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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. Game still looks interesting.
  2. Idiot.
  3. If only they could have a good fighting system like Sleeping Dogs. That matters to people...?
  4. Does it still do the whole "kill target this way for to get 100% synchronization" thing?
  5. I enjoyed Skyrim more than Morrowind. Granted I am continuously disappointed by how all that work on great area design, scale, and atmosphere is wasted on uninspired writing.
  6. HL2 aged very well IMHO. Still looks good.
  7. PC also has mods. Skyrim with mods is so much better than vanilla.
  8. LOL. The reason is pretty shallow. I'm good at multiplayer fps. And moving to a console means loosing my skill. Haven't owned a console since PS1. I missed the train on learning how to play with a controller.
  9. The prospect of learning to play a shooter on a gamepad scares me.
  10. That's a high horse you've got there.
  11. It's just typical attitude of the older generation that has no clue about games. He is condescending because some game can't possibly compare to a book just by virtue of being a game and therefore not worth consideration.
  12. LOL. I'm the other way around. I cannot play a game for the story twice or for that matter read a book twice. But I can play a game for the gameplay.
  13. I have finished it. After a certain point towards the end you get more used to it once the novelty of what the game does has worn off but it surely saturates your senses to the end. It's definitely the scariest game I've ever seen.
  14. Amnesia was one of a very few games that would make me stop a play session because I've had enough.
  15. Lethal vs. non-lethal is kinda badly balanced in Dishonored. Only reason to do it is for the story.
  16. I will use whatever lets me play games without complications... Which unfortunately means I'll have to eventually put up with win 8.
  17. Primal Carnage Beta. Got a lucky beta key. It's pretty fun and surprisingly well balanced.
  18. Then you missed the other moves that exist.
  19. No it really doesn't. This logic would mean that for example Planescape Torment is a terrible game because many of the potential enemies you don't have to fight at all. You just click the rather obvious dialogue option and you're done. Challenge non-existent and yet far more engaging. AC combat is fun. It's perhaps the closest a game came to making you feel like you've just created your own movie scene if you do it well. As a standard: enjoyment > difficulty.
  20. No. Nothing is.
  21. What issue? Whoever defined quality in a game by it's difficulty? The "you are Batman" argument works perfectly well. Those fights are for you to do cool stuff with, not to challenge you. You know to PLAY with. There is nothing wrong with that idea.
  22. And if you play on hardest difficulty you get those enemies from the very start. Not to mention no counter prompts. Guns will kill you in seconds. Also there is way more stuff in the game including puzzles, boss fights, etc. AC is certainly not a hard game but the fighting is a lot of fun. I still load up the challenge modes just to beat people up from time to time. The challenge isn't to win, it's to win in style. There is no argument that makes this design philosophy worse than any other.
  23. I can write things down on paper. What I do miss in some RPGs is the ability to mark things on the map.
  24. That's because the stealth non violent options are limited and boring compared to the many exiting ways to kill people.
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