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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I don't know how people can insult Gannon. He carries a Plasma Defender. Those things are stronger than Plasma Rifles.
  2. Usually if you move away from an enemy, your companions will follow you, albeit slowly, until they too are out of range.
  3. That's not really the pipboy's fault. The control scheme simply isn't properly adapted to the PC. It's the exact same control scheme as the 360. That's why we hold down buttons for functions that should be independently bound and have no bindings for half the sensible functions.
  4. I actually had not noticed. I keep hoping to find a blind old woman, though.
  5. My reading of it seemed more like they were offering it as a bit of a donation. If it is the Vatican and they are sitting on that kind of money, of which I have no doubt, then maybe they're just wanting to do some goodwill toward the global economy. That does read absurd now that I type it out.
  6. Someone just made me realize the one thing New Vegas is missing. A heist. Just think of the opportunities. Infiltration, subterfuge, guns blazing.
  7. Thanks for reminding me about the Vault. One of the two remaining Vaults for me to conquer.
  8. My hindsight interpretation of the Followers situation is that they were overwhelmed by the chaos of the battle. But Freeside becomes safe afterwards. This comes about because of things Arcade says towards the end of his quest.
  9. I'm largely happy with Civ V. I do wish it had more options, that you could cover the entire continent with your borders, and I sometimes wish the opponents didn't play to win. But I love hexes, I love 1UPT, and I love the fact that I'm no longer losing my happiness and productivity in the modern era to overcrowding and health factors I have no idea how to fix.
  10. There's a big mythos built around them unlocking a great treasure and guarded by an immortal man.
  11. That's a different guy.
  12. Two words: Wild Mage
  13. Caesar is dead! The Laser Gatling Gun mowed through everyone but his Praetorians. Who died to my Thermal Lance. He, on the other hand, said hello to a Holy Hand Grenade. Meltdown is almost more trouble than it's worth. It's the entire reason I even have the Thermal Lance. Firing energy weapons into close quarters is a gigantic nono.
  14. So is that a problem children need to be protected from?
  15. So, we should beware DVD sets? How many parents read their children's books ahead of time? "____ an entire ____" hasn't exactly been a problem.
  16. The Laser RCW is officially AWESOME. Against Fiends it will rip through them faster than they can run down hallways. It's like a mini-gatling laser.
  17. Just a leisurely stroll.
  18. A Harry Dresden game would be nice.
  19. I never saw the guy who talked about the caps in my first game. He probably got murdered by someone while looking for me. Heck, when he found me in the second game, he nearly walked into the NCR/Powder Ganger fight.
  20. If it had come out of anywhere but California, I might think it's something other than the movie industry trying to suppress competing entertainment. The Supreme Court's questions bring me back to this in wondering why video games are singled out. When we've got games like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty outselling movie blockbusters, I can't think the movie industry isn't going to be taken aback. They have, for years, had to cut movies down from R to PG-13 in an effort to increase viewership. But videogames don't seem have that problem.
  21. You know of more messages than just the wreckage outside of Primm? It's probably a dropped subplot. This may also end up being a DLC hook.
  22. I find that ED-E can't hit the broad side of a barn half of the time.
  23. I love ED-E's music. You basically end up with a fight theme.
  24. Some people just aren't satisfied until they put their watercooling to good use. Even if it looks terrible. Have you seen those old Half-Life 2 packs? Like Fakefactory's. They did stuff like turn Alyx into a stripper and Eli into a 30 year old rapper. But people used them because they had more polygons.
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