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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Is this the 90s? I have some stocks to buy.
  2. It's not an advert for DA2, either. There's only one thing that's potentially relevant to DA2 and we practically gathered that information back in origins. It's a slight nostalgia fest. It references the Mage origin, Dalish origin, and lets people have resolution on the Morrigan relationship. But you're right, the advertisement is an outright lie. It says "FIND MORRIGAN'S SECRETS."
  3. My car is repaired. It's been in the shop for a week and a half. They couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. So they rebuilt the starter today, found the bushings were bad, and it now works. Week and a half in the shop, $75.
  4. No disagreement there. It was tacked on. Honestly, I think they saw that it was the final Origins DLC and wouldn't be able to do anything with Morrigan for DA2, so they threw something together and added her onto it. Because fanboys like me demand it!
  5. I just purchased Halo Reach- Limited Edition over Amazon.com. I know this isn't "what are you buying" thread, but this is odd. Release day shipping. GET IT TUESDAY THE 14th! $0.99 for the shipping. Fastest shipping for only 1 dollar. wut
  6. The companions were fun, though. I thought it was almost worth it just for them.
  7. The thing about it that bothers me is conceptually it's more akin to pick a path adventure books than RPGs. "If Shepard threatens the barkeeper, turn to page 25" vs "[intimidate] Just give me the damn drink!" Functionally, they're identical. But the former perpetuates that Shepard isn't you or your player avatar, but instead a distinct character you're simply guiding. In practice, I'm unlikely to care in the short run. But I wouldn't want to see it be an ongoing trend.
  8. I was just reminded of something, Is everybody expecting dialogue wheel text to not match up with spoken dialogue? It's amazing how much I overlook that in Mass Effect. But am not wanting Hawke to be another Shepard. I'm sure I'll completely overlook it in DA2, though.
  9. I think the new ones make more sense. Darkspawn from Qunari stock were Ogres. These guys look like Ogres.
  10. Apparently the three masked Qunari are mages.
  11. It doesn't really clear up anything. But here's the ending in a nutshell. Really, that's it. Nothing at all of importance.
  12. How can you romance that which has no mouth? Awkward.
  13. I can see where people come from with that perspective. Now that they're making a few changes for Dragon Age 2, I've had to consider how the establishment of a default and even somewhat forced identity such as a name and appearance can potentially (but not necessarilly) take away from player ownership and investment of a character. But I still think anyone who considers ME2 all that different from ME1 in regards to roleplaying is a bit batty.
  14. You may need to refresh your login information. At least that's what I did. It kept not connecting when I started the game up, so I hit connect, put in my info, and it worked find after that.
  15. If we don't like a game, we can reclassify it? I like that idea.
  16. Ever had a headache and think to yourself, this must be what having a baby feels like if my skull were a uterus? Something wants out.
  17. I didn't hear about this. Heartwarming.
  18. Only save game editor I've found is for ME2. You can fiddle with the data it says you transferred, but some of what I want is for game start (extra XP and such).
  19. Dude just look for a saved game online. I have, yet again, they suck. There's a close one that's good, can't remember what I disliked about it. Edit: On second check, there's only one thing wrong with it. The Bhatia body quest. I guess I can live with that.
  20. Anyone have an opinion on the Lair of the Shadow Broker before I go through all the trouble of a ME1 replay to prepare?
  21. Witch Hunt wasn't too long. It doesn't do much that's new. The main thing I have to say is that it has good companions, I like their banter and they're amusing. It seems to think I denied the ritual, even though I didn't. Pretty sure I know why. Also, apparently 35 is the level cap. I started Witch Hunt a sliver from that.
  22. I caved and loaded up my very first character for Witch Hunt. Great fun. The companions are simply fun.
  23. It's the principle of the matter.
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