love Portal to death, but what is there to actually discuss?
  2. I just found myself visiting forums for games I'm not even excited about. Had a reflective WTH moment. And thought, hey where's the game I can be excited about? Maybe I'll start following New Vegas as a compromise.
  3. Well, obviously. My opinions are formed entirely on whether or not something is Baldur's Gate 2.
  4. Pre-EA DLC from Bioware wasn't all that fantastic, either. Neverwinter Nights Premium modules. But I'm partially bitter that they put in all that effort to remake Witch's Wake pt. 1 and never bothered continuing to part 2. And Kingmaker made me want to kick a puppy.
  5. I think the proper solution is to establish me as dictator. Won't have to bribe anyone then.
  6. I'm looking forward to the next bigname RPG that's party based, tactical, and not sacrificing player choice and agency for the sake of cinematic. What's the name of that game, again? I forgot.
  7. Finished my third ME2 run so I could play through all the DLC with a fresh game. I hit level cap before I even went for the IFF. And before I did Overlord or Lair of the Shadow Broker. Whatever DLC they do next really needs to up that cap. The ME2 DLC leaves me flabbergasted as to how Dragon Age: Origins got such poor DLC. It was all very well made. Even the dreaded Hammerhead DLC wasn't too bad. Every single post-release DAO DLC was reused areas with some (albeit neat) gimmick. ME2 DLC got new areas and gimmicks. But at least DAO got an expansion. So I can't be upset. My copy of Halo Reach should arrive tomorrow. So don't know what I'll do tonight. Maybe I'll do a little more of my latest DAO play.
  8. I fear that becoming a trend for them.
  9. Sucker. My dining hall was the ground floor of my dorm. Edit: I think we had one hall that was like that. Heh, it was for the art students.
  10. Does your cat randomly attack your head while you sit on the couch, too?
  11. I'm not sarcastic, I'm absurd.
  12. I wasn't being serious.
  13. The Neverwinter Nights original campaign killed my inner child.
  14. Dragon Age doesn't let you do any sidequests afterwards. Only thing you can do is DLC.
  15. Your buddy is an insensitive jerk, IMO.
  16. You could always do what I do, forget what your birthday is.
  17. You like Divinity II? Never paid much attention to it. What are its strengths?
  18. It sure appears to be when he's talking about RDR. He's running around depopulating towns trying to be an offense to man and god. Not simply evil, but killing everyone. He mentions getting a failed mission for shooting random people in the tutorial. If that's not "I think evil is random acts of violence" then nothing is.
  19. An old one.
  20. So my car's making a noise. Thought I had a flat, but that isn't it. Don't know what it is. 2 days out of the shop and already a new problem.
  21. It does when you're the kind of guy who equates evil to "complete sociopath on a killing spree." Don't murder someone the moment you lay eyes on them, you're being good.
  22. Tale


    Found a cheap hardcover copy of And Another Thing..., so I'm rereading my Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide collection. More people should write like this.
  23. So I found out that Georg Zoeller is working on The Old Republic. I loved his interaction with the Dragon Age community and I credit him with the fact that I love Dragon Age. So I now have to be looking forward to The Old Republic.
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