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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. Haha. Right. Side stepping. No it's not. It's the opposite of easily these days. It's navigating a minefield where the mines keep shifting under your feet.
  2. Honesty is very often incompatible with political correctness. Most of X is Y. If Y is bad and X is an 'opressed' group of some sort. You are getting lynched even if what you've said is true. Now for the record I'm not saying that holding your tongue sometimes is bad thing. That's just an objectively bizarre thing to say given the subject.
  3. This forum is a consequence of "political correctness" for locking threads for no reason other than opinions someone finds disagreeable.
  4. Wasn't my intention. Internet and all that.
  5. Well you look at that Janice Fiamengo video and at her opponents. That's not tumblr. I've seen other videos where people with her opinions aren't even allowed to speak. Or when people are prevented from speaking at universities, even comedians, because they have the "wrong" opinions on gender issues. That's not tumblr. Students raised in that environment will go into the real world one day. The shifting definitions of sexism where it is now not possible to be sexist against a man is not tumblr it's those same gender studies courses. The sexual assault procedures at US universities that's got even Harward Law professors complaining about shoddy due process for men isn't tumblr. A man who landed a spaceship on a comet being reduced to tears over a shirt (made by a woman no less) isn't just tumblr either. The outrage culture isn't just in some obscure blogs, it's in the mainstream. Now most of those things are American. But given the moment in time and American influence that's coming to other places too.
  6. By the dictionary definition of feminism even the MRAs that people throw hissy fits over are feminist too.
  7. Oh right, sorry... "The belief that women are somehow a naturally weaker gender is a deeply ingrained socially constructed myth which of course is completely false." ~ Anita Sarkeesian
  8. "Oh lookie you're no good enough to criticize mah feminism. Lookie at me inflating my chest prancing around like a rooster" *snort* What is it you think people who have issues with feminism believe? I believe in equal rights I believe in equal pay I believe women can do all the things men can do (when it doesn't involve weight lifting) I even believe diversity in media is a good thing It's always black and white with feminists. You must be a misogynist if you don't buy into what they do.
  9. I'm for common sense and equal rights. But as for radical feminism and the good kind of feminism being at odds. Yeah, I'm not seeing it. I'm not seeing the good feminists keeping the bad ones in firm check. And we are seeing modern feminism cross beyond reasonable boundaries with increasing frequency and no one is permitted to say anything without being publicly lynched.
  10. Not games but relevant. Apparently this is a real page from a real comic book about the new Thor...
  11. Well I'm glad you think it's "silly" that people get doxxed for having the "wrong" opinion on the internet. Because I find it disgusting.
  12. I don't often feel this way but I'm not sorry for Moviebob being fired.
  13. So a year since when it no longer matters BBC decides it will check both sides of the story: http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-31359021
  14. Now someone tells us about how we've got all dem privilege. To be expected.
  15. "They can't stand women in gaming." I facepalmed. "They leveled up." I fell on the floor laughing. EDIT: I pressed play again. "Created by **** WOLF" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! Someone help me please! I can't...!!!!!!
  16. Out of what they've got I hope it is the next Dishonored.
  17. Reminds me of that "SJW future" parody video. "We are all number 1"
  18. I think the quote above encapsulates their fallacy. We are not a "small community of fans", we are the biggest entertainment in the world... What else is there to say?
  19. Now you just watch Metacritic interpret avoid - nothing - recommended - essential into 0-100%.
  20. I've played the BF4 beta and tried the final version on that free weekend. The beta was barely playable on low-medium. The final ran very well on my aging PC with a combination of High-Ultra settings. I also got it to run smoothly at higher settings than BF3 did on my PC. BF: Hardline beta feels like ass (to me) right now. I don't know what it is. Something in the way aiming feels is just not comfortable.
  21. Games journalism: Here's my personal hilarious Polygon story: While being interviewed about a game we were working on by another publication, one of the developers answered a question about what was more difficult, coming up with ideas or executing them. The dev answered that we have tons of ideas, so many in fact, that they would be enough to fill three games in a series and that we keep the some of the best ones that we don't have time for or can't get working properly in the back of our minds for future use. Well, that publication didn't write up the interview verbatim, they wrote it into a paragraph style story where the author "summed up" the answer the dev gave as "They say they have a ton of ideas. Enough in fact to make <unreleased game> into a trilogy!". Polygon then took that snippet from the middle of the article as a headline: "<Unreleased Game> To Be A Trilogy!" The best part? That Polygon article is cited on our wikipedia page saying that our game is going to be a trilogy (which is false and misleading). I went in to change it myself and the changes were reverted saying that they only use printed, verified sources. So even though we are making the game, there's nothing we can do to change the misleading information on our wiki page. So thanks Polygon. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=151206494&postcount=164
  22. The Ukrainian millitary are now "pro US troops".
  23. This downright evil for suggesting real censorship.
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