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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Jokes on him, I'm a robot. He'd need at least a hammer to break my neck.
  2. W-what... what were the original plans for ME? I'm scared.
  3. This Witcher 2 video been seen yet? http://tw2.thewitcher.com/#video/0_1 Video -> Top Left Maybe NSFW
  4. I wish I could get curry around here.
  5. Would I lie? Over the internet of all places?
  6. Tale


    If you need to mourn, I'm here for you.
  7. I was looking forward to hearing more about Tiberium.
  8. Tale


    So I pretty much got halfway through And Another Thing yesterday. Been a while since I did that. Must mean I am enjoying it. It's also not very thick.
  9. So he hasn't been on the forum since he posted the last set of pictures? Curious.
  10. What is with you brits and curry?
  11. MCA is a co-owner of Obsidian. You learn something new every day.
  12. Grey heightmaps? Piffle, everyone knows orange is where it's at.
  13. Oh, but of course. How about That caught my by big surprise.
  14. Halo Reach has the best level design of the franchise, alongside ODST. And by that I mean it has no flood levels. I have to disagree that it's all about multiplayer. I can't fathom that multiplayer was given a lot of thought. It focuses on one gun. Imagine if Starcraft multiplayer only had one balanced unit. It'd be very competitive. But very repetitive. Weapon balance simply wasn't a consideration.
  15. You dislike kebab?
  16. Oh, did you read the spoiler that Also
  17. Nobody should be forced to install Steam. They should all want to do it.
  18. Can I join in on being English? Sure, I'm actually Texan, but I think I do pretty well.
  19. You hate everything.
  20. On one condition, don't ruin my style. I'm a regular e-Casanova and can't be caught with squares.
  21. Then while you're arguing I can shoot you all in the back. I like the way you think, Serrano.
  22. I'm not so sure. I'm getting the impression that I'd have to pew pew all of you, then jetpack away. Which would make you all very bitter and hate me on the forums. :'(
  23. Sounds like you guys need to petition European retailers to change new media day to Tuesday instead of Friday. Because that's why it happens. Your stores won't shelve it until Friday. Our stores put stuff on shelves on Tuesday.
  24. Of course it is, why would Bethsoft hold out on making more $$ across multi platforms since the DLC's are a proven success? Perhaps you could ask 2K that question about Bioshock 2. It's hard to know why some decisions get made.
  25. Why you people gotta make me shoot at you? Powertech is what I'm going to play if I ever get off the fence.
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