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Found 2 results

  1. Patch 2.1 did not fix the FPS degradation and memory leak. It's still as bad for me. Below 40 fps and over 3GB ram usage after just 2 hours. AMD Ryzen 5 1600X 16GB 3200Mhz ram Windows 10 Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB DxDiag attached --- Proof: FPS before: https://i.imgur.com/OEH0BgO.jpg FPS after restart: https://i.imgur.com/RDjZz0z.jpg RAM usage before: RAM usage after restart: DxDiag.txt
  2. Seemed like monk got some nice fixes to abilities like The Dichotomous Soul and it could use some discussion on a separate thread. Equipment abilities like Effigy's Husk's death aoe works when your clones die though they are kind of tanky. I've tried equipping the Necklace of Unlocked Possibilities, but the weapons spawned in the hands of the monks do not scale like their fists do so you can get a range of unique weapons going from exceptional to legendary that you can find out via combat log. One thing I like to note is that for some reason item party auras like the Curios necklace didn't seem to give the buff to my party members, but it gave it to my party's other summons. On the other hand some auras that also benefit self, were able to be copied with my clones. The Belt of Magran's Chosen got even better for a monk since now the clones can trigger the "on-hit" to summon a fire elemental. That means a pure monk can farm for an elemental proc to perform a mortar/frost seeker Whispers of the Wind to stack a ton of resonances via splash aoe then burst into raw damage then repeat again on all the fire elementals it may have spawned to stack even more. I haven't tried the other new weapons or checked if other weapons have been changed similarly so there might be some super cool synergies I'm too busy to test. Has anyone felt any differences in blade turning?
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