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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. It's not "simple made" :/ It's "that takes no effort to implent* all over again :/
  2. I actually disagree with it. Why make a full portrait if you cut 80% off it on what you see most of the game (the actual HUD rather than the character sheet).
  3. TERRORISTS... or wait... WMD's!
  4. It's been a long time since I posted here... but as tensions heat up, let's read up again I assumed... Where the heck is that money coming from anyway? Yay for me EU spending billions of money to a lost cause. And look at recent reports, Spain and Italy are in problems *yet* again. How odd. Let's throw more billions at them too. That surely solves everything. Also I'm really not surprised or offended by Russia's acting. "You support Russia, we put sanctions! Now you don't, we give $15B." Yeah, no blackmail or forcing one's will there... I know Americans celebrate genocide on the native Indians every year with big feasts. The US and EU think they can force their will on many countries, including (but not limited to) Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Ukrain, Egypt, South Africa, Russia, Brazil. And boohoo if one of those countries dares to defy them. Who's thinking they own the world here?
  5. I'm expecting realtime (stacking up interrupts sounds really silly). The worry of course is... stunlock. Or in this case interuptlock.
  6. Ehm, you are the confused one...? http://www.gog.com/game/planescape_torment is RtwP and the mentioned title... not "Torment" the new kickstarter.
  7. Wall of text, first line speaks of Bethesda, last of MMORPG's being pay-to-win. [Discarded, not read]
  8. We've already had that in the form of "they don't respond to impacts. Animations suck. What the hell is this? *they still have a year *
  9. There's your issue. Don't do that. Use this; http://deadlystream.com/forum/files/file/226-handmaiden-4-females-disciple-4-males-for-tslrcm-181/ instead
  10. Odd, I think the majority here actually likes DA:O. I know I do. But then came DA2, and ME3 (which I still think was a good game with a horrible end, which was miles better than ME2, the romance simulator). DA:O had horrible characters though, but the rest saved it. ME's crew is slightly better, especially in ME1, but got gradually worse due to those "romances". Hence not being too privvy of them since I can actively see what it's inclusion and focus does on games. You really want to save RPG's by making them known like BioWare games for it's sex. No thank you, then I rather stay "obscure", thank you very much. Popularity and aiming for highests crowd, lowest commidator (sp?) already did the RPG enough damage as is. Which you said so yourself too. Then why aim to go more that direct way. IN FACT, you burn down the only company that goes back old school and away from how bad modern RPG's apparently are to you. It makes no sense. Why dislike modern games, then flame the dev making old-school games, because they decided not to include the "cool new thing"... It's like... I don't even know what it's like... Not taking in mind the obvious fact Obsidian is infact CATERING to us; In the form of Project Eternity/Pillars of Eternity. If the devs don't want to appease the ravenous mob, why make a game *just* for them modern graphic whore junkies with "awesome buttons" wont apprectiate? Again, you seem to be rather lost here... Nope, they didn't think it would reach their own self-set level of quality. Twist and turn all you want, that's the only truth there is. There's no conspiracy here. There's nothing we 'forced' them. They just don't believe they can do it themselves. Then again, they were just groundbreaking *IN THEIR OWN GENRE*. And usually still crap. BioShock had a good story? Don't make me LAUGH. But feel free to tell me which games you think in the recent years which were groundbreaking for story or mechanics... Also there's the whole thing of if you have 70 fps, 20 rts, 5 adventure and 5 rpg, which one is more likely to groundbreak. Even if all 5 RPG do, if 6 FPS do, even being part of 70, it's still an overall larger number. Making crap RPG's wont help either. And adding stuff for the sake of 'stuff' instead of having valid reasons makes that much more likely. And aside from outright BAD ideas, there can also be too many GOOD ideas; It's also known sometimes as 'content creep' Which again can harm a game in the process. It's a delicate process. And just hamfisting in something, be it romance, or something else, while being wildly out of place wont do good for RPG's, quite the contrary.
  11. Why? BioWare is giving you all the romance-orgies you need, no? If romance solves everything, why aren't you seeing them as bringing the best RPG's around out?
  12. And yay for that. But apparently *some* people read into that as 'the game will be diablo, they don't care about story.' Read the above... they care. They care a lot.
  13. @ Osvir; And for the x-pack, sequel then? What if you got a hacked up char who didn't progress as the actual gameprogression went "officially"?
  14. You can get it now if you want from the PoE backer portal... https://eternity.obsidian.net/
  15. Path of Exile what? I wonder how many people really associate it with things. And surely more can exist. Think WC3. Do you think WarCraft 3 or Wing Commander III? Or neither?
  16. Yeah, they contacted us... but both me and Zbyl give them very little chance of actually succeeding...
  17. Yes, those pesky concerns like rent and food. There's also the whole "we will finance the x-pack from the profit of PoE". If it's next to none, we will get the worst x-pack ever. It might even be as bad as DLC then. Who wants that? I don't. You do? Hardcore fans bought it on day -500 (give or take)
  18. I have 2 healers (only used in leveling though). The only I do endgame with is DPS. Can't imagine going through grinding gear on another character or doing endgame on multiple chars... it's just... too sucky for that. I don't see how people can do that, or find it fun. Leveling really is the most interesting part for me, and guild runs of operations.
  19. They did. Same could be said for romancers, yet here we talk about them. Personally I find said updates far more interesting than lore, characters or all the stuff I skip so I can get known to them firsttime INGAME. And not go in knowing all the lore inside out but rather from ingame books, descriptions, conversations etc. The moderators are not developers. Trust me (ex-mod here). They read (most) threads. Well, things already came of it, like durability scrapped after outrage. And who knows what ideas they stole here for PoE, the X-pack, or the sequel... we'll just have to see. Where's the money or time for such an implementation. Because, as you might realise, this would DOUBLE the workload (read: costs). Not so much anymore a "simple to add" or "can be done on the side" or "purely optional" if it requires to *double* your companion interactions. That can easily get costly, into the several hundreds of thousands.
  20. Well, I suppose if anyone will post another thread about "we should add amateur VO to PoE" (we had a few) to the result we get out of BioWare here... That'll shut them up. When will we get the veto option from BW delivered?
  21. Glad I seem to be not getting too much of that nonsense... But then again, now I am tired of the game. The most recent additions (GSF and the new FP) were seriously bleh, and rather made me loose interest more than keep it. I suppose GSF being a dissapointment is the major part of that. I looked forward to it, I liked it... but those damn gunships. And then they add minelayers too. Guess it's too much to ask for fun dogfighting
  22. Yeah, that has been reported recently, and already fixed for 1.8.3. Currently the latest release is 1.8.2.
  23. I'm agreeing with BruceVC? What's the world coming to? (And yeah, I really don't have anything more productive to say here)
  24. Guess thinking "modern" crafting is a blight upon cRPG's isn't that blasphemous after all... Makes me wonder why modern games seem to strive more and more to outdo each other with 'better' crafting systems (read; more crap to collect, more crap to make, and worse balance in the crafting/finds department). @ Guard Dog; There's not a single 3D RTS I like. Unless they can make 3D RTS like Red Alert or Age of Empires II, the genre is dead to me.
  25. Oh, THE IRONY. But, do continue on with the conversation...
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