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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. I'm not creative either... but I am just trying, and probably wont be winner... all for fun Here lies Adam. Sawyer didn't give him his abby's, They suspected he had rabbies He started to grow fur And in the end even purr. Oh well, they said Now we can work him 8 times more to death
  2. Well, just logged in again, apparently since 50 days or so... And as result lost millions of credits of my mailbox, and many items. I can't even care... I suppose that's a good call I am fatigued of the game.
  3. That... sounds really stupid. You get your message ingame by donating, but most people wont be able to read it? What??? Yeah, hope that's conned. And now that I post, I have to make another contribution Here lies Xyzgrna Necromancer in life. We're glad he never came back alive.
  4. Actually, for that kind of player other games exist... and he has nothing to look for in PoE. There's no need to cather to each gamer, especially if that cheapens the very core of the game in doing so...
  5. Can't speak for others, but for me, personally... It would just cheapen traps way too much. They already don't require active tracking, but are passive observations, no need to further nerf the hell out of them. What use are traps if traps are useless? But I suppose some would like that, since the last "trap thread" I read went the same way, with people tripping over each other to suggest better ways to make traps more worthless in the game, to the point I even posted 'Why add traps to the game at all, if they're designed to be a complete non-issue. I prefer my traps... dangerous. That's what traps are for. If they can't be deactivated, and have to manually walked around, let the player do so. Make them work. Don't give a magical 'ignore traps' button. A shortcut to make the non-disablable trap also trivial for the player to pass. Convience, yes... but gameharming and moodharming in the process if just talking about traps... IMO.
  6. Guess that's the end of the romance
  7. The last few posts (the ones not discussing CRPG's) reminded me; I hate boss-fights. They're... usually more of a chore than actual fun.
  8. Yup, 16P is cakewalk compared to 8P... and rewards you more to boot. No wonder pretty much every pug does it... the only downside being as mentioned getting the people (mostly the healers... for some odd reason tanks are less of a problem here).
  9. Probably not... optimalisation is usually done in the last stages, and only then can precise requirements be given.
  10. No, I'm not doing any VO. We need a dislike button on these forums
  11. Here lied Ray Patrick Greg dying a long painful death, he has been resurrected recently by Obsidian stone. May he prosper in unlife.
  12. Bit surprising we have to tell this to a user here 1 1/2 year with 1300+ posts. Spoilers forums are added after release (not much to spoil till then), has been for all games. BBCCode Mode is so very annoying with quote-editing, I generally have it turned off.
  13. Not sure if still going, but here goes another question. Will PE feature an investigation (side-)quest, and if so will the perpetrator be randomnised so you need to use your brains and wit each time instead of just the first time and then fast-forward next times since replaying these types of quests is usually boring (see also: Knights of the Old Republic I and II's investigations).
  14. Keeping in line with... me... Any funniest bugs you can share with us? Also, are you doing VO here too? (thanks for that btw)
  15. * Well, I can't say I ever send a thief with team, never had that issue (unlike, say, knights of the old republic). * True, but in combat areas that was rare, it usually happened in city or other less combat areas. And more in BG2 than 1, where there was more detail and narrow paths. In BG thus I usually just went along with the whole team, in BG2 the tank *had* the boots of speed, so he always arrived first. I really don't see why the perfect control of IE games needs the feature modern RPG's have just because control is much harder 3D over-the-shoulder...
  16. Why would a sneaking/scouting thief want the whole team on his tail, again? Personally I wouldn't need this in IE-games, and they said they wouldn't have boots of speed like items exactly to prevent issues like above, so that's a non-issue too.
  17. My opinions are already slightly here; http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/65150-close-captioning-for-speech-in-poe/ But yeah, I do agree with the above poster, that there's no need for more than 1 portrait, and the original looks better to me than the 3rd. All about taste really.
  18. The worst is if "hidden" locations of "find x" or hell, even the order of a puzzle(!) are simply questmarked. What kind of search is one that the answer is provided for you? Questmarkers have done some terrible things in RPG's... and many games who allow turning them off still are build around them, so you get no critical information to a location except that icon. 'Go there, I marked it on your map'... :/
  19. I think OE is too "low-profile" for the company murderers... so yeah, thanks for that...
  20. Leonardo DiCaprio is a Russian? Shocking news... Anyway, if Americans on Mexican soil aren't allowed to even keep weapons, how could they have assisted anti-drug compaigns and armed assaults? If so, seems like a violation to me. I'm not giving the Russians a free pass or have double-standards... I just find it really, really odd that the entire world seems to have double-standards, and ignores side A while going all haywire on side B being exactly the same. And things like the electec officials of the Krim being ignored as 'illegitimate' while a coup is 'legitimate'... what point does democracy even have if legitimacy is just the side you want it to be, be damned elections, votes or anything other democratic thing. The entire western world, trying to bring democracy everywhere to all lands beneath them... and then just completely discarding it whenever they feel like it. It's... a rather troubling thing to notice happening. But no-one cares, only about Russia... :/
  21. Well, Obama is a step-up from Bush... but yeah, impeachment wont help since it's not the president that's most rotten, it's the whole government system. When a school full of children is murdered, everyone wants to get more tight on weapons, including the president... it's not done due to the weaponlobby. That's America for you. Until that's dealt with, it doesn't matter who's "president", the country is rotten to the core. Sadly, everyone seem to haul the US as some kind of savior. Even after the spying. The violating of privacy. The constant warmongering, the violating of borders or treaties... nope, they get away with everything :/
  22. Can we atleast move it to the Computer section rather than PoE? Since that was the 'apparent' goal (I'm not really buying it, but sure... let's do)... that should make the argument a lot less heated, more general, etc.
  23. I'm still finding it odd that everyone is super-mad about Russia trying to influence countries... and no-one bats even their eyes with the many times the UN, America, EU etc. do so... in much worse ways than Russia now with Ukrain. Maybe all American troops should get out of Mexico and just leave the drugtraffic go it's natural course, right? Because really, that's about more offensive than what's going on here... why is the world offended?
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