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Everything posted by daven

  1. Except romance can be quite endearing when done right. You don't need multiple entries, or sequels, to create meaningful romance. Some of my favorite romances come from dragon age origins. It's just here, the devs didn't have the talent to make good romance. In which case, they should have instead not opted for romance. So maybe it's a bit short and not that well written for the characters. I still find it entertaining to have Hylea as a wingman Honestly, Hylea is adorable. You should be able to romance her instead. Not when she had birds defecate all over my ship! The cow!
  2. I'm not entirely sure what this relationship system even does, other than have Xoti allegedly bite her lip and Aloth roll his eyes every other sentence.
  3. All you idiots who demanded in game relationships are the ones to blame for this. Are you happy now?! I have to suffer this terrible fan fic/romance novel writing because of you.
  4. I've been playing about 10 hours and still haven't even had a ship battle..? Every ship just seems to be a merchant.
  5. You'll take those starting abilities and ****ty attribute scores and like them! Popular defenses of this stupid practice: 1) Stop acting so entitled, just enjoy the game! 2) The companions are higher level than custom ones so it's ok! 3) Just use mods! 4) Just use console commands, achievements don't matter! 5) Developer choices matter more than your gaming experience! 6) You might choose attributes/abilities that don't fit the character! 7) I can complete the game on POTD without optimized attributes/abilities! And many more It doesn't really help anyone to strawman people's arguments. I may even agree with you, but this isn't helpful feedback. It was amusing though, gotta 'av a laff init mush.
  6. Pallegina just told me to f-off basically when I asked her to join me for some reason. Must have made a bad decision in the past life. Haven't found any sidekicks, Serafen seems pretty useless I agree.
  7. Look I'm not having a go, it just feels really forced. OR the game is bugged and I'm missing tons of dialogue(I hope it's the latter and gets sorted).
  8. That's interesting, i'd like the option to control the main character on PC with a controller.
  9. I've been talking to them for about 5 minutes and they immediately bring up sex. It feels so ham-fisted and forced. I just have to tell them to shut the hell up cos we're on an important mission, they can go to the brothel on their own time god dammit.
  10. And why does nearly everyone on the street want to purchase Xoti's lantern????????? Maybe the odd person, but nearly everyone I walk by!
  11. Yep, I like using it in new areas, or whenever i'm inside bars and taverns and what have you. Or just before talking to an important NPC. We all had to fight hard to get this implemented, and i'm bloody glad it did.
  12. I was disappointed when I saw blessings were basically just cheats. Thought they would offer some more interesting gameplay changes. OH WELL.
  13. I think the music in Queen's Berth is pretty awesome. I like the singing whilst on the boat. I am sick of hearing the level up music. There shouldn't be a piece of music for levelling up, just keep the same music what was already playing going.
  14. Yeah sometimes I feel like I've completely missed something. Like conversations that supposedly have happened but never did. Or they reply to things in a way which seems like I made different choices to what I actually did. Strange. Not sure if some dialogue is just missing or what.
  15. I haven't multiclassed at all yet. Kept my main a fighter and all the party members stay single classed.
  16. The atrophy one is found in a container round the corner from the room with the xaurips in. Unless there is more? I'm thinking of the one where you get the xaurip chef. I quite like the harsh penalty it gives you. It kind of reminds me of old school WoW or something. Resting shouldn't recover it at all dammit.
  17. I haven't done ship combat yet so can't comment, however what stupid english-italian accent? The narrator? It's American.
  18. Veteran, i usually play Normal/Hard on most games. I want it to be challenging, but not when i'm losing constantly. If it's too easy and I can beat everything without even trying then it is boring.
  19. I'm just adding something... I have seen a few grammatical errors in the tool tips, it just seems a bit unprofessional. If I ever sent an email at work without spellchecking I'd get berated. But overall, the game has been a pretty solid improvement over the first.
  20. Yeah Or the Xaurip you can get as a crew member, crew members should be upgraded to sidekicks. It seems to make sense, i'm paying them anyway! At least the younger/stronger ones.
  21. I'd say it's something like... They don't allow you to eat food you brought from outside. You must eat the food they serve. It's a policy in all taversn and inns. I assume the bonus you get from the inn comes from both resting in an eat and eating the food there (food is included with your board), and since you can only eat one meal per rest then it takes precedence over any food you bring with you.
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