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Everything posted by Hulk'O'Saurus

  1. I'd prefer better quests in the future DLC to more companions. The game also has other issues that I'd welcome being looked into before that, as well. Just two cents.
  2. If it's solo we're talking about I think you'd need more Dex, less Per, a bit more Con and less Mig. Because it won't be only attacks all the time. You'd need to use other things here and there and the chanter summons like a bit more speed. Two handed is ok, although I would advice to have more variety in your arsenal. I don't really have an opinion on all the chanter subs--Troubadour increases the cost of all of your spells... I imagine sometimes you'd want to summon something straight out of the gate, though, taking a step back is also an option. Generally, I'd pick a clean chanter. I don't know if Flames of Devotion would heal you(it says allies.) If it doesn't, Goldpact's armour bonus would fit you very well. Less damage suffered will free more time for you to do other things. Whereas with FoD heals you need to be attacking.
  3. I wonder if an Ultimate Solo PoE2 run would include all the challenges?... Because if it does, it would just be a stat fest for the larger part of the game. Unless there's a challenge where respec is disabled you could just finish almost the entire game without a fight, or, if it is like PoE where it's stipulated that you need to defeat a number of strong foes, only a very small number of specific builds would be able to do it. I dunno, somehow it doesn't add up in my head. The combinations with Berath's is too punishing in solo overall, imho. The alternative in no Berath is equally... anti-punishing. I don't think the challenges are very well thought out. I am not talking about difficulty here... just about concept.
  4. Let's stay here... hunched together for a while.
  5. Having a meta-power-game in PoE2 is exactly the problem, brother. Scrolls, on other hand, scale like that--the more you spec into them, the more damage they will do, the more you will be niche. Also, they don't work everywhere. In other words, scrolls are less power-meta than some of the builds in the power-meta... though no body ever said that having infinite summons is stupid...
  6. Hmm... I can think of a few of the toughest fights where high Arcana made it a breeze. Especially the BoW dragon. She goes down in less than a minute--she has very poor reflex. Guardian of Ukaizo--no probs, he just needs a summon and withdrawal to make the statue ads move away. The water dragon is also easy. Like I pointed out before the Fire Dragon will be the notable foe in this case, and with Abydon's you won't be able to turtle reliably and shoot her down. Since respec is available to us with all challenges that might be the way forward. Also, you can craft a lot of scrolls by waiting for 26 hours at Cuitzli's. Solo you will have the cash to afford it. I went in with like 30 Maelstroms and 30 Meteor Showers into BoW, no problem. Also, also, it clears packs very quickly, much more so than builds without Arcana. Even with Berath's on you just blast the fight, top up and move on. I am not saying it's perfect. The challenges create a clear meta, unfortunately. But c'mon, man. Saying it's 'stupid' is pushing it.
  7. If it's Nemnok's Cloak, then it triggers when an HP limit threshold is reached. Sorry... didn't watch the video :C
  8. Fallout... Fallout Physics never change.
  9. Not only that but a TCS setup from the first game, as well. I think there are a few things we won't be able to use, but only the pool of sacrifice comes to mind. It's not mine per se ;D. People can add and take whatever they want from here. I am sure chanter would add great survivability and infinite resources, too. But here is an interesting point for a Fighter--he is immortal during a short period of time. That period is actually enough to blast them away with scrolls. I know I'm probably repeating myself now, but they're that good :D, and that also speeds gameplay quite a bit. We're probably used to highest speed by now, so playing combat in normal speed with no pause won't be that much of a deal... I think. Is there seriously gonna be a god challenge for that? :D
  10. Not an unreasonable thought, though a stack of 10 well speced scrolls deal with Nery... that BoW dragon. Just giving an example of how damaging scrolls actually are.
  11. Ugh... It says 2018. Bard's Tale Trilogy from inXile. Mostly, I want to know how to survive the night. I got a few tip like having high luck 1st char to be able to escape the early fights and then just grind gold, but I died during my first night :D. I did survive my first encounter with 8 wolves, but they killed off 4 of my party. Pointless to continue.
  12. In the middle of the vast sea it comes down only to the power to hold versus the power to take...
  13. Just checked. Zealous Focus doesn't stack with Warrior Stance, but we can use Stride Aura and take Unroken sub for extra armour. That one stacks with Gilded Enmity.
  14. I am playing Bard's Tale, now. Needs some tips from pros, please! ^_^
  15. ^ Wait... Tentacle Monster?... Really?...
  16. I think this would be one of the classes to achieve the title in an easier, if not cheesier way. It goes without saying that we don't have a clear definition of TCS in Deadfire, so I am just thinking about what TCS meant in the first game. Which is convenient because naming all the isles is impossible without 15 survival... or was it 14? General idea: Buffs are all quick with the exclusion of Lay on Hands stuff(it's a hard choice between Robust and Courageous, to be honest), but we can put that on last. I suspect no AI would be easier for this situation. Scrolls will be the main offensive power--you can reach 15.5(possibly even higher; haven't quite looked into it) pen on scrolls which makes them quite the hard hitter, and with Unbending Trunk we would love to sit in our own nukes, if we get hit by them, that is. Luckily, reflex debuff is available on Sun and Moon, which also benefits from Ring of Focused Flame, and all of that benefits our scrooollz. So happy days! The build can also stack healing done and received, so one Lay on Hands can top off nearly a full health bar for us. Conqueror Stance + Palladin Aura = +15 accuracy for scroooollz… that's kind of insane, to be honest... if they stack :D. The build also gives us good conversion, and we can use Potion of Perfect Aim which would help with the quantity over quality approach the build is taking. A converted crit from a Great Maelstrom hits quite hard and those make a lot of hits, plus extra damage and armour from... Gilded Enmity(was it)? I suspect that equipment that downgrades hits and crits would be most welcomed. We have all the resistances available to us because of Crusader gizmos and very good defenses, though stacking Will is still instrumental, imho, because of Arcane Dampener. Personally, I don't think that Deflection would be that big of a deal here, but the more the merrier--I think after buffs the build will end up at around 130-140 which is not that bad. Is there a God challenge for no respecing, by the way? Because if there isn't the build will be able to do everything in Neketaka with almost no fighting and then just hop into full Arcana for the bounties. And while we can start flinging Maelstroms and Meteor Showers from level 7 onwards, without Unbending Trunk I don't think it's the brightest idea, though not impossible because of all the defenses. Honestly, I am mostly thinking no pause here, lol! A notable opponent would be the Fire Dragon, but that one is good at isolating herself from you with only 3 Magma Oozes hitting you--if you take that sweet spot at the right side, next to the treasure. There is a fire-immune add to help you, too, and I've actually killed her by using nothing more than a Frost Seeker from that position. I was stacked on Fire armour and the Lay on Hands is enough to keep you alive through her entire health bar. Boring, but doable... and I was curious to see if it will work. It does. So what do you think? Cheesy as hell, or legit? :D
  17. Oh, yeah. You can surpass 15 pen if you spec well into it. A stack of 10 would kill the dragon on any class... Or take half her health and use class resources if you're using non-optimal scroll stuff.
  18. Hello, How's it going? I have something strange worked out with deadfire's performance. I beat the game with my Arcane Knight and never really experience an issue. Well... I lost some fps in some areas when stacking a lot of spells, sure. But I think a lot of people have taken that for granted and are not really arsed by it anymore. Thing is, I started a Ghost Heart/Trickster and I noticed that as the game progresses so does my fps tank down consistently. Most often I summon my pet, then confounding strike, then combo with skills, and then run away. It seems my fps go down by about 5 every time I kill an enemy until I am at 10 at all times. I test that in Queen's berth, by the way. Confounding strike is, without a doubt, the culprit in my case, but the pet, I notice, also causes problems. And some of the other skills, like Shadowing Beyond add to the weight, as well. Then, I clear Queens Berth with my Arcane Knight and my fps don't go bellow 40 even when I have 6 guards on the screen plus Chill Fog, Freezing Pillar, Bitter Mooring, Crushing Doom and Meteor Shower... After that my fps go up. In the Brass Citadel my fps almost never go bellow 60 even when I stack spells like that, but my performance worsens if I clear it with my Ghost Trickster toon the same way it does in Queen's, though it has a few more fps. Hope that helps somebody out there, and I hope that somebody from Obsidian would bat an eye, too! ps: sry for typo in title.
  19. Ah, ok... If it's a party, then you don't really have much to worry about. Still, I don't really like priest and druid because almost all of their skills come with a recovery time after use. From what I can understand, you don't like that? In comparison, and because you mentioned it, any combination between rogue, wizard and a paladin has the options of going almost no recovery after their skills and/or stun lock a target with skills that have low recovery. Spells that nuke will have recovery, but those will deal a lot of damage, and some even add status effects, so if you're going down the rogue route you will love deathblows. Personally, I really, really like Arcane Knight. Apparently it is branded as an op combination, though.
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