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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Go to the Jekk Jekk Tar... do you notice cutscenes playing going to there?
  2. NWN2 Dungeon Siege2 Broken World Supreme Commander (maybe) UT2K7 That's about it...
  3. FAILURE The oblivious does not seem to capture the obvious... even if it IS obvious and altered to make it even more obvious... *summon Hades* We can only counter this by adding in it's own kind...
  4. But there was already a release for both platforms planned and the game is made to fit consoles already. And even THEN it needed 2 seperate UI's to work. Just tell me how to do spellcasting like NWN2 has on a console... (pausing and then arrowing the hitzone?); the usage of quick items; an inventory like BG2; and all the other fun things that make PC games fun (and far more complex)...
  5. Just click the given link... how it works is all in the readme with the mod...
  6. Why did you do such a thing? Giving in to your feelings over such a small matter. They would be better served elsewhere. Very well. But mind what I have said. Use your power, but in its proper place. And what would you rather do?{Teacher Mode}The Force binds all things. The smallest push, the smallest touch, sends echoes throughout life. These acts of cruelty may have more severe repercussions than you know... or can see. Indeed? Listen - feel the echo. Cruelty leads to suffering. And when one suffers, it is the way of life to spread suffering. The suffering within builds, until its sound is all one hears. And when a kindness is offered, it is punished.And a greater darkness is served. From one act can come tremendous power, when the echo has traveled as far as it can. Send a great echo, and power will come to you. The day shall come when you can test your strength, I promise you.
  7. Dialog.TLK I suspect "
  8. Install 1.0B Then hope over to TeamGizka to find some fixes... (especially for 1.0B)
  9. Ofcourse the entire MP/mod etc. stuff should be scrapped and the controls SEVERLY altered... and the graphics tomed down etc. etc. etc. PC only seems valid
  10. Yeah, we had that. But the mods decided it was clever to delete it (including all the threads in them; who could with a proper search help ALOT already) <_<
  11. Could you (guys?) take this to one of the many hottest SW-woman threads and keep it out of the TSLRP thread; PLEASE?
  12. Open SWKotor2.ini found in the map where you installed Kotor2. There find [Graphics Options] and add the line Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1
  13. Just install it... The dialogue is freely available (no extracting needed) from INSTALL LOCATION/StreamVoice
  14. 9100 and 9200 are too; you notice that they pass the test on the "Video Card"...
  15. Not true... The Radeon 8500 is comparable to a GeForce3... and I RAN Kotor2 once with a GeForce2... So; yes; they ARE good enough...
  16. Pretty odd... Running 1.0B? (not that I normally advise people to patch up; but it (might) help here) Stumped...
  17. If you ever had a Nvidia card (which I suspect you did) that means there are still driver leftovers from that card. Delete ALL card-drivers (of the old Nvidia and the current ATi) and then re-install the ATi drivers...
  18. OpenGL seems fine there...try downgrading to a lower version (but still above 6). Otherwise can you see in the ATi Control Center what driver version it displays there...?
  19. Link does not work...
  20. 1) Catalyst (seem) to have a nasty habit of not overwriting. Making sure you run the Catalyst uninstaller before installing the new ones 2) Try an older version (like 6.3)
  21. Always been for legal abortion (even for "normal" children) and legalised euthanasia myself. What would be the crime in controlling your own life... and since (in abortions case) the child has not yet been fully developed it is no "killing" anyways; and it only saves it from being treated as thrash by parents (if they wanted the kid they wouldn't do abortion; if they wanted to do abortion; the kid has a small chance of actually getting raised well)?
  22. Currently playing (still) BG1 Current location: Durlag's Tower...
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