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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. Isn't the first Dead Island all about melee combat? From what I've seen of it there are barely any guns in the game.
  2. Fighter

    I Quit

    Games don't work for you 90% of the time? Surely that's an exaggeration.
  3. Deleting critical comments just shows how insecure they are.
  4. These people have some seriously warped worldviews.
  5. Any moderate statement by a game dev would have to tread on ice in order to not have you be branded a bigot by the so called tolerant social justice movement. Anything that isn't anti-gg enough or, haven forbid, contains even the slightest criticism of feminism and other "isms" would summon the outrage brigade with their pitchforks.
  6. - When a game tells you to play however you want yet rewards you more for playing one way over another. For example Deus Ex: HR. You get more xp for non-lethal takedowns over lethal. - Oveabundance of HUD prompts and reminders. Far Cry 3 regularly reminding you what the main mission is. Games regularly reminding you how to perform simple actions, especially when the prompts themselves are unsubtle. - Meaningless collectibles and achievements that are nothing more than time wasting grinding tasks. - Standardised open world design aka climb 50 towers and clear 50 template designed camps and do this across all our games (*cough* Ubisoft).
  7. And if one's biggest worry is boob size on virtual women in video games...
  8. I feel you at least have to match new-gen consoles on all components. More ram and a stronger CPU but a weaker GPU isn't going to cut it. Although... My PC runs Battlefield 4 better than consoles on a 6970.
  9. Why base bonuses on score and not sales success directly?
  10. *Whisper* That this is the internet. I know, my mind was blown too.
  11. Is it? A PS4 uses what is basically a modified 7870 and has 8gb of ram total. Which is exactly what the minimum requirements are. The only thing that's more powerful than the consoles is the processor.
  12. Oh my god the description on her Patreon page... There is like one sentence about game development and the rest is just shameless sucking off that victimhood for all its worth. Seriously it's like a parody.
  13. It does. And it's not that terrible of an idea actually.
  14. They call virtual women "fighting fvck toys", I doubt their opinions of real ones are far behind.
  15. Gameplay videos and word of mouth are all I've been paying attention to for a while now.
  16. I want to better my flexibility. There seems to be little easily available information compared to weight-loss and muscle-building science.
  17. There is a ton of content in fiction that is demeaning and degrading towards its characters. Why are hookers an exception?
  18. Tomb Raider isn't a genre. It's like saying WoW is not "a Warcraft game". New TR isn't a puzzle platformer but it is "a Tomb Raider game", it's called Tomb Raider. This is what it is now, that's just life.
  19. Those green domes are common in Russia. Could be Vysokopetrovsky Monastery.
  20. I liked stuff like Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke. So I tried to get into Anime and couldn't find anything that appeals to me.
  21. It's ok. It happens.
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