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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. A priest is good if, like me, you're all about offensive focus. With Painful Interdiction you can set up your party to deal a world of hurt before the enemy can get to you. I rarely buff my party defensively as it is, because frankly with the right setup and offensive targeting you're never going to need to unless the fight is really tough. And dazing + weakening the entire screen full of enemies is not something your chanter can do. This sets up your other spellcasters for easier hits and crits on their control spells. Especially with Dire Blessing coming as a third level spell and a spell mastery late game. For me, if you have to rely on defensive spells you're doing it wrong But that's just how I roll.
  2. If you quit the game completely and load a save prior to the bug it doesn't affect changing party members that do not have this bug.
  3. I know the chants can be awesome. Like I said I always have one. But you can make yourself invulnerably with any party and some food and potions and spells. Chanter isn't necessary for that. You can achieve almost all of what a Chanter does through other means.
  4. I don't think a Chanter is essential to a party either. Sure it buffs the party, but other than that it doesn't bring any battle control at the start of battle like a Cipher does. If I had to choose between a Cipher and a Chanter I'd pick a Cipher each and every time. Sure a Chanter can make your entire party stronger and the enemy weaker and gets some great spells later on, but a Cipher can prevent your party from being attacked right from the get-go. Don't get me wrong, I like having a Chanter on the team. I always have one, but I wouldn't call it essential. Especially on normal mode.
  5. You could always build a Cipher tanky and still be crazy melee damage. I have one right now and it's kicking ass as a tank.
  6. So Ciphers are the most active class and Chanters, Paladins and Monks probably the least so. Monks will become activated during battle, but not at the start. Fighters and Barbarians are somewhere in the middle, but are good as well if you don't want to go for a squishy class like the Cipher. I tried a Chanter main character and found it boring as hell. They have no activatable abilties other than spells that they get to use late into the battle. They are strong, but useless for trash mobs, which will be what you will face the most. Fighters are pretty strong as well and Barbarians get an AoE hit on all their basic attacks. Some tips if you want to go with the current party setup. Front Eder full tank/off tank Palagina Off tank/full tank Middle You (if you choose cipher) go with either melee (stronger) or ranged build Durance/Kana, but a priest is probably better. Great party buffs and healing Back Aloth Sagani/Hiravias (I'd opt for a druid. Not so good early game, monstrous late game) If you choose to go with Sagani, you may want to switch out Durance above for Hiravias. A druid has healing and some buffs, but is outclassed in buffing by both a priest and a chanter.
  7. If you wanted, you could always allow the option to rest *without* the supplies, but you get a random encounter guaranteed. The random encounters in the BG series always interrupted your rest. It was implemented to make it "dangerous" to rest in the wilds. If you'd get a random encounter guaranteed with this setup, you'd never be able to rest outside. Well you can, but this gives incentives to use camping supplies since camping in the wilds is no longer an infinite use option, it's very limited. On the flip side, you can easily just travel across the country without ever having to risk being waylaid by brigands or threats. In PoE I've very rarely actually used the campaigning supplies, less than maybe a dozen times the entire game. Oh I see you meant optionally rest without supplies. So have both options available. I misunderstood. I don't see why you'd want to pick the option to rest without supplies if you're guaranteed to get interrupted though. Camping in PoE also gives bonuses. I've chosen to rest quite a few times before a battle just to have those bonuses. Also on PotD you lose health a lot faster because battles in the beginning take a long time because of the enemy stat boosts. Of course you could always save before a fight and if the fight doesn't go as you wanted reload so you don't need to use supplies, but yeah whatever. I think the system is fine. The "waylaid by enemies" in BG was a random encounter when you travelled from point A to B. I don't think you should be interrupted while resting. If anything the number of areas where you're allowed to rest should be minimized.
  8. Yea it's called scouting mode and it increases detection range and effectiveness of hidden objects and traps.
  9. If you wanted, you could always allow the option to rest *without* the supplies, but you get a random encounter guaranteed. The random encounters in the BG series always interrupted your rest. It was implemented to make it "dangerous" to rest in the wilds. If you'd get a random encounter guaranteed with this setup, you'd never be able to rest outside.
  10. This is the game telling you that they actually hate Durance. Just like I do. But that's seriously not right though What's your game version?
  11. The game doesn't scale well with character levels. And there is far too much experience in the game when considering enemy levels. Normal mode plays "normal" at the start of the game, but a few levels in the enemy stats fall behind yours. Same goes for PotD for that matter, most of the challenge is gone after level 8. I wouldn't min max on normal mode, but it's not going to hurt you. You will only feel squishy early in the game, but you'll become a lot stronger later in the game in comparison. So Might and Intelligence are important for a Wizard. It doesn't need constitution, but the other stats have some merit.
  12. Uh yea, I remember having sex with Aerie right outside Firkraag's arena in BGII. That was really... awkward.
  13. Yeah I was traveling for weeks and nothing happened so I figured it had to be something else.
  14. So we have days (obvious) and turns. Can anyone explain what a turn is or how long it takes? I remember there being a loading screen tip about it, but I don't remember what it is and the wiki is (of course) non informative about it.
  15. If it has something to do with saving then it may be an issue with the save location. Permissions or something. I don't know anything about a Mac though. There may be something the game is trying to do and it triggers something on your machine. Are there any other logs available on the Mac that could provide information?
  16. Game is probably not crashing then. If you're logging out that would also quit the game. Is there a line in the output_log.txt that reads "Crash!!!"? Anything concerning the games crash should be listed above that.
  17. No, that's steamrolling. Facerolling means you also have to use your nose, togue and ears with the shortcuts and hotkeys in order to handle all the micromanagement. You basically roll your face over the keyboard I would very much like to see the first person to complete PotD controlling his characters by actually face rolling over the keyboard. That definitely wouldn't be low effort
  18. Fyi guys I have an older NVidia driver than you guys, there's been an update pending, but I'm too lazy to click the button.
  19. I'm having an easy time on PotD with Barbarian DPS, Paladin front line followed by Cipher, Chanter, Druid, Cleric. but by far the easiest time was with Fighter DPS, Paladin front line followed by double cipher, cleric, chanter. I later exchanged one of the Ciphers for a druid, but the double cipher setup has so much battle control that you don't need to spend time buffing or some such. I rarely buff the party on PotD as it is, but with double Cipher it gets pretty mindless. Pun intended.
  20. My outputlog has the same line. I don't see anything in the log that causes a crash. Perhaps it's external from the game?
  21. Could be. I think I've seen it elsewhere as well. Still I don't think it should happen. His HP shows full by the way. If that means anything...
  22. during combat party members sometimes don't know how to get from point a to point b if there are others in the way. Even if there is a path (clicking step by step will get them there ugh) they will walk to and fro behind the person they are trying to get passed. Also when more than one party member is given the order to attack a single enemy then others sometimes stop behind this party member instead of circling around it to attack the enemy. the pathfinding bug is kind of annoying on PotD when your squishy character simply doesn't walk correctly passing the same enemy 20 times in just one or 2 seconds triggering disengagement attacks and dying.
  23. From the description Bloody Slaughter should activate only on enemies with low endurance. So does that mean that endurance needs to be below a certain number or a certain portion (percentage) of the maximum endurance? I've just had Hiravias crit and one-shot a (weak) enemy, but the crit that did it was triggered by the Bloody Slaughter passive. That shouldn't happen right?
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