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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. I just think it's simpler to give you flexible options. Like muting/blocking someone (or everyone) from communicating with you forever. That way no other unqualified person is going to judge what is or isn't abuse.
  2. The problem with reporting is that it's ripe for abuse. Some idiot isn't going to like what you say, then them and a bunch of their equally retarded friends are going to report you. And then good luck proving you weren't genuinely harassing anyone. Hell all these same trolls will make better use of it and troll you by giving you pink text with hearts. <== By the way, sexist?
  3. What measures would you want to see?
  4. Implying women are not more special than men is sexist!
  5. Regulated.
  6. By 'grow up' you mean regulated.
  7. I'd rather people had a thicker skin and not be perpetually 'offended' by every dumb thing from an anonymous troll. I kinda like the way internet lets people vent whatever nonsense they might not otherwise say.
  8. I've finished it by now. 12-15 hours sounds about right. Anyway, going by 'feel' I was not left unsatisfied like with a few other modern games. It's good, doesn't feel rushed.
  9. It's quiet long. I expected it to finish several times and it just kept going.
  10. Max Payne 3. The shooting is very satisfying.
  11. Arkham City is a game that's IMO deservedly a "60$ game". So it's well worth a discount price.
  12. I really liked Spec Ops. At first the controls are a bit awkward but you get used to them. The story is definitely the strongest thing about the game. It's dark, but not in a "I'm such a badass mofo hell yeah!" way and makes you think about mindless violence and how it's treated in other games. Even though you could poke it full of logical holes if that's your thing it's still gripping from beginning to end.
  13. Fairly amusing. Have you ever played a multiplayer fps?
  14. Diablo 1 was creepy and violent. They've never again captured that atmosphere opting instead for cartoony and flashy.
  15. I'll get it when it's cheaper. Is the story and writing any good in this one?
  16. Heavy Rain. It is 99% already a movie.
  17. Half-Life is a hybrid...?
  18. That makes sense. Cause it's definetely a rpg with mediocre shooting, not a "real" fps.
  19. Mirrors Edge & Deus Ex: HR are hardly good examples of good fps mechanics.
  20. To those who played Arkham City: How do you fly upwards the way I see in videos? I can only glide.
  21. Bought Arkham City. Seemed like a good time.
  22. Cool. I was going to buy Metro 2033 at some point anyway. Now it's almost free.
  23. The. Greatest. Kill. Ever.
  24. Today was pretty big. We'll see.
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