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Everything posted by Rhygar

  1. Huh, is this the same game you're talking about
  2. To be honest when I first saw the topic I thought it's going to be something along the line of she's hot etc and the first paragraph didn't disappoint. It's a good laugh though that crowbar thing. Maybe the daughter has the hots for men working with crowbar eh
  3. I'm not so sure about a function that let you reset the whole skills , powers , card feats at your fancy but I'm for an option to let you change that last card feat, skills or power in case the player is misinformed, misinterpreted or just plain screw up his selection. We all have been there .
  4. See pic I'm thinking the +2 difficulty modifier per henchman defeated shouldn't add to the fortitude check for this old lizard .but what would I know really so I'm throwing this out to the gurus.
  5. What that means is, we tried to replicate the issue by playing quest mode multiple times by multiple testers, but we were still able to receive the gold. So the complicated part is that some people may experience this issue, while others may not. Fortunately, for those who have experienced this issue, we can see that there is indeed something happening, which makes things easier to figure out the problem and get it resolved. Hopefully that makes sense. In all honesty that doesn't make any sense to me so maybe I'm just being obtuse. But what's more relevant is the matter at hand and I'm happy to report for two consecutive game in questmode just now I'd got the 200 gold. So whatever had been done on the "backend" to rectify this, is appreciated Thanks Now, if we could get to the matter of the missing 10k gold...
  6. What do you mean by that ? Is what you said applicable to questmode where's it's 100% reproducible on my end ?
  7. I'm not sure why that topic wasn't followed up after 1.03 . And we see lots of repeated posting of topic previously already brought up. It could mean extra work for you to update the list but I think it save you and everyone who bothers to read the pinned thread the time to post and read through countless similar topic of known and acknowledged issues. Sometimes folks just want their concern acknowledged and that it will be worked on, never in the timeframe. That pinned thread can do this for them
  8. Ok looks like there's something inherently bugged with the added dice roll combat modifier be it goblin or at later levels ogre. I'd experienced the case of it conflicting with Ogrekin innate 1d4 and it's then touch n go whether vault reset the frozen interface . I had to forfeit entire game too at times. Clearly something the tech support need to be aware of now if they haven't yet.
  9. For me sometimes it not the checks that's required to beat the bane but the unpreventable nature of the damage they inflict which produced far ranging consequence in tight games especially. Enchanter , unpreventable loss of card twice ! which you can reduce if you happen to draw those cards when you encounter her. At times, clearing my entire hand and encountering her next she takes 2 explores out of my character. No one mentioned the traitor. Unassuming fella but deadly when you realize that ally you lost resulted in you failing to close that location with the last card next or the henchman /villain on next draw. Again, unpreventable loss of ally. Worse if Lini encounter him
  10. Some weeks ago I'd posted this thread here regarding possibility of an obscure bug that can occur due to normal play mechanics but which can be hard to spot when it happened and thus leading to difficulty in pinpointing the source of the problem. I believe the tech support may not yet have caught up to this bug or its low on their priority. There's abit of a lack of response on this matter amidst more varied report of seemingly similar result of cards being banished which may or may not have the same causal factor.(like the reproducible inspired dex thread on here ) It's certainly not game-breaking bad but imo it's probably not a good experience. For the record I'd had several characters experiencing this so it's certainly not character- power specific. Lini lost copies of her cure, ezren lost copies of codex and in the latest development he has managed to lose sidhedron medallion (excuse spelling, but you know it's the loot amulet), an augury, possibly some orb of powers. I imagine players won't be too happy to lose some of that golden loot they can't replace readily without resorting to twinking items between different characters. Fortunately in the latest episode of my self-voyeurism, I manage to record a scenario play through in which the bug re-occurred. 1) in the video, hook mountain hag was despatched by scorching Ray from ezren. 2) necromantic damage take effect.( it's into the mountain scenario in story mode ) 3) after 1d4 was rolled, prompt for discarding card was seen. 4) ezren expanded spellbook power was lighted up and activated. 5)his copy of codex on the far left of his hand winked out of existence without effect at all 6)after ezren turn ended, the next character , which happened to be sajan , has the light effect column going up from his bury pile. This always happened and has been a precursor to me realizing some item is probably lost again. I hope this help you track down this specific bug. For sure though , this couldn't explain how Lini lost her copies of cure. I hope you devote some time to trouble shoot this if it isn't too low on your list of priority. It would be a damn shame to lose some precious card that way. I have a video to it which I could link here if tech support wants to see it.
  11. That's one approach, I guess, but it always strikes me as redundant to give an auto-success item to the person that's already strong in that discipline. Also, if I only go by the closing requirement to place my heroes - often some of them remain useless (or they otherwise risk encountering the henchman and busting the To Close check). So, in my party, Ezren gets the Amulet of Fortitude (and so he has no worries going into Deeper Dungeons if Thassilonian Dungeon is not available), while Harsk get compensated with Crown of Charisma and can merrily stroll into the Prison. Different style I guess . There's some reason I prefer harsk holding it. One being closure both perm and temp is just more significant than losing a heal potion. 2nd being a 8check without any difficulty modifier is still liable for failure even if I always give harsk an extra die with his natural fortitude +2 bonus. So when it comes to something significant I'd like a fail safe option when available. Third of course being harsk has inbuilt ability to recharge that ammy and put it to notable use , such as saving sajan arse , instead of having it on his hand waiting for the right chance to use it or else discard it (which is pure waste to recycle again via healing and then to redraw in what , 12 turns later)This boils down to my style in clean resetting the hand where possible for strategic advantage. I do have to concede maybe the ammy find one or 2 more extra use in a scenario if used in sajan case compared to harsk especially if sajan holds more than one heal pot.but sajan has other means to heal too like ally which doesn't stay there after use.or staff of healing. Also I don't usually have issue with harsk not finding location based in fortitude, well, in the few runs I took that party through story mode. See point 3 he will have a ready use of this item he happens to draw on that turn and he can still readily take out goblins without wasting a card as along with Valero he has the best consistency in making the min check in combat. So he doesn't need charisma boost item too as he usually find a spot in location to do with combat check for closure although last I checked he has it and in truth probably not being used much.
  12. Nice to hear that they alter stuff due to popular demand ! Here's to them fleshing out and fixing up other bits of questmode
  13. Head on to the tech support tavern where it sure you would find many like minded adventurer in sorrow over their own predicament. Me included mind. I'm sure the staff there would do their best to ease your burden if you would care to speak more about it .
  14. So anyone has more ideas how to make our beloved monk that more beast ? I always have time for a good read up on that because I swear the closest he got to beast was the bestial roar he gets from buddy harsk when sajan demanded yet another blessing to save his drink. Very nice tip about having that ammy of fortitude to ease his drinking needs although he would need to "procure" it from, guess who, harsk his best buddy yet again. Because you see harsk like to guard places like deep dungeons to prevent any nefarious villain escaping into it and consider that amulet his particular charm for doing what he does best. I'm not sure how harsk would react to lending that to sajan on top of expending all his arrows and bows to bail his arse out or tossin' his meager blessing so our monk could get drunk again. im sure he has a finer side . Turns out that once , he encountered foul smelling barl - yes what's more stinky than an ogre troll? An undead one - and he had that eureka moment when barl made him pull out all his carefully hoarded blessings after discarding his , of all thing, beloved heal pot. Lost amongst his joyous whoops of glee, as he laid onto what should have probably stayed dead, was the sigh of resignation as his teammates were left counting what's left of their blessing to get him there in the first place. Something I'm sure our sajan didn't pay heed. Regretfully story mode doesn't allow further exploration of his latent glorious potential but I'm sure that maybe just may, there's a Bruce lee trick hidden underneath somewhere . Yeah. Ps: that drunken master trick of pulling an extra card is indeed gold in most situation I guess. unless he's been get blank hand due to one goblin too many perhaps and have none to pull from. *hic*
  15. I'd reported it before too.seems like hag, mountain hag and the ilk that includes war enchanter will easily reproduce this bug if you attempt to aid someone who encounter them with a spell that induce the check. Good spot by nsr as I recalled my case was a force staff on the far right too but may not necessarily mean confirm its always the far right card that gets swapped.
  16. Have you tried going to vault from the screen where it's frozen and return back to the game to reset the interface? Most times it reset the frozen state.
  17. Pm aarik or any technical support staff on these boards. scroll to a post with their reply and click their profile to pm.
  18. At Op , do you know any specific way to produce the banishing effect of cards? This is of great interest to me because I'd encountered it befor but not with inspired dexterity. I believe it's part of a wider problem that will randomly banish a card but I'm not sure how it's being triggered. In story mode in 3-5 I had ezren losing his final codex , the augury spell, and in previous instances , other stuff get lost as well. I don't believe the tech team has a handle on how exactly this is being triggered ( or their priority indeed ) but if they lie to dig into it I can look into t he video I happen to record of my entire proceedings in 3-5.
  19. Out of curiosity is this unscrupulous bug happening on all story mode scenario or just a few ? And does it happen 100% or randomly in those specific scenarios
  20. Thanks for the info on when the bug actually materialize. I simply don't have the info on that certainly. I'm hoping it is useful to the technical support staff to track this. If anyone has not had this happen in questmode at this point , please update too. Thanks
  21. Is anyone looking into the bugged gold credit in questmode? I understand somewhat similar concerns for this replicated in story mode. For what it's worth, I tested legendary 6man at a few scenario , 3-1,3-2,3-5 in story mode and it's all fine and dandy. I actually pocketed the 200gold each time it's handed instead of it being surreptitiously taken away like in questmode. It's 100% chance happening in my questmode. Please kindly look into it technical team.
  22. That particular item isn't rare in terms of spawning in my own experience.Even though there's only one copy of it. Maybe some code that put it a higher %chance to get generated in scenarios for item spots. If you do have many copies of other items though you should technically stand a higher chance to obtain samisen if you salvage away the extra copies of other item
  23. What happen if you get two more orbs in there, does it summons an avatar named Captain Planet ? dont know about Captain Planet, I believe I tried to get 7 orbs of firestorm , lightning etc you name it I got it. Sad to disappoint anyone but the great dragon that grant any wish to mortal failed to materialize. I guess obsidian aren't particular fan of that genre
  24. So in effect you're just saying for gorse sake quit whining ?
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