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Everything posted by mccrispy

  1. It would be nice if there was some confirmation dialogue when you go to advance at the end of the scenario review. Especially if there's loot that is unassigned. It's another of those examples of an under-developed UI.
  2. I absolutely get what the OP is saying about useless Card Rewards: I too have never had a useful card as a Reward. However, I disagree that the fix is to reduce the number of levels - because that would make "grinding" levels a real chore - especially for those that only play on Normal difficulty. Currently, it takes around 2-3 Legendary successes to level up, if it took 5 or more it would be a drag (and think how many Normal level successes that would be!). So while I hate those Card Rewards for level ups where it's just a "spacer" level, and agree that something better would be nice, I'm not prepared to swap an increased "grind" for an elimination of those spacer levels.
  3. It's funny, but I never said that the combo in the OP was hard, just that I thought that it would never happen (because I had never seen in so assumed that there was some logic preventing it). So my post was meant to mean "now I've seen even the craziest of combos, I'm convinced that it is just a random generator with no built in "balance"). Great discussion though! Love to see that you all hate the things I hate (largely, attacks on the Blessings deck, which is already under pressure in Legendary, though I maintain that anything that increases the difficulty of your "pull through" is particularly bad for large parties on Legendary - so blocking gains of Blessings and/or Allies is bad)
  4. Check whether you still have the Legendary Rewards for the APs that you completed. If you have them then progress has not been lost - it's just that the UI is really bad at showing your progress. You should be able to create a party from any combo of characters that have completed a scenario at Legendary and find that when you go back to the Scenario you have Heroic complete and Legendary is available for a repeat (which is by design). (I believe, though haven't tested, that the character with the highest degree of completion determines the completion level of the party from the point of view of what you get access too, not sure how it affects Legendary Completion Rewards though)
  5. Have you tried anything other than Forfeit? In my experience a VRT (Vault Round-Trip) is often efficacious in this types of situations. Saves having to Forfeit (which is like a number 3 hammer on my scale of bigger hammers to fix issues with).
  6. Actually, it can​ happen with Zombie Horde as well! It's unclear what the trigger is, but it seems that any​ Summoned Henchman may​ trigger the opportunity to Close a Location. See http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/87522-summoned-henchmen-prompting-location-close-with-the-new-patch/
  7. don't worry about the Party-level progress being lost because it hasn't really been lost. If you put a party together and jump into the Story, you should see that all your previously completed legendary scenarios are completed at Heroic (you can always repeat at Legendary, that's intentional). You can prove that you've completed the AP at legendary by checking the Reward for Legendary (down at the bottom of hte Scenario panel), check your Gallery to see if you have the item, if you have then you must have completed on Legendary. tl;dr you haven't lost progress, the UI is just terrible at tracking completion
  8. Yeah, most of characters carry xTools, but - other than Merisiel - they are there for the discard/recharge usage. Nevertheless, it's really useful to not have to spend a Blessing on passing a Barrier check.
  9. And it's not a general bug with Cure, Major Cure or Mass Cure as I've been using the heck out of all three since So it's related to in some way (though hard to see how it relates to fixing Kyra's self-heal as this doesn't use a spell). Net bug count still refuses to go down
  10. Hey Oloch, was your game locked before the patch? If it was, then you will have to execute on the Shirosama Solution (above). If it wasn't locked before the patch (and you are on - shown as 669 in Settings) then there's something very odd going on because I've used Kyra's self-heal multiple times since the patch, without ill effect. When you say you can "select heal or continue" what do you mean? Are you saying you can click on them but nothing happens, or are you saying that the one you select works, but the game is frozen after the effect occurs?
  11. Ah, right, got it! I agree, it doesn't auto-roll so you should be able to cancel before the roll
  12. This happened to me today on patch in Story Mode Scenario was 4.4 (with the two Lamia) and the Henchman was an Ancient Skeleton from a Barrier (skeleton horde? everyone at an open location encountered it) I can't remember who encountered the Barrier, but it was most likely Kyra or Seelah and I can't remember the location (probably Desecrated Vault or Deeper Dungeons). It doesn't happen with every summoned Henchman as this is the first time that I've noticed it (probably).
  13. OK, let's say up front that I have sympathy with what happened - losing the WoE is a major blow, in my setup it makes Ezren super-powerful As to the lack of Cancel on the WoE that's obviously as intended. If you could cancel, you could play WoE, roll the dice, cancel, play WoE and loop until you get the roll you want (8, obviously! ). So blocking the cancel is there to prevent an exploit.
  14. I guess my question is: for characters that are forced to take a power that wasn't part of the plan, but had to be taken becuase the planned power wasn't available, will there be a rebuild tool to put it right, or are we stuck going down the path we were forced on? (In some cases it may not matter as it just changes the order that the powers were selected, in other cases it may have triggered a fork in the build)
  15. Welcome back to part II of this wild, wild ride! This is a continuation of http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89924-1143-harpy-monks-at-the-temple-many-many-odd-things-happen-part-i/ Previously in [] Harpy Monks at The Temple: many many odd things happen, Ezren had encountered a Harpy Monk at the Temple but been magically transported to the Mountain Peak to fight a Harpy Monk that we didn't know was there. He used his WoSR to defeat the Harpy Monk, closed Mountain Peak and passed the baton to Seelah. When we left our intrepid party, Seelah had just encountered the Harpy Monk that Ezren thought that he'd just defeated. But no! On with the story! Here's the scene as Seelah uses her Crusader to locate the Harpy Monk You'll notice that - once again - the Wisdom check is failed (yes, it's that lovely "three dice always roll 1s or 2s" effect) and that Ezren has failed his Wisdom check and rejoined the party as has Merisiel. A quick Inspired Grace and possibly a Blessing (remember, only Seelah has had a turn since Ezren had to use a WoSR to defeat the Harpy Monk at... well, wherever it was) and we had our second defeated Harpy Monk in two turns. Awesome And wonder of wonders: we get to close the Temple and put this whole sorry episode behind us
  16. This is similar to http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89898-harpy-monk-temple-location/ Device: BlueStacks emulator OS: Android 5.1 PACG build: Pass & Play: OFF Permadeath: OFF Mode: Story Party Members: Sajan, Ezren, Seelah, Merisiel, Kyra, Valeros Turn Order: per party Scenario: 4.2 Difficulty: Normal Wildcards: N/A Location: Temple Trigger: Harpy Monk I finally got past my Kyra Exorcist Heal Lock (well, I say "got past", I had to delete the party) and started to make progress again, but at least I had some confidence that it wouldn't happen again. Ezren was on his own at the Temple with the intention of dealing with the Harpy Monk that I knew was the only card there, when he encountered a Harpy Monk. I was running low on resources, so rather than waste them I just rolled straight dice for the Wisdom checks (besides, I had Mountain Peaks and Guard Tower? in play so not starting turns in those locations was a good thing). Everyone except Kyra (and Merisiel?) ended up at the Temple. I did try a Blessing on Ezren's check but - as usual when I roll 3 dice - all the dice were 1s or 2s so failed. Unfortunate! At first I thought that there was a bug that didn't allow me to play the Wand of Scorching Ray vs. the Harpy Monks with a failed Wisdom. But then I noticed that I had no dice rather than a D4 A quick VRT fixed that problem fortunately. I can't quite remember what happened next (it was 0230 "last night" and I'm writing this up after 6 hours sleep) but I encountered the map overlaid on location issue that I previously reported from a completely separate instance Nevertheless, I soldiered on. Suddenly, Ezren finds himself at Mountain Peak! (which is where Seelah had been). No Harpy Monk visible, check in progress but clearly still locked out of spells A quick VRT fixed that one, so now we're back in action. Against a Harpy Monk that Ezren encountered at the Temple, but which is now at Mountain Peak! Except that it isn't, but that's where the combat is taking place!!!! As you can see, the WoSR was now available as I'd hoped and - with some assistance from the party - the Harpy Monk defeated. The next surprise was that Ezren was able to close Mountain Peak! Seriously! Check the screenies and note that the Blessing Deck count isn't changing in this entire sequence. Well, that was fun! Only we're not done yet! You remember that most of the rest of that party were at Temple and that the only card present was the Harpy Monk? Well, it was Seelah's turn next and guess what? Yup, Harpy Monk! I'm going to post that as a Part II to this post as I've exceeded my file upload limit for this post (yes, I know about DropBox links). Continue reading at http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/89925-1143-harpy-monks-at-the-temple-many-many-odd-things-happen-part-ii/
  17. I was playing in Story mode and doing my usual checking the status of the locations on the map and flicking around between locations and characters when I was able to take the following screenie: as I said: weird!
  18. Really? It was too hard to fix games that were in progress? Thanks a bunch.
  19. Agreed. Resumed my game at the point at which I was looking at the Continue/Heal buttons, hit Heal and... dead game. So one patch, no change. Clearly, it's not just a bug limited to the functionality of the buttons, there's something else there. Did I hear anyone say "testing"?
  20. Well, we can't have that. Given this response (and assuming a lack of sarcasm) and that the patch preview has been posted for, I guess it'll come out this week some time. Hopefully, 'cos I sure am getting frustrated.
  21. The devs giveth, and the devs hath taken away. Still, watching the game develop since public release has been a ton of fun. Progress is being made, but you always need to watch out for something.... odd to happen. I'd love to see this presented in any other consumer scenario. "Yeah, we know the brakes worked on your car when you bought it, but those engineers, they giveth and they taketh away: we'll issue a recall for an update sometime in the future, good luck with your life and isn't driving these cars fun!?". I know it's a disproportionate matter of scale and impact, but laughing off consumer concerns is a poor business practice (not that OBS have done that), as is atrocious quality control (which OBS absolutely is guilty of)
  22. Well, that presupposes that it was playable at the start. I'd consider that to be debatable. But thank you for trivialising my concerns.
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