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Everything posted by Fighter

  1. Telling people who don't like politics in their entertainment that 'everything is political you dummy' is sort of like telling someone who wants to drink pure water that there is no such thing as pure water. Like dude... I'm fully aware one could read a racial politics metaphor into my white sheet of paper with some black ink scribbles. I just want you not to preach at me with that exaggerated nonsense from your megaphone.
  2. I didn't really mind Tahir's boss fight to be honest. Yes they took away your items but I wasn't bothered by it too much. The last boss on the other hand... I just don't understand at all why modern game devs keep doing this.
  3. Go to Play Campaign. Highlight your 100% game and press F. Why would they do it this way I don't know.
  4. Steam OS is a hedge against Microsoft I assume. The Steam machine as I understand it is supposed to be a 'console peasant' friendly PC. Part of that was supposed to be the standardized hardware that wouldn't confuse anyone with choice.
  5. All these choices and price ranges... Wasn't the idea of a Steam machine to avoid all that?
  6. I wouldn't use the words hate speech. But the "joke" is that the women and minorities of GG aren't real.
  7. So basically how you view people is entirely on you. Love them, hate them. It's not the strippers' responsibility to teach you about women. And likewise the makers of, I don't know, Dead or Alive are not your mom, they have no responsibility to teach anyone lessons about women. And they shouldn't be picked on for not doing so.
  8. Is making an emotional connection a requirement to enjoy what they do?
  9. O rly? If you don't condemn either then... like... there is no difference as it pertains to the subject of discussion.
  10. I don't even... Doing it for yourself is when it's done in your bedroom alone. And even then (provided heterosexuality) it is an act inseparable from the desires and preferences of men, it is an act of presenting yourself in a way that is sexually appealing to the other gender. Being an object of desire is where the fun in it is. Yeah, object. The profession of stripper exist because there is a demand for it. It may be fun for some. But it doesn't exist because it's fun. It's purpose and function is the sexual gratification of others. Men or women. Nothing wrong there. Being a stripper is a FICTION. Get it? That's why they dress up to be CHARACTERS. Like a sexy nurse, cop, or Tarzan, whatever.
  11. Do you think that? You seem pro Anita and her kind. This is her kind of opinion.
  12. It's not what I think. I thought this should be clear from my stance on "objectification" issues. It's what the people that complain about these things think. I don't have a problem with it. And, yes, I think if you think fictional strippers are sexist but real ones are not it's hypocrisy.
  13. Because "women as background decoration" same as your video games.
  14. Will it be as absurdly expensive as the predecessor?
  15. So who died of the so called sexism in video games?
  16. Basically she was flinging excrement at people over and over until the "right" crowd noticed.
  17. Ironically the existence of anti-gg sentiment and the things that have come from that camp, which are those very same harassment, threats, doxxing that gg is blamed for, has proved a MASSIVE point. They even took it a step further by harassing anyone they can in real life by going after their jobs and livelihood. Their existence should tell you EVERYTHING really. That is that gamers are not special. That even people who proclaim to be for social justice and equality are exactly the same. As a group they are almost exactly like the people they oppose. They have spawned the exact same behavior thus proving this point in a most spectacular way. Even the *gasp* feminists will and do harass and threaten people they disagree with. Gamers are no more a cesspool of hate than any one large group out there is. Which brings us to the media and the way they report things. That is things are excused, ignored, or glossed over, when it's a group they like.
  18. Famous people get harassed. Maybe feminists specifically get harassed more than others I don't know. But I would sure like to see concrete comparative numbers not colored by perception. And people become famous when all these media types jump onto a harassment incident and furthermore manage to misrepresent the real picture. It only feeds the fire. Anyone can end up in that position, anyone at all. If you spend your days being outspoken, you will have people anonymously cuss at you or tell you that you should have your face kicked in. If you've ever said anything forceful in a heated youtube thread or on twitter then you've had that experience. If you spend your days collecting all this stuff and putting it out there. And if the media would be willing to jump on your case (which they are extremely happy to do when it's a feminist) and make loud headlines starting this whole hysteria cycle, you'll be where some of these personalities are. If you think it's only women though then you haven't heard of Phil Fish, what he has in common with someone like say Brianna Wu is the media attention and that they engage the trolls in the worst ways. A tiny percentage of people have the ability to conjugate into mobs on the internet. Even 20 people attacking you may seem like a mob. I don't really know how to make that go away but for starters the media can be factual and honest about it. And maybe one should think that it's ridiculous that a tiny amount of anons can have that kind of influence on your life.
  19. If there are women that get scared away from the industry then all the more reason to stop with the fear mongering and hysteria. There is no "campaign to drive women out of the industry". It's laughable. It only exists in SJW imagination. It's a paper tiger made up of a handful of nobodies.
  20. In other news. TB posted this. I'm sure someone will find a way to make misogyny the explanation.
  21. Yes 50 Shades of Grey clearly has less in common with porn than games...
  22. Consumer version Holiday 2015? So when is Occulus supposed to be finally done?
  23. Describes SJWs perfectly actually. Persecuted by "an organized campaign to drive women out of the industry" (their words) but assured that "good guys will win". Not a conspiracy theory at all, right?
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