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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I'm not sure if you've played Morrowind, but I'd argue that while major destinations were easy enough to find because they were marked on your world map, smaller destinations were a pain. Navigating the Ashlands in the middle of a red sand storm while constantly being attacked by bird creatures is not fun. The first time I played, I would literally spend hours wandering around trying to find the right location because there are fifteen different crypts, tombs, caves, and ruins that might be described as being 'Southwest of the Ursulaka Camp,' and there aren't signs or land marks. I both loved and hated that aspect of the game. I would go, follow the directions, enter the cave and explore. I'd spend like half an hour to an hour never finding what I came for. Only for it to turn out it was on top of an unassuming crate at the dungeon entrance. Or that I'm in the wrong bloody dungeon because I made the left turn too late. I loved it because it's like I'm being tricked into exploring places I would never have visited anyway. I hated it because I'd never ever figure out I was lost until I start looking it up on the internet.
  2. No one's talking about compression. It's believed that it's possilble that the LHC might produce black holes, that's a fact.] Yeah? CERN official public website: No, Wrath of Dagon is right. "It's believed." Even if it were him alone who believed it, it would be believed.
  3. Did Mothership Zeta last night, full. It's like the worst parts of Operation Anchorage and Broken Steel/Point Lookout. Minimal exploration, no skill interaction, and enemies that soak too much damage. But I can't hate it. If it weren't for the energy shields on the aliens, I might have loved it.
  4. It's a great game. After I beat it I noticed my officemate from Ensemble was on the QA team. The sequel supposedly won't follow War, opting for a different horseman during the same time period.
  5. http://kotaku.com/5692653/dont-worry-drago...-is-for-you-too Why do so many seem to take voiced PCs being an improvement as a given? I like the tone of the rest of the article and it contributes somewhat to me being hopeful. But voiced PCs is not an inherent good. It serves a purpose. A different purpose than mute PCs.
  6. Like the fact that they keep hoarding Jennifer Hale. When she is a treasure to be shared by everyone. And not just for people who feel content to play as a female PC in Mass Effect games. Making fun of them because of ME is still hip, right? Only if you're talking about ME1. I will square you in the nose should you unjustly slander ME2.
  7. I've only actually seen one. But that was enough. I've dodged enough Deathclaws and Super Mutant Overlords to make the complaint, though. Enclave Hellfire Troopers don't seem too much stronger than regular Enclave troops. So I find them acceptable.
  8. Like the fact that they keep hoarding Jennifer Hale. When she is a treasure to be shared by everyone. And not just for people who feel content to play as a female PC in Mass Effect games.
  9. Windows release isn't until next quarter.
  10. Halo has really nice color. How many games do you know of where the major enemies are purple?
  11. I don't like Empire Strikes Back. There, I said it.
  12. The only thing I'm above is everything. Am I right, fellas? Eh? Eh?
  13. With the Incisor Rifle and the supposed ME hints, I'm also leaning First Contact War.
  14. I ended up ordering Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I was going to skip it since it seemed to be a multiplayer focused spin-off. But then I find out it has a full single player campaign and decided I couldn't miss it. Now I'm looking forward to that, in the sense that I did free shipping, so it'll be a week or so.
  15. No the look is wrong. That's just what they want you to think. It's a trick.
  16. Maybe it'll be a spiritual successor to MDK2.
  17. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU Bethesda's level scaling. I have no problem with level scaling in general. I have no problem with dynamic difficulty systems in general. Even Baldur's Gate II and Morrowind had it to some degree. But those games don't load me into pairs of deathclaws everytime I go to turn in fingers. Nor does it populate the world with Albino Radscorpions. AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH Though Cliff racers got really annoying after a while. Part of the problem is probably Fallout 3's respawning system. They respawn where they died, instead of respawning where they originally spawned. So if the deathclaws (which seem to have replaced giant radscorpions as spawning at this location) die on top of the fast travel point, they'll be there the next time. And they're too heavy to drag the corpses away. And stop killing my invested merchants, guys. If I see them, I just know I'm going to have to escort them for a few minutes before I can break for it.
  18. Saves them time from not having to make a gay guy for the guys and a lesbian one for the gals. Just as long as they are in. It wouldn't be an authentic Bioware experience otherwise. What was ME2 then?
  19. No, you're dismissed!
  20. I recall hearing that Sawyer did Gannon and Avellone did Cassidy.
  21. I swear to god, I will turn this car around.
  22. Whoah, that is the Incisor.
  23. I'm getting more and more sick of "gritty" as time goes by. I need color, people.
  24. This is me quietly seething.
  25. Because it's impossible to honestly evaluate how an experience was. Memory formation and access simply does not work that way. The concept of "the game that's been the most fun for you" is simply stupid. The personal quantifiers of fun are the most affected by time and changing contexts. Really, how do you judge which of two games was more fun than the other when your recollections of both are equally vague? Replay serves several purposes. It gives a meaningful context to the discussion. Does it hold up enough to play today and recommend to others? It gives a verification. If I play it now, will those feelings I recall be reconfirmed?
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