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Everything posted by ShinIchiro

  1. Even if it's really good it's nearly impossible to keep interest. I thought I heard it would be around same length as KOTOR 1. That means 20-30 hours including sidequests (but not including the amount of time wasted by quickloading whenever you make a mistake). I found BG impossible to keep an interest in (it wasn't my syle as much and it was insanely repetitive and hard enough to be annoying in many parts). By the hard part i mean like if you fight a siren you have to try again and again if you don't happen to have picked up a wierd spell to dispell the thing's curse (and getting new spells in that game is really annoying).
  2. Perhaps, but it would be very inappropriate for Star Wars for the fulfillment many players probably would want..........and I don't just mean an actual on-screen kiss. They can have satisfying dialogue or at most implications without going ...dirty... I think that maybe a BG style romance (haven't done it myself as I got bored with that game but I heard about it) might be better. Yah, a dark side temptress would be awesome.
  3. I think a sith temptress would be nice also. Maybe like a cooler version of Viconia from BG series. While I never liked the character interaction system in BG, I have heared that she can be pretty cool and evil in dialogue.
  4. I think the KOTOR 1 romances kinda sucked. With Carth you just made strange jokes and then he made a promise to you (it was funny though), and with Bastila you just say nice and occasionally flirtatious things to you and she kisses you (and shortly thereafter says she never wants to talk about it again; at least not until malak's dead). Anyone else unsatisfied with that part of the game?
  5. Yah, I do fencing and the most acrobatic thing I have ever done or seen is either leaping away, leaping foward, or ducking under a blade (that's rare and not really practical, but doing it once every couple matches can suprise people and let you trick them into giving you a point). I hope SW KOTOR 2 doesn't make their acrobatics too over the top like in SW episode 2. I will now preform a quadrupal flilp while spinning in a cork screw motion to nick this little bug with my sword that will cut through it no matter how hard I swing.
  6. I'd bet that they're mostly done, but not completel. A gamorrean would just not be plausible. An ithorian would be nice, but how would that work since you have to do some combat no matter how high pursuade and stuff. With a n ithorian, you would essentially have 2 people who can fight. Also, aren't sentinels more investigators/spies and consulars more balance to the force types? I'd agree with the interaction amongst all characters. t3 was really annoying in that you couldn't even start dialogue and zaalbar was just this guy you couldn't talk to who smacked things hard. While the cultures and attitudes amongst other planets would be nice, it would also be incredibly time-consuming to make. Aren't they doing a pazaak tournament? I don't know if it's multi planet or not though. I'd agree that the swoop racing thing needs improvement. Also, there needs to be a way to stop ranodm swoop lag. I have a really fast computer that never lags, but on tatooine it was always so incredibly laggy (I think it resembled lag but was actually a bug/glitch myslef) that I could never beat it no matter how good I was or how hard I tried. It was literally impossible. I think that the force counter is plausible but unlikely. It would take a long time to work out and there is no precident in the SW D20 system I am aware of.
  7. Was carth's really that bad in theory? Dustil as a sith follower was a good idea. It just had some of the weaker dialogue in the game. Juhani's family related problem was ok. So was Zaalbar's.
  8. Back to the topic, I agree that you should start off 2-4 level. This is because you were banned/exiled (I don't know if its self imposed or not) from the JO, and thus had to have done something bad. How could you have done something if you never did anything?
  9. There's this little thing called star wars that some people here might know about. And in that thing called Star Wars, there are strange people with strange powers. Those people are powerful. They are called sith lords. They are usually bald and also have some anger management problems (they don't have problems with anger, they just dislike managing their anger).
  10. Maybe you get a really good item if you finish something within a time limit? I agree there should be at most aggrivation (fighting troopsers) if you fail the limit, but no death. However, I do think you should be rewarded for good times. This would add challange to the game (I'd want to finish as fast as possible to get the special saber crystal or the weapon of the best sharpshooter ever.
  11. Yay, my assumptions based on athe implications of teachers have been correct. I just have trouble argueing about this stuff as many people here have had more education than I. I've just finished freshmen year of high school. I have had a good education for my age, but I have only taken 3 college courses so I can't really trust my own knowledge in comparison with your guys's
  12. The KOTOR jedi council didn't really do anything. I think that in KOTOR 2 we should see jedi more powerful than us fighting. Also, the occasional ally in combat would be nice (e.g. suppose a republic base is attacked while you're there. The soldiers would be allies in combat. It would be cool that the more soldiers you kept alive the more they would help you or give you cool items). Was anyone else yearning for mass combat in this game? Where there are 10-30 sith and alot more sith troopers fighting you and your 5-15 jedi allies and your soldier allies? P.S. Is there a jedi council in this game? I thought you were like the last of the jedi. That means there might be jedi around, but no centralized leadership group.
  13. She'll be mentioned (maybe even have a cameo appearance), but will never be a major character.
  14. Htere was far more to machiavelli than that. He made nefariouis schemes to take over power in a variety of ways. He was all about manipulation and power. Not purely communism (I hadn't herad that marx and his british friend were influenced by machivelli, but I won't argue it).
  15. Agreed. I think there should be bonuses or special things for doing something in a certain amount of time, but not penalties.
  16. I can see keeping the same number of skills. More important is the practicality of those skills. As long as we get something like 1-4 skill points per lvl the current number is fine.
  17. I say you shouild be inconvenienced if you take too long at something. Maybe 1point int he game where you die if you take too long.
  18. In the game, I found virtually all pistols sucked. Casus Fett's pistol is the only good pistol and the bargwin heavy repeater is the only good heavy repeater. As a final note, I say in this game melee weapons are usually better.
  19. True, and Casus Fett's blaster is arguably the best in the game. ALso, ty for coming JohnDoe. It's been aggrivating trying to fend them off alone, even though it's also fun.
  20. lower the rate of gaining fps? I noticed early game it was harder (dantooine) to constantly use powers as you didn't have as many force points. THis made the whole game harder. Slower regeneration and slower increases in fp per level would be excellent. It would also make the consular/master shine, as I found I had enough points for whatever I wanted with my soldier/guardian wisdom 10.
  21. I'll admit Icewind Dale was good; I found it much more enjoyable than BG.
  22. Whoa, unless you're psychic... Always in motion the future is. We know virtually nothing about this game other than a few tidbits and it's going to be like KOTOR 1. Have you tried playing as a scoundrel/consular in KOTOR 1 on hard difficulty? It's a little harder. Try picking mission and t3 to come with you.
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