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Everything posted by Tale

  1. AER14 might be good. I remembered not liking it when I got it because I was using the Laser Rifle for sniping. But it has a higher crit chance than the tri-beam.
  2. Because Q-35 isn't a laser. If I wanted to use plasma, I'd use the plasma defender, which is higher DAM than the Q-35. Using the same ammunition for both weapons is a good thing. Having to try to guess how much I'll need for each weapon sucks. And the Gatling Laser is too heavy. Thanks for reminding me that the RCW uses different ammo. Tri-Beam it is!
  3. Veronica is the third companion in the main quest's path. She's at 188, which is on the way between Novac and Boulder. 188 isn't part of the main quest's path (At least, I'm to The House Always Wins, II and haven't been ordered there) . I've managed to explore... *loads game* *counts* 103 locations but no location 188. I'm not saying you get ordered there, just that it's between two locations that quest locations. Between Boulder and Novac. I'm actually very surprised that you missed it, unless the soldiers scared you so you snuck by.
  4. Opinion time. Laser RCW or Tri-Laser Rifle? I've got the Gauss Rifle for hard targets, but am picking up laser commander next level. Want something for soft targets. The RCW is just cooler, I'll agree.
  5. Only thing I can find is Revised Code of Washington, but that seems wholly irrelevant to a laser Tommygun in Vegas. Maybe it's the initials of some setting equivalent of John T. Thompson.
  6. The DLC for Dragon Age was universally lame. But I did like Awakenings a little. It's a tossup as to if they'll repeat that.
  7. Is Oblarq actually trying to argue that the "light" environment in ME2 isn't light? Hell, I see all three primaries in that shot alone. Only way that shot could be any brighter is with a lens flare and excess bloom.
  8. You have to kill him while he's attacking the cows. Sometimes there's a bug where he just stands there. Veronica is the third companion in the main quest's path. She's at 188, which is on the way between Novac and Boulder. Raul's the hardest to meet/get. He's completely off the path and guarded by supermutant masters. I just did Arcade's quest. Apparently the way I did it won't let me get the Enclave armor, so I'm reloading an older save.
  9. YES! Due to FO3 I have a pathological hatred towards the DC metro. Speaking of, I think I found a subway entrance. And I can't bring myself to open that door.
  10. http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=...dfbf15c2e2f4021
  11. Those Brotherhood guys. Meltdown is awesome, FYI. But be very careful with it. I fired a plasma rifle headshot on a nearby fiend. Sneak Attack and he blows up. This Sneak Attacks the fiend next to him, who blows up. Both of these explosions sneak attack Veronica and ED-E, who are barely left alive.
  12. It's come to my attention that Veronica is a smoker. She currently has 10 packs of cigarettes in her inventory. I have no idea where she got them. I sent her back to the 38 from the old mormon fort. I check with her later and she has them. She didn't get them from inside the lucky 38, I already sold all the ones there. She must have scavenged them along the way.
  13. In a game designed so that you're not a do-it-all, things need to be ignorable. Otherwise you could never complete the dang thing. How's someone supposed to need to craft bullets if they don't even take repair as a skill?
  14. But I liked ME2. It's ME1 that I want to round up all the copies of and burn.
  15. Intensive training is probably the most useless perk in the game. Why would you want to boost strength? To carry more? Strong back is 5 times better than 1 point in strength. To use heavier weaponry? Weapon handling is 2 times better than 1 point in strength. Want more skill points? Educated, comprehension, and Tag It! are each better than a point in intelligence. Finesse is better than luck for criticals. Maybe if you're looking to do better at the slots or pass that one luck check in the game.
  16. I doubt this one will sell well enough for a second release. The first one was the fastest selling Star Wars game of all time. This one won't do nearly as well.
  17. I've heard that it requires 2 pots, not 1 like it claims.
  18. Good, I hated being the only bot.
  19. Stop playing versus, you stooges. I hate versus. :'(
  20. I thought there were no AO games simply because stores like Wal-Mart refused to sell them. The fact of the matter is that rating is 100% optional. A fine based on rating would have no teeth if it could be bystepped so easily.
  21. The Legion don't only use machetes. They like machetes, but they use far more. They've got power fists better than Veronica's. That's right, equipment better than BoS.
  22. Given game mechanics they could barley scratch them. It gets even worse with legion supposedly defeating them with machetes. Yes, and given game mechanics, water heals gunshots. Game mechanics are not the setting's reality. DAM of 6, you won't be hurting anything with armor. Since even leather armor has a DT of 6. And I don't think weapon skill effects damage. Edit: I appear to be wrong according to the wiki. How much does it improve with skill? Mine's at 60 and still has trouble with weak armors.
  23. Post apocalyptic zeerust is serious business.
  24. Very little screentime. She's basically the McGuffin Starkiller is looking for.
  25. I'm personally glad I bought it. I just wouldn't recommend it to anyone else.
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