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Everything posted by Tale

  1. That's a photoshop. It says 18, 16, and 15. Everyone knows the ESRB rating was M. That's just making stuff up!
  2. You're at the second (main quest) town in the game. No you haven't missed anyone.
  3. Fearless!
  4. I reached Idolized with them both times. The second time even after skipping half their quests (I basically only did the main NCR line and McCarran), never went to Forlorn Hope, Camp Golf, or any Ranger station but Charlie, but I did free Nelson.
  5. The stat boosts are implants. Snowglobes are for caps, there are 7.
  6. I now remember why my replay of Fallout 3 fell through last time. I did the Arefu/Family quest, the Wilks/Greyditch quest last night, and the Rivet City/Android. I'm just there to talk to some guys, why do I have to fight through Mirelurks? How many connecting tunnels do I need to go through for a simple task? I can't deliver a letter to someone's brother without having to go on a dungeon crawl.
  7. Dragon Age definitely needs hot dark elf chicks.
  8. As long as they don't drink it, they'll be fine.
  9. Which has the better campaign?
  10. I posted about it in the news thread. Most retailers are thriving on secondary market sales. This is part of what's "killing" PC gaming. These retailers can't second hand PC games quite the same way, so they minimize PC exposure to promote console games. At least in the US. Go to a Gamestop, find the PC section. It's a rack at the back of the store. While the console games are plastered all over the walls. Steam is thriving in spite of this behavior by retailers. A few retailers, these two in particular in the UK, have now decided that they want in on this, they want to start have their own DD service but they're way behind in market saturation. And they don't like not being top dog anymore. Both Impulse and Direct 2 Drive are doing okay as far as I've heard, though not as well as Steam. And Stardock's Impulse uses similar pack-in to Valve. Or at least it did back when I purchased Gal Civ 2. So I guess this inspires my question. Are retailers as bad about PC games in the UK as they are in the US? When you walk into the store are the PC boxes given equal exposure to the console cases?
  11. Tin cans are so common that there's at least one place you can go to that has 100 cans by itself. You don't really need to stockpile.
  12. Progressing through Fallout 3. Unlike the first time and a half I played the game, I had my first Talon encounter right after leaving Megaton the first time. One guy was using grenades, that tactic doesn't work out very well. But it got me my first laser pistol and some combat armor at level 3. Last night I actually got far enough that I fixed GNRs broadcasting problems. Why am I facing Super Mutant Brutes at level 8? @#%@#% My laser pistol is not made to handle this crap. Nor is my barely functioning and low ammo laser rifle. It's kind of weird getting 21 skill points per level after playing New Vegas. I just assign 3 points to 7 (energy, medicine, repair, lockpick, science, sneak, speech) skills and hunt down skill books and bobble heads.
  13. Are you telling me it doesn't have Zork? As the video review shows, it does indeed have Zork and a cool looking top down arcade shooter hidden in the game! Kind of funny, but I've never played Zork before and my first experience with it will be on a Call of Duty game. So, Black Ops does have Zork, but you don't understand why I mentioned Zork. I'm not sure how to resolve that little conundrum.
  14. My first character was survival, too. It's pretty much only useful for animal related perks. There's way too much food to scavenge as it is. You'll get more meat just by killing random creatures that cross your path than you'll ever need to eat. Of course, this does make it useful if you're intending to make profit selling food. I think it does increase value.
  15. Why would you? You have containers in the Presidential Suite. I didn't even know the Penthouse had containers.
  16. You can buy normal clothing. Mick and Ralph's really does have everything.
  17. If you didn't have the option to have him join you, are you sure you did the quest right? I wasn't aware he cared about your NCR rep. Smiling troublemaker is apparently a positive reputation.
  18. Some UK retailers are threatening a boycott of games that use Steam. http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/11/11/1...-of-Steam-Games Was wondering how long it would be until this started. Considering how US game shops have started minimizing PC game exposure as it is (presumably due to inability to do second hand sales), I don't see this threat having too sharp of teeth should it be tried here. Edit: I linked Slashdot because that's where I got it from and like reading comments. Here's the original link. http://www.mcvuk.com/news/41746/Retail-threatens-Steam-ban
  19. Oh that quest. I take it Gorgon is going around killing everyone he meets.
  20. Are you telling me it doesn't have Zork?
  21. The only way it's possible to do that with Boone is if you just about kill every Legion member before you recruit Boone. He has like a dozen triggers and only needs half of them. Or something like that.
  22. How is arid desert interesting?
  23. Wait, so he didn't claim to go skiing instead because the manual was too thick for this game?
  24. So Manny is an undercover agent for the feds? I'll never trust him again!
  25. That part I can definitely confirm as wrong. I always talk to Manny first.
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