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Everything posted by Tale

  1. C&C could use another good shooter after Renegade.
  2. I say that about your face, but you keep showing it. BAZING! But seriously, a lot of people liked the Fallout 3 DLC
  3. So, what classes are people thinking about playing? For those who might be considering it.
  4. Hahahaha. It's a good game. Strong campaign, co-op, firefight.
  5. I'm hoping that's the usual "exclusive" that ends up being only time limited exclusive.
  6. I called creepy dude in the other thread.
  7. honestly, she annoyed the **** outta me That might be because you're a soulless communist.
  8. They've actually said they're gonna base an entire expansion around her and what's in the maelstrom in general. That was a while back though, wasn't it? Like back when the rumor was it was the expansion to include Goblins. The expansion that turned into this one.
  9. Assuming she's not a sub-dungeon on this one. She's not very interesting.
  10. Same. It gave me chills and was the entire reason I reupped for a couple of months.
  11. She's everyone's favorite. Though I also like Jerro and wish Obsidian would do another forgotten realms game just so they could use Mephasm again.
  12. Neverwinter Nights 2 Just rescued Neeshka.
  13. Tale


    Reading And Another Thing finally. Mostly Harmless was definitely a downpoint for the series. AAT isn't a new pinnacle or anything, but it's pretty good. It's hard to be objective when you're thinking "it's a different author, I wonder what he screwed up." But the truth is, the jokes are funny and the book is enjoyable.
  14. baw baw, it's a tunnel shooter Lest we forget that the best Star Wars game of all time was a rail shooter.
  15. It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here. I'm a big proponent of heavy thematics and imagery and they love pushing it in their trailers. I can't help but be excited for it.
  16. Telltale's best series to date.
  17. Dude, it was Conan in space.
  18. Alien is the best series of all time. OF ALL TIME
  19. I want them to roll back to what they were before they started making BG, and then I want them to rethink their steps. And I'd like Obsidian to make Gamma World: Torment. What's the problem? I permanently shelved DA:O because after reinstalling the game after a HDD wipe I cannot get Shale anymore (nor any other free DLC, unlike with ME). It should be tied to the same account you have setup as your bioware social login. It just downloads with the in-game downloader.
  20. Thousands of hours of endless grind. The more populous group is in WoW specifically to avoid that.
  21. That sounds more reasonable if true. Need to see if the Signature Edition still exists after January 11.
  22. Is there any precedent for pre-order bonuses that are only for pre-orders over 2 months before release?
  23. PC = can't even get all the files to make it work yet Xbox = Guy at Gamestop lifts a fully working copy from the back room when his boss isn't looking.
  24. Actually it's in closed beta now. http://swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=109426 It's in closed testing. The TOR team is pretty insistent that it's not in beta yet.
  25. WoW has sold better than Mass Effect. Which sold better than Baldur's Gate. So it must be great.
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