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Everything posted by Mikeymoonshine

  1. What did you do with the souls? If she disobays the ducs orders but you choose to distribute the soul essense to strengthen the people of the Dyrwood (galawain's choice) the deal she negotiated ends up benifiting the republics in the long run and she recieves a pardon. So I assume either you did that or there is a bug where whatever you did was replaced with that outcome.
  2. I remeber several AAA games that had a save import feature that was bugged on launch, not usually to this extent but still. You can't expect people not to be annoyed though now they have to either choose to live with the bugs and not get the specific world state they imported/created or wait for patches and start again from the beginning.
  3. From one interview JSawyer mentioned you aren't missing too much by not importing. He said he doesn't like folks missing out on content like that. With this and the fact that Eder doesn't have the proper choice either I went ahead and did the same. Annoyingly both seem to be bugged, Eder's ending is wrong either way. There was also a specific reference to the blood legacy quest and that imported wrong too even when I just used the create a history option.
  4. Aloth knows one of the male prostitutes in the brothel (they studied together) and the convo implied that this guy propositioned Aloth and was rejected. Gave me a "no homo" vibe but it's not exactly proof either way. Got a simmilar vibe from Pellagina if you ask her about Meheha. I haven't tried to romance either though.
  5. I just picked the "can't I take them both" option and it allowed me to recruit them both, I don't know if there is an option to recruit her again later though, maybe if you go to the royal deadfire company hq.
  6. I'm sure Sawyer said there would be some but only small ones, I had the same issue so I just made a history, but that seems kinda buggy too anyway.
  7. The game really seems to be confused about what choices you made so it could be a bug, or it just will be braught up later. I can't imagine them disregarding a choice like that.
  8. Did the same and Eder is incorrect, right off the bat. Was supposed to be a mayor, instead went back to his family. First dialog I had with him. Maybe that's just unfortunate and the only issue in the whole import thing but I doubt it, so I'll wait for a bit. I had him going back to his family both when I tried to import the Mayor ending and when I created a history and selected what should lead to the mayor ending.
  9. This is good to know that it's not just that some of the choices are importing wrong as I gave up on importing and created a history and then someone in the game accused me of making a different choice to my selected history. :/
  10. didn't import for me so I just used the history creator thing. Hopefully I am not missing much doing that.
  11. For me it was right after u meet Xoti too, I assumed because u can ask that priestess she is with about it.
  12. Anyone know what happened to the 2 varients of the origional female nature godlike portraits? They were in the beta but not the main game.
  13. I'm just past the first island. The start of this game > the start of POE1 They have really made big improvements to the graphics and lighting. For the most part the game looks amazing, it's just a shame that occasionally there are things that don't look as good as the rest of it. CC is improved though it's still not amazing. Everyone of note having a portrait and a voice really helps make the side characters seem more unique and the world seem more immersive, though annoyingly some of them seem to have player character portraits. I haven't come across one with mine yet but if I do that will bother me. I like all the companions so far, the returning ones seem like the same people but they have also noticeably changed based on their experiences, and the new companions I have met seem great. I find the ship stuff a bit messy and confusing to be honest but maybe I just need to get used to it. The game is far too easy, I am playing on hard and have not had a party wipe yet. Occasionally an enemy hits hard enough to KO someone. I read that they are going to patch it and that it's really only the crit path that is like this atm so if I find side area's harder i'll leave the difficulty where it is but I like to save attempting POTD for when I really know a system and for it to actually be really challenging. I agree about the history creator, I did play pillars 1 more than once but I don't remember every specific choice I made I just remember the outcomes but for some reason it only tells you the outcomes for some of the choices, I also noticed some of the choices were not available. I only used the history creator because one of my major choices did not import for some reason so I tried with the creator and that worked.
  14. It's a bit like Xoti's lantern I guess but all it's info implies it works like a saber so I spent a good minute trying to equip it to Eder's main hand.
  15. There was a backer update saying they wanted to ship them to arrive on the day of release but now that won't happen and they will be at most a few weeks late. So I assume they are coming soon?
  16. Obsidian tend to go for darker murkier colour paletes. It's their style and they have managed fine with it so far, I do agree that D:OS and 2 being so pretty and bright with beautiful contrasting colours helped those games but I think being good games helped them more. For example the Dragon Age series, DA2 and 3 are much more colourful than DA: Origins with it's muddy and to be honest quite ugly textures but Origins is the higher rated game and it sold very well. I also don't think the brighter colours really made the second 2 games look any better, in fact I think DA2 actually looks worse than Origins. Deadfire should probably be brighter and sunnier than POE:1 because of the setting and from what I have seen from the beta it is. There are still plenty of games that aren't and still manage to do well.
  17. Not saying they shouldn't do that but a lot of the content is already in the game anyway you are just getting it early (i assume) if you use the codes and even stuff like the pets that may not be available without the codes don't really make a difference to anything. There will be a ton of pets in the game. So if they don't do that I don't think it's really a big deal.
  18. yes I love playing druid still but other classes like Wizard now seem more appealing and unique.
  19. This is a good point, even though I liked some of those romances so many bioware romance plots play out like that. Even the whole Viconia thing where she'll have casual sex with you but then end the romance and to be successful u have to refuse the first time has been used again and again by them.
  20. PoTD doesn't require power gaming. I beat it the first time with a suboptimal RP focused chanter build with no forethought and a party composed entirely of story companions without minmaxed stats. You'll have trouble with a few fights, but it's not remotely insurmountable without minmaxing. Oh I am not saying it does, I am saying I don't tend to try the hardest difficulty unless I am finding the game way too easy because I am more interested in the roleplaying. Unless I fall in love with a game, learn it's system and then more challenging difficulty can make multiple playthroughs more interesting to do. I have only played Pillars 1 all the way to the end twice though. I'll probably try and finish the third playthrough before deadfire is released.
  21. Yeah I assume this will be added to the launch version. I can't imagine the game having less head options than the last did.
  22. They have added heads in the beta updates so I imagine they will add more on launch. I dunno about hair and facial hair customisation though, it may have already been answered elsewhere.
  23. I'm pleased we shouldn't be seeing more of the half voiced conversations, the first few time that happened I wondered if my game was bugged or something. Still the amount of VO in pillars was ok. I would have liked a bit more but full VO isn't needed. Full VO I don't think is always a bad thing, I don't think Dragon Age Origins or DOS2 seemed to suffer much from having virtually all npc dialogue voiced, I would say a voiced protagonist causes a lot more limitations on the script. Having all the npc's voiced is more of a cost and time issue but I suppose it's probably going to lead to less big text dumps. Divinity OS2 has a massive amount of recorded dialogue, even the narrator is voice acted and sometimes goes on at length. Though there isn't much in the way of branching quests either, it is a bit more of a linear game than it seems to be, still there really are a lot of lines in that game.
  24. I agree like it's not exactly "save the world" there is "save the Dyrwood" maybe but even the curse is not the central motivation of the plot it's not what is driving you to find Theos. So it is kinda of mix between the generic fantasy plot and something more interesting. I'm just unsure how anything else would have worked.
  25. I play on normal or hard usually, lately hard more than normal. I like to roleplay and i'm not really interested in powergaming. For Pillars my first playthrough was classic but I found most of it easy outside of a few fights and even those were easy once I realised I just wasn't buffing my party properly. Then after that I played on hard, I have considered trying a POTD playthrough but I haven't gotten around to it yet and I don't imagine I will any time soon. Difficulty also depends on the game, I barely managed to finish Divinity OS 2 on their classic mode. I'm sure I just need to learn the system though as many of the hardest fights in that game can be won easily using specific strategies.
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