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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I'm personally glad I bought it. I just wouldn't recommend it to anyone else.
  2. They're still pretty darn rare. Only Fiends can be relied upon to have them. You'll find a few nameless NPCs with laser pistols, though. Common among caravans and I know I saw a laser fly during the Ghost Town Showdown. The Energy Weapon mentioned in the hands of a Powder Ganger is probably the Plasma Pistol Eddie uses. Not a bad weapon, but you'll be paying for repairs to it until you reach New Vegas.
  3. Lady Killer dialogue for the Lonesome Drifter.
  4. New Vegas needs Area 51 DLC. Vault 51
  5. It may vary from casino to casino. Since it appears they were scripted differently. One casino actually requires a stealth check for the holdout option.
  6. Only certain weapons can be hidden.. so if you're not actually carrying any that qualify... So lets see.. Brass Knuckles, Switchblades, Silenced 22, 9mm, Laser Pistol, Grenades and dynamite... Oh and you'll probably need to remap the quick keys for weapons everytime you go in and out of a casino.. And on the Laser weapons.. Meltdown + Laser Pistol is deadly to use in close quarters.. The 9mm doesn't count. Silenced 22 and switchblade do though (since I picked some up after getting into a fight in a casino haha). 9mm is a holdout weapon.
  7. Hey, you know how everyone talks about how good games were in the old days? This game is kind of like that.
  8. That's because below Gauss Rifles, they have lots of problems with armor. Though this may be because people aren't using overcharge and maxcharge ammo. Heck, the laser rifle is the only weapon in the game that I've seen that has a mod that actually makes the gun worse in some conditions. Beam splitter, turns the gun useless against enemies with armor. I haven't moved to the Laser RCW or the Plasma Rifle yet. Plasma pistol was just fine against armor, though. I figure the Plasma Rifle's going to be okay.
  9. You have to murder for it.
  10. Oh yeah. I finally encountered the floating deputy beagle last night.
  11. I see that we have a fellow Cracked reader here.
  12. 67 hours, yeehaw.
  13. Yup. That doesn't work. The trouble is that I think Cachino puts you on the trail of some other information of what the Omerta are up to... And the fact that I'd used up the "favour" the receptionist owed Benny means she's already spoken to me about where Cachino was... So there were no dialogue options to pressure her for information to find out what the next "part" of the quest is... So I'm just left with the quest pointing me to talk to the Receptionist..and nada in the conversation tree moving the quest on.. Wait, so you haven't actually taken care of the Omertas? You've just flirted with the receiptionist? You're right that the receptionist not putting you on the trail is a bug, but go snooping otherwise. Unlock some doors.
  14. Have you tried going back to house and saying it's taken care of?
  15. Are you talking about the PC? Because that's the normal price for console games.
  16. Okay, so my verdict. Let's get this out of the way first. It's short. 6 hours is how long I spent with it to completion of a single ending. Gameplay is much improved in almost all areas. The platforming is largely the same. And the camera behavior is still about two generations behind. There's a lot of variety lost in this game. There really only about three levels for those 6 hours (Dagobah does not count as a level). And you're only fighting Imperial troops. But in comparison to the first game, it's a quality over quantity. Each enemy fulfills a purpose and adds something to gameplay. With a minor exception, one enemy who is little more than a reskin. The environments are all better polished. This is all comparative to the first game, though. It's a quality above the first game in terms of mechanics, but it's lost a lot of the interesting elements of different settings within Star Wars. Compared to games that are not Force Unleashed though, it's still not up to par in the improved elements. It's not a Devil May Cry or God of War. Game series that manage to have better gameplay, variety, and length. Some of you may wonder about the plot. No new characters are introduced of note and the old characters aren't further characterized. Starkiller himself has regressed as a character and is simply unlikeable. He's obsessed and later angry. Starkiller in a nutshell. The ending of the original game implied he had calmed down a bit into a more traditional hero. This could be explained away as cloning or memory wipes, but it wouldn't make him likeable, just unlikeable with a plot excuse. As a final note, I can't recommend this game. If you loved the first game, rent it. Buy it if you see the price go down quite a bit.
  17. They're setting a tone, dag nabbit. It's not meant to be literal! I don't think the narrative operates by the mechanics. This is generally true. Then again, maybe they had a Pulse Gun. Maybe they hired another guy like the player.
  18. Default internet pronoun.
  19. Whose idea was to sepia filter Forlorn Hope? Because that's a nice touch. It's always kind of jarring to hang out there, go in a door, and "holy crap, my hat is RED." So I go back outside and it's just so... bleak. A little from column A, a little from column B. There are various quests that ask you to visit various vaults. But you can do them early. I'd warn you against visiting Vault 11 until the next patch. It may make the Lucky 38 hostile to you. And I'd warn you against visiting Vault 22 until you're doing something for Veronica, because that introduces a new option.
  20. Silly rabbit, Steam is not porn. Damn, there's a fifth?
  21. Too bad the west is bored of martyrs. I'd be surprised if it was talked about for more than a day. We consume and pass information at about the rate we consume and pass our tex-mex.
  22. There's a fourth instance out there, but I can't figure out what that website is for, so I won't link it.
  23. Writing characters isn't exclusively an exercise in "write this character." It's often the larger task to write for the character. A character's mere existence is not the breadth of character writing. How does the character react and interact with new things? How do these things change the character? How do these things help express facts about the character? In the case of Isabella, there simply was no way to feasibly do this in DAO, given the minor participation the character had. A larger role would give her more interaction/reaction opportunities. Add that to the desire of writers not simply to have the character on paper, but to express those ideas to others, and you might see why someone would 'write this character again.' Edit: To reduce snark.
  24. Right... Well, maybe he shouldn't have given you the chip back at all!
  25. Nobody's going to notice that he mentions Twilight MMO?
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