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Everything posted by Cdiaz

  1. Hello and sorry for the late reply! I'm gonna take a look at this save to see if I can resolve it for you right now. Best, -Caleb
  2. Hi Marigoldran, Would you please attach a save game with the issue attached? We may look into the matter for you. Best, -Caleb
  3. Thanks for the assistance all, Let me know if you still need help w this issue. Best, -Caleb
  4. Hi cyberpunker, Thanks for the bugs! Ill get these added for our QA team to look into. Best, -Caleb
  5. Hi Suen, If you have instances of these, please send a save game with the issue at hand. Thanks! -Caleb
  6. Hi TKDancer, This was reported with the Sloop, but Ill have a pass done for all the ships as this looks different. Thanks for the post! Best, -Caleb
  7. Hi acbatchelor, Thank you for taking the time post this crash! Ill get the issue logged for our devs to look into the reason for it. Best, -Caleb
  8. Hi BBlast, For Skill check issues, please let us know which Interactions are the case. We did passes to try to account for solo runs, but the game is so big we didnt catch them all. Ill get the Flames of Devotion and Moowell interaction logged so our devs can investigate. Thanks! -Caleb
  9. Hi thelee, Yeah I always found it funny that it worked out this way, it was talked about if these two needed to be swapped, but thematically we went with a small skirmish right before the end. It's worth mentioning, see if the devs want to add any difficulty to it for players Best, -Caleb
  10. Hi Psychovampiric Shield, Odd, thank you for bringing this to our attention! Ill get this logged as still an issue in the latest patch. Best, -Caleb
  11. Hi thelee, We have had this issue presented in development, Ill get it added to our database so we can get it looked into. Best, -Caleb
  12. Hi gsrs1277, Thanks for posting this odd interaction. Ill get it in that using SA on charmed targets lists them as charmed. Best, -Caleb
  13. Yeah sorry smjjames, It definitely makes it better to have a thread, but I am seeing instances where the thread will get answered once, and then not looked into again. We are working through measures to make it so this isnt the case, but as I'll be the one handling our tech forums from now on I think its the best quick resolution for me to know I've got all these in for QA to enter Apologies for the inconvenience! And thanks for understand and being patient as we work through our changes Also, got this one logged as well! Keep them coming if encountered. Best, -Caleb
  14. Hi kmbogd, Ill get this looked into as well. I do not believe it should be lacking the +5 accuracy, but it may have other effects that are the reasonings for the devs to remove it. Best, -Caleb
  15. Hi TKDancer, I got this in for fixing. Is this on the latest patch 1.1.1? Thanks, -Caleb
  16. Hi kmbogd, Thanks for posting on our forums! We do know our off hand is getting benefits from the main hand, but Ill have the pen from harpooning looked into for a .2 scaling best, -Caleb
  17. You know what i like about you guys? You are present, you communicate with us. Many other devs are silent and pissing players off. I appreciate it really. Thank you to all of you lads and lasses at Obsidian. We're definitely working on getting our communications with our players worked stronger and more efficient. Thank you very much for your kind words
  18. Nice Catch AndreaColombo! For all the other helmets, if you see them it would help us get them in and logged, would you mind sending those specific instances? We would ideally like all of these instances fixed Thanks! For visibility we are working to get our forums better answered, so new posts of each help a lot until we figure out the best system to get to and address issues
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