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Everything posted by starwarskid15_19

  1. he would have been much older if it was him i think
  2. technically and i cant believe im reffering to this but in the d20 system (ouch) level 20 is rarely obtained and jedi/sith are like gods when they reach it i think.
  3. according to the original poster it sounds like carth is now a stalker of female ls jedi
  4. i dont know if he does i havent read anything about what level he is. ive got a question though....is mandalore an automatic party member or do you have to be ds to get him?
  5. maybe they dont want to lose another leader and friend like revan so they dont want to get close to you. this is pure speculation since i dont have the game yet
  6. revan and the exile should be in the party, plus a new pc
  7. no its what you like Luke. i just said what im gonna play
  8. ls is my favorite. so of course ill play it first. then ds and then ill switch stuff up and do a bunch of different variations
  9. do you get Mandalore on Malachor V or is it somewhere else because i cant wait to have in my party
  10. is your personal crystal the one that bonds with you and changes colour based on allignment
  11. so what about mandalore how do you inflence him?
  12. how do you open it without the charges then? cuz every ds character that destroys the holocron is probably going to be pissed
  13. do the charges destroy the items?
  14. sorry i must have missed that post
  15. so can you get it or not?
  16. welcome to obsidian. i dont know what you are talking about otherwise i would try to help.
  17. seems like the lightsaber was made a little too rare this time
  18. think of it this way. only train one per play through. then for that play through that party member is the force sensitive and not the others
  19. what envida said. o and welsome to obsidian VIctory6
  20. im not sure about the answer to this. i dont have the game yet, but i would guess that it stays on permanently until he wants to reveal to you who he is. im guess for even more suspense he uses voice changer
  21. i cant until christmas
  22. good-bye mister noob that i never heard of. ill miss you
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