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Everything posted by starwarskid15_19

  1. the hoods thing is an old one almost everyone wants the hoods to be up but it looks like we might not get it. and with the look of the robes im not sure all the pics ive seen they seemed fine.
  2. that would be cool.
  3. i want an apprentice but all was said was master/apprentice not necessarily meaning ur the apprentice tho. but i think u should get one around level 10-15 if u do get one
  4. Im gettin tired of callin him the guy in the mask i just thought someone might have a good name to call him til december
  5. that is the lamest and stupidest reply ive ever heard. im kiddin i know ppl that would say that but thats still dumb
  6. according to www.supershadow.com luke is the most powerful jedi. and the most powerful sith is sidious with the kyber crystal. for those of u who dont know a kyber crystal ampliifies a force users power
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