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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Simple. I don't think you actually need to disarm any traps in the game and if you're playing solo you probably finished the game multiple times so you already know where those traps are.
  2. Whitemarch 1 has level 14+ traps. Quite annoying as without Devil of Caroc and no mechanics focussed MC, any other party member will not be able to get rid of these without a mechanics boost even at level 16. Seems like traps and such have no scaling, they are simply max level no matter what you picked.
  3. The wiki is pretty bad. It has so little actual information. Just copy pasted what's in the game. But actual mechanics are missing. Many items on the wiki give 0 info on how it actually works or what it even does.
  4. Try solo without equipment, summons, potions, scrolls, food and resting bonuses.
  5. Hm, ahah. My party is like the dumbest combination of fools as well. Front line is Pallegina and Maneha and Itumaak. Then Kana and my cipher, followed by Aloth and Sagani. They don't have anything going right off the bat, so I just lure enemies out and cheese them like a ****, but I really don't want to use scrolls and potions and stuff on normal enemies. Funny note, the game records them as higher ranking enemies than the dragons. Strongest enemy defeated, the Lagufaeth Broodmother (not scaled) overrides both Sky and Adra Dragon.
  6. When the barbarian is better as a second line or archer type character than an actual front line you know something is wrong with the class.
  7. Hm, I think every fight can be won without any equipment, even solo as long as you abuse the buff stacking this game. You simply become invulnerable to damage and can just tickle enemies to death.
  8. This is like opposite of my experience. At 4 I could sneak around things damn well. Remember it's not a problem if the circles turn yellow if you get by the thing quickly enough. Even red is OK if you get away quickly enough. You know the band of ruffians that have the stolen goods from the blacksmith in Gilded Vale, in the Black Meadow? If you time the approach right, you can sneak in, grab the shipment and sneak back out without having to fight a one. (It may take a few tries.) Yeah I guess that can work. I've done that a couple of times. I never play a sneaking character so I don't have a whole lot of experience with it. Playing solo requires so much cheese though that the playthrough will stink for 1000 years.
  9. Hm, to me a bleak walker is more like a focused attack. With impunity and no mercy. Doesn't mean they kill anything on sight or make sure everything ends in a fight. You gotta RP this. Also, becoming a Watcher can change you as a person. You need answers, not bodies of dead people that don't tell you anything. Like neutral or even lawful evil, but not chaotic evil. If that means anything to you.
  10. It's actually broken, because it doesn't reduce your deflection if you have a deflection bonus on one of your items. So as long as you have that and no might gear you can stack up a lot. I don't use it because it's abusing a game bug.
  11. Dunno about sneaking. I never raised it above 5, but enemies spot you almost at the edge of the screen with that. I think it used to be really broken, but they patched it so it is much harder to sneak.
  12. So I decided to take the developer preferred path. Found it in one of the topics here and it states to do White March pt1 at level 7. I have done this while taking the Ogre matron path first and leveling up and doing Longwatch Falls afterwards, but this time I wanted to pick up the Devil of Caroc asap. Thing is I can't do much vs the enemies in this area at level 7. I also didn't bring a priest or a druid this time around. Most enemies, but most notably the Lagufaeth and Ice Blights, literally two shot my party members doing 70 damage a pop. Only my paladin remains up for a bit, but everyone else just stands there getting perma cc-ed and then die. Is Longwatch Falls that much higher level than Russetwood? I also remember playing through these areas with a barbarian and fighter respectively and it was quite quite painful for my barbarian. Having to rest A LOT, and I don't like having to rest, ever. Fighter snored through it.
  13. Hm, seems there is a damage threshold for the extra damage from turning wheel and lightning strikes to apply maybe? There is no MIN damage for this extra damage. If the base damage (from a graze with low damage ie. 6 damage) is too low then the resulting calculation for extra damage is too low to be applied? I saw the extra damage applied on a hit over 10 damage after DR. Or is the damage application dependent on the type of enemy?
  14. hi, I haven't played monk in a while so I thought I'd give it a swing. When I activate Swift Strikes with Lightning Strikes the lighting damage is not applied. I also have turning wheel and burn damage is usually applied, but not when I only have 1 wound it seems. Is monk broken now? Sad....
  15. This issue still exists. For those wondering. It is also possible to complete the quest The Champion of Berath first by killing Raedric. The Fampyr will not offer to join you then. Then complete the quest A servant of Death afterwards and return to Raedrics hold to speak to the Fampyr. He will then offer to join you noting you completed the Servant of Death quest. So the order in which you complete the quests does not matter. As long as both are completed the Fampyr will offer to join.
  16. Hm, I don't know. On paper characters with High Acc and cc that can be layered will always win. Damage is unimportant. I think in order to win a PvP duel you'd build your characters differently than when going up against enemies in the game.
  17. Well the thing is. Most developers (and gamers alike) think that levelling up should mean gaining stats. Herein lies the problem that you end up with a character that is not a bit stronger than their level 1 counterpart, no they end up being 10-10000 times (YES it's over 9000!) stronger. There is no amount of scaling you can introduce in a game to let the player feel strong and balanced at the same time. Now there's different types of players. Players that enjoy challenge, and don't mind working for their gains. And there's players that enjoy stomping the enemy as much as possible. " Ohw hahaha I just one shot this dragon dude". You can imagine my comical reaction when I was playing FFX (International) and was leveling up so much that when I continued in the story to beat Seymore's final form (mind you I had bested all Dark Aeons) I one shot him. He laughed at me asking me to give him everything I got. Poof. One Shot. Now even though this is funny, it's also disappointing. Because a lot of RPG's are heavily story driven and the big bad boss is supposed to be tough and strong. In my opinion leveling up should not entail increasing you strength from 10 points to 5000 points with levels and weapons. levelling up should mean gaining abilities and improving said abilities. Sure you may want to increase HP, Stamina, Magic reserves if applicable, because in training these types of things should naturally increase, but it should not increase into supersaiyan levels. Which is sadly what a lot of RPG's do. Of course games like Star Ocean allow the player to gain 200 more levels than the player needs to complete the game (50 levels) because there's more and stronger baddies out there. But trust me the final boss of the game is not level 250. Developers know this from the start, but allow the player to unimmerse himself anyway. I don't think that's right.
  18. No Blood Testament fix? And Sabres. So they are similar in damage output early game, but scale less the more % damage boosts you accumulate during your playthrough. That's good.
  19. Obsidian made Neverwinter Nights 2 in 2006, which actually still has a pretty large community. I don't think Black Isle exists anymore. Same for Interplay.
  20. Scaling is a solution for implementing a poor leveling system. I think the areas you can visit in the game on the critical path are too low level the further you get into the game, that does not necessitate scaling. It just means those enemies were too low level to begin with. If I do all side quests I am level 10 when I get to twin elms. Yeah.
  21. Baldur's Gate had a level cap of 7 and it took ages to gain a level. No one complained about it then.
  22. If you need custom characters you're doing it wrong. Companions are fine and you can still face-roll through PotD. Their less efficient stats are only noticable at the start of the game when starting stats actually matter. Grieving Mother has 11 Might, but if you don't get another Cipher on the team she will probably still end up as the highest damage character anyway.
  23. Uhm, well you could always check out Dragon's Dogma if you're into similar games. Not so strong on the story telling, but it's a lot of fun.
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