die Kazic!!!! you and your pink followers shall be destroyed. *pulls short double bladed sabers out again. one in each hand.* i challenge you to a fight. the winner must join the losers side
Darth Gandalf on behalf of the jedi order id like to say, STEP AWAY FROM THE PINK. or we will have to join forces with the: dark side, xbox side, pc side and twilek dancer side to destroy you and your master
i mean why do they matter so much. a story should be the first thing on the list of important games. i know graphics need to be "cool" to attract some people. its just my opinion that graphics shouldnt matter more than the story
interesting. its basically gonna be the same thing as the malak fight when we fight him i think. they both will be sucking the life out of stuff. escept for Nihilus will be using us not semi dead jedi
why do graphics matter? as long as the story and other elements are good graphics dont matter. its all about the story to me. graphics only matter in games like halo where the story is weak so they need something to fall back on. or is it that the story is weak because of people feeling that the graphics make the game?
i can tell its gonna be great. the story is so much darker and more realistic than kotor. that alone scored a lot of points for this game with me. and the stances and force forms, along with prestige classes. it just looks so awesome
ive said it b4 and ill say it again. kotor 2 is gonna be awesome!! i think that even if the magazines don't rank it as high as it should that it is gonna be the best game of 2004. if people could get past wanting the best graphics even if it sacrafices the story, they would realize that the best games sometimes dont have the most up to date graphics. like TSL.