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Everything posted by HPL_fan

  1. Project slips happen in software. You have to accept it. Also, if having to wait for new content has you this upset, that proves how good the game is. You are chomping at the bit for the next adventure. That's how I feel, but rather than complaining I'm excited. I'd rather wait a little longer while they fix bugs than get a hurried buggy release. The thing that really bugs me is the lack of offline play. I understand there is an argument about the possibility of hackers, but at the end of the day it's about customer experience. I was on a plane for two 6 hour trips recently and couldn't play my favorite game. That was much more of a disappointment to me that waiting for new content. I still am enjoying Quest Mode a lot, so I'm not missing anything.
  2. The gold hack idea seems like a lame reason to me. It is insulting to be assumed to be a criminal on the off chance I might be. I see lack of offline play a big issue for PA. I took my tablet on a trip with a 5+ hour plane ride each way and I couldn't play my favorite game. That was frustrating. All because I'm assumed to be out to screw the developers? My understanding was that this was a short term way to make syncing game data with your account easier. I don't like it, but I can accept that reason at least.
  3. I believe AD3 raised the quest character level cap to 40. I'm no where near that yet, but that's what I remember seeing in the forums.
  4. Yeah, I've noticed as I switch in and out different characters to try them they do tend to level up pretty fast. It's nice not to be hampered by a new character. I haven't seen a lot of downside, really, other than the less cool cards in the characters' hands.
  5. The things that were saved as of the original version of the game are gold, chests and purchases. It might be worth noting for the sake of completeness.
  6. How involved is Paizo in the improvements/content, etc additions? Just curious if they approve things or approve of things. I saw somewhere that quest mode is new to the digital version. I would think if they hadn't already laid out rules for that for the table top version they might want to take a look.
  7. I'd vote for the fortress concept before straight PVP, for what it's worth. One reason I don't generally play multi-player games is that they're usually PVP, and I'm not interested. Having the chance to play a new mode of the game whose content was created by another play would be cool though. Also, the player that created the 'fortress' should get something as well when other other players 'invade' in order to provide motivation for building.
  8. Just curious. I've been finally playing quest mode, and loving it. Part of the reason is that I can move characters in and out of the party as I want without as much negative effects as in story mode. Because of that, the group I regularly play a quest with includes characters from 3rd to 7th level. Is the 'level' of the group used to determine the cards that will be in play based on average character level, the mean, the highest level, the lowest level or some combination thereof? I think AD1 cards become available when a character reaches level 10. For my mixed level party lvl10 will happen for 1 character long before another. Does that benefit the lower level character(s) in the group or hinder the higher level character(s)?
  9. I've been playing PA for a while now (on my second 30 days of daily gold already ) and only recently started playing quest mode now that I have finished all of the available story mode adventures. I am finding the two definitely do play and feel a bit different. Quest mode reminds me much more of my AD&D days - taking a character in and out of discreet scenarios where you didn't know what to expect, and leveling them up to get better stats. Story mode is much more structured - and from my experience much harder. The two share characters and the card vault, but the game mechanics are a bit different and they completely separate experiences. That's why you can't move characters between quests and stories. In story mode you can start a new party, which could include instances of an experienced character, but you can't have the same character (i.e. instance of a character class) in more than one party. You can't grind through quest mode to make story mode easier, which I was originally expecting. You can grind through the same or previous story scenarios though. Not as much variation in story mode grinding, but then you can play new instances of the same character 'classes' in quest mode if you love the party and just want random adventures. The two sets of characters would likely grow different over time, though, given that they'd be fighting different banes and finding different boons. Banes in story mode are set by the adventure and scenario, as are boons (to a large degree). In quest mode you don't have that tie to a story - your 'party' even only exists for the one scenario I think. Because of that cards are tied to character level instead of adventure/scenario. Back in my 1st ed. AD&D days (showing my age here) you could buy/create adventure modules and play them with a DM and a group of players. In the back of the DM's guide there was also a small system for playing solo. Same basic rules but very different experiences. Think of PA story mode like a module/campaign and quest mode like a solo game.
  10. That's generally how I go, but I do get a lot fails that way. In the gameplay video from Obsidian the Dev (I forget his name, sorry) said he just counts 2 for each die. This assumes an almost worst case scenario. If you can can beat or be close to the check with that you'll have a better chance without having to calculate the exact percentage. I've been using that guesstimate for the critical rolls and I haven't had a problem. That said, I may look at using anydice.com so I feel more confident.
  11. Ditto. I never played the boxed game because I don't have time and friends interested in that type of gaming, but I grew up a big RPG/tabletop gamer. I really love being able to play digital versions of these types of games now. Thanks Obsidian for enabling an old geek!
  12. What is the criteria for what can and cannot be salvaged? It's very labor intensive to go through each type of card at each level of card, plus regular vs treasure cards, looking for what can be salvaged. Only when I find something I CAN salvage do I spend the time to decide if I want to, based on the ideas above. Finding those salvageable cards, though, seems to be a lot of tapping just to find a seemingly arbitrary card I can make the decision on.
  13. This game took me a while to really understand. I'm completely sold at this point though. Keep retrying and focus in the short term on collecting better cards. Once you do that for a scenario or two then focus on trying to close locations. That is easier with better character cards. I have to go through that for most scenarios. The trick is...it's fun. Shifting focus to card collection for a scenario or two takes the pressure off of the timer and have fun finding and using new cards.
  14. HAHAHA! I toally agree. I bought a total of 80 chests. After opening 20 I got bored and went back to playing scenarios. It brings up another question, though. If we don't have adventure 5 and 6 content yet wouldn't it be wise to save some of these chests to open after we have that? Otherwise, we have a lesser chance of finding the awesome cards from those not-yet-released sets. Or am I over complicating the idea?
  15. Fyi, i was able to verify that redeeming the 40 chests on my tablet synced that to my phone as advertised. So cool. Going to buy a second 40 chests before time runs out
  16. Sweeeet! One question, though. If I enter the voucher on my phone will I have 40 chests available when I go home and open up the game on my tablet? If I open the chests on one device will those cards be available on both devices? I think the answer is no, but I wanted to check (so I can goof off at work and enjoy opening chests ).
  17. Still blocked on the last day of gold this morning. Just wanted to say thanks for the cloud save - got a chance to try it with a new party in Quest mode and it works great. Big step forward in my opinion.
  18. Much less buggy with the 1.0.3 update now. I do still run into times when I can't seem to do anything but the game is expecting something to be tapped. Usually saving the game and reloading works for me.
  19. The Goblin Enchanter has been driving me nuts. When I run into it with Seoni she initially doesn't get a wisdom roll - all of her spells are locked. I use her spell ability and that gives me the wisdom roll, and then I can cast spells. This might be a bug. The card says you get a wisdom roll to find out if you can use spells or attack trait cards but I don't get to roll that automatically to find out. Just figured out the workaround for this last night. Other than that, the Siren drives me nuts if anyone other than Lini runs into it (in my main party).
  20. This is awesome! I've avoided new parties and quest mode because I didn't want to start from scratch again. Maybe this way I can start a step ahead if I wanted to try the other characters.
  21. I was wondering about this myself. Good to hear I'm not missing something. Not working for me on Android devices, but it sounds like it's because I don't want to start a new party. If quest mode was synced I might play that. I'd rather be able to continue my existing parties though, which are both in story mode. I'll wait for the 1.0.4(?) update to get them synced then. Good news for new players at least.
  22. With hand-crafted scenarios, would they have to be stand-alone scenarios or could you add a requirement to string them together like an adventure? THAT would be huge to me. It would mean enabling user-created adventure paths like a true table top RPG.
  23. I'm having trouble getting my last day of gold. The counter has said for the last couple of days that I have to wait X hours. If I go to the buy gold screen it says I have bought the daily gold and I have 1 day left. I have some credit on Google, so I was going to buy another round of daily gold. I don't want to do that until I have run out this 30-day set to avoid any running totals issues (1 day left + new 30 days might not end up ith 31 days left). I've not only tried closing and reopening the app but restarting my tablet as well.
  24. I generally try to do that. I miss enough closing rolls and battles, though, that early in most scenarios it's clear that I'm going to have to choose. There may still be a chance if all the dice line up for every of the next bazillion rolls, but it's not worth getting frustrated at that point. In that case, rather than forfeiting I 'give up' on winning and just focus on pickup up as many boons as possible - evade every enemy you can, blow all your blessings on good boons, etc. It is a different tactic - one very unlikely to win a scenario. Given how luck based dice games can be, it makes sense to me to find a way to avoid seemingly pointless and frustrating failures by shifting the focus from win to grind. That makes the next attempt more likely to be a win.
  25. I disagree that F2P players won't be interested in the smaller price points. I was. I played just F2P at first. Then I bought the 30 days of gold, and a bit of extra gold because I was really getting into the game and it was cheap. That let me buy a couple of new characters and get a few better items in the vault, as well as the deal on the Burnt Offerings adventure. By the end of that I was hooked. I finally decided I liked the game so much I went ahead and bought the $25 bundle as well. It's such a good deal, and you get promo cards you can't get any other way, that it was still worth it to me after having bought items already. That, to me, is the ideal F2P model. Give me options and let me decide how much I want to spend on the game. I don't understand why that's controversial. If it was a question of pay up front and then pay for more content, like with console games, I would be more upset. Here, you don't have to pay if you don't want to. If you do, you have options on how much you want to buy. Ironically, I agree about the value of the physical game. The reason I love games like Talisman DE and Pathfinder Adventures is that I will never have the time or group of friends (with time) to play my favorite games on the actual table top. The digital versions of these types of games are fantastic for me. I'm kind of like that about books, though. If it's a book I love I want the physical version. If it's a casual interest I read the eBook version since it's more convenient (and often cheaper). Digital is definitely not the same as a physical game. In some cases, though, it's the only option feasible. In this case, Obsidian has done an excellent job of porting the game.
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