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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. That indeed kind of sucks. First time around I was DS and sided with Talia; only to find out I HAD to keep Kavar alive. Ah well; I killed him in my LS game :D
  2. Didn't the name change to Mistress? And it is no longer on the list; so I guess no... I suspect you can find him/her on another place though "
  3. No, but I can say "Project New Jersey"
  4. I think the is they key here that makes people make topics like this
  5. No; no survey. Might have something to do with my BW (yes; both... if you get what I mean ) account being linked with my ancient no longer active e-mail account though...
  6. My mommy pwns Bastila! If you disagree you stink! "
  7. I am not sure what you mean... so both possibilities; 1) (DEFAULT) C:/program files/lucasArts/Swkotor2/swkotor2.ini 2) ~ (console is invisible!)
  8. If it is .NET related it might be the demo not correctly installs it? Freelancer/MSN and other MS-stuff use .NET so most people have it installed... http://www.microsoft.com/net/default.mspx for more info about that stuff...
  9. Thing I would advice is shutting down one of the cores while playing Kotor2. And yes... Tech forum isn't Technical Support for Kotor2. Still have NO idea why they deleted it... not enough activity? Wouldn't that be great instead of a reason to shut it down?
  10. From the sound of things it fails to write something in the windows registry (the thingie you can summon up with run-Regedit)... And it seems that you are logged in as sub-account into windows and blocked from certain things then. Try logging in as the admin of the PC (no idea how; as I only Have one account and that is the everything allowed one )
  11. As it was explained to me it is because major retailers like Walmart force it upon producers because they MIGHT sell 0.000025% copies less due to ancient PC's who not have DVD-drives (and with that usually the minimum requirements neither). Price of "freedom" I guess Currently playing: Baldur's Gate2: Shadow's of Amn EDIT; what a developer at Gas Powered Games (Dungeon Sieges/Supreme Commander) had to say about it: Actually, it is. The stores' concern is not anything nefarious, it's that folks are picking up DVD versions that don't have DVDs, and then bring them back. The stores don't want to deal with that (rightly so). Plus, the costs they incur in processing returns often then get passed back to the publisher. As you note, not all PCs have DVD drives...even at your place. True, most PCs purchased in the last year or so are only DVD....but that leaves the majority still potentially with CD drives. Yes, they're cheap but most PC users don't want to (a) upgrade and (b) open their machines. They expect it to be a toaster - turn it on, and it works. Since that's exactly how PCs are pitched to consumers, it's hardly their fault if they think that. Who _is_ responsible is the game purchaser, for not noticing the game is DVD - to be fair, often the purchaser (especially this time of year) isn't the PC owner. It's also the publisher for not putting DVD in big neon letters on the box (which would 'ugly' up the box, of course). It's also the stores for not having seperate sections for each (which means less revenue from other items). One could also point to the developer, for using too much content that then requires DVD, I suppose There are stores, of course, that will take either/both versions. It's my understanding that such stores don't make up even a simple majority of software sales (Wal-Mart, K-mart, Target, Costco, Sam's Club et al are the big sellers) though, so by making both versions the publisher runs the risk of operating at a loss. Some games do come in both versions, but this significantly increases costs (don't forget - two boxes pressings too, as well as two duplication systems). For those publishers that release both versions in the same retail market, it's common to put the DVD in the Limited Edition version which is going to have seperate costs anyway. It's a complex situation...but at least DVD drives can read CDs! I didn't say the version I describe was right, I just said that's the retail stores' view. Their view is based on the amount of returns they get, surveys about what their customers have, along with decades-long as well as current sales figures on both PC configurations and DVD drive sales. That's all they have to go on.
  12. Both bugs are mentioned (and answered) in the Technical FAQ on the top here at spoilers' section
  13. Escaped Criminals = Luck Blaster= go to the 2 Bith sellsman. Either work for one (and activate the smuggling quests like the one with the flower you mention) or after agreeing to work for him go to Grenn and get the requirements Batano = As mentioned before; bribe the Czerka people at the dock
  14. If you live in Europe even normal versions come on DVD... Which is a good thing IMO; since I hate disk-swapping...
  15. NO... just NO. And where is the "modern" NWN2 footage?
  16. No, stability is fine with both. Just the scripted thingies. Haven't used BGTutu myself (moved on to BG2 anyways); more bothersome are some unfinished quests... dialog errors and such; and ofcourse disappearing NPC's who then cannot give their quest reward EDIT; just as reference (for BG2) see the huge fixlist of this fan-patch http://www.baldurdash.org/ToB/Fixes/TOBfixes.html Most I haven't noticed due to not using item/NPC and because I am not that far in the game... but wow...
  17. After installing ToSC, patch for it AND a fan-patch BG1 is still riddled with bugs (Don't say you never saw your desktop after entering a house in Baldur's Gate for example... or tell me where you found the body of some guy at the Ankhegs north of Baldur's Gate... not that there ARE any there " ) BG2 does it a better; though...
  18. I liked it, even though I managed to get hopelessly stuck even when using a walkthrough
  19. In an awfull low-resolution... And with that annoying tag above it
  20. It's even easier than that... EnableScreenshots=1 in the *.ini Atleast that is how I made mine posted over at http://www.crimsonkeep.com/kotor2
  21. Are you sure? Your bugs have BG1/BG2 (fully patched) written all over them... (Yes, I am replaying those 2 due to having obtained the DVD-collection) And are WAY less worse than; let's say... Kotor2...
  22. Only a fanmade fixpack... And another DS2;
  23. I have a feeling it is going pretty bad...
  24. There is only one route (the fireball grenade that lays with the blade is quite... eh... not usefull )
  25. Yes. Quite odd that despite I am not that much of a RPG-fan the 2 forums I hang around are for RPG's. Guess I like talking to sane adult people more than teenage kids over at FPS forums (or atleast so it looks from the posting style). See it as a compliment to yourself And as for NWN2's post-release: UT2K4 got pretty lot of post release-support and is an Atari game (6 patches and 2 bonus packs?). Was that paid by Epic themselves, anyone knows? Edit; I wasn't talking to the person beneath "
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